
  1. 海峡两岸幼儿园开展中国传统节日教育活动比较研究

    Comparing Study on the Cross-strait Kindergarten 's Traditional Festival Pedagogical Activity

  2. 许多中国传统节日都与古代民间传说有关。

    Many of the traditional Chinese holidays are associated with ancient folklore .

  3. 令人担忧的是,中国传统节日面临尴尬的境地。

    Worryingly , Chinese traditional festivals face an embarrassing situation .

  4. 论西方文化冲击下中国传统节日的回归

    The Return of Chinese Traditional Festivals Under the shock of Western Culture

  5. 同时,中国传统节日相对降温。

    At the same time , China traditional festival relative temperature decrease .

  6. 中国传统节日体育的功能及发展趋势

    Developmental Trend and Function of Sports in Chinese Traditional Festival

  7. 设计灵感取自中国传统节日“中秋节”。

    Design inspiration comes from traditional Chinese festivals " Mid-Autumn festival " .

  8. 我不知道你们是否了解了这个中国传统节日。

    I wonder if you understand this Chinese traditional festival .

  9. 两岸仅在中国传统节日期间允许有限的直航包机。

    The two sides have only limited non-stop charters during some Chinese holidays .

  10. 中国传统节日习俗的文化溯源&以常州为例

    China 's Traditional Festivals and Cultural Practices Traceable : as an Example to Changzhou

  11. 中国传统节日文化的符号学解读&兼谈节日文化的跨文化传播

    Chinese Traditional Festivals and the Interpretation from Semiotics-On the Festival Cultures in Cross-cultural Communication

  12. 中国传统节日的商业化运作研究

    A Research on Commercialization of Traditional Chinese Festivals

  13. 唯物史观视域下中国传统节日文化研究

    Study on the Culture of Chinese Traditional Festival from the Angle of Marxist Historical Materialism

  14. 中国传统节日的审美解读

    Aesthetic Reading of Traditional Chinese Festivals

  15. 文化翻译观指导下的中国传统节日及民俗文化英译

    Study on C-E Translation of Traditional Chinese Festivals and the Related Folk Culture-A Cultural Translation Perspective

  16. 中国传统节日历史悠久,是一种展示民族文化整体面貌的文化实践活动。

    Chinese traditional festivals with a long history are cultural practice showcasing our national cultural panorama .

  17. 今天又适逢中国传统节日中秋节。

    It is so happened that today is also a traditional festival in China , that is Mid-Autumn Day .

  18. 他们担心人们,尤其是年轻人,对于中国传统节日的热情会逐渐降温。

    They fear that passion toward traditional Chinese holidays , particularly among young people , will slowly fade out .

  19. 不过,问题也就在这:要如何将文具用来表达出中国传统节日的理念。

    Here comes the problem : How to use the stationery to express the concept of traditional Chinese festivals .

  20. 中国传统节日作为中国传统文化的重要元素,承载了伟大的民族精神。

    Chinese traditional festivals , as a kind of important element of traditional Chinese culture , convey our national spirit .

  21. 在现代社会背景下,为重构中国传统节日文化提出了一条现实途径。

    Finally it finds a good road to reconstruct the culture of Chinese traditional festivals in the background of modern society .

  22. 在中国传统节日与信仰民俗中,中秋节与月崇拜是值得深入研究的课题。

    In traditional Chinese festivals and folk beliefs , the Mid-Autumn festival and the worship of moon are worth further study .

  23. 最后,文章指出节令诗的发展趋势,并为中国传统节日和节令诗的继承与发展提出建议。

    At the end , it indicates the new development orientation of " Jieling " poetry , and gives several suggestions .

  24. 春节是中国传统节日中最为重要的一个节日,拥有丰富的春节习俗,具有明显的地域性特征。

    Spring festival which has rich custom and typical regional feature is one of the most important traditional festivals in China .

  25. 其次,文章寻本逐源,介绍了中国传统节日的由来及发展,分析了中国传统节日的文化内涵和社会功能。

    Second , it presents the origin of Chinese traditional festival and development , and it 's culture connotation and social function .

  26. 2011年01月24日纽约侨胞近日举办首届春节晚会,庆祝中国传统节日春节。

    2011-01-24 Chinese in New York gathered at the First Chinese New Year Gala here to celebrate the traditional Chinese Spring Festival .

  27. 唐宋时代,中国传统节日完成了历史上的第二次整合,节日中娱乐成分开始占据主导地位。

    In the Tang and Song periods , traditional Chinese festivals underwent a second transformation with elements of entertainment increasingly dominating them .

  28. 中国传统节日作为中华传统文化中的重要组成部分和表现形态,千百年来绵延不绝,历久弥新。

    With a history of hundreds of years , traditional festivals of china as the crucial content of traditional culture still retain charming .

  29. 数千年的发展进程使中国传统节日充分展现了中国传统文化的深厚内涵和民族精神。

    The development process of three thousand years of traditional Chinese festivals fully demonstrates the deep meaning of traditional Chinese culture and national spirit .

  30. 重阳节适逢农历九月初九,它是流行的中国传统节日之一。

    Double Ninth Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month , it is one of the popular traditional Chinese festivals .