
  • 网络chuo university;Chung-ang University;ncu;Central University;Centro Escolar University
  1. 台湾国立中央大学(NationalCentralUniversity)的研究员对水库蓄水进行了首份详尽的全球评估。

    Researchers at Taiwan 's National Central University carried out the first comprehensive global assessment of water held in reservoirs .

  2. 历史最久的大学是委内瑞拉中央大学(centraluniversityofvenezuela),在加拉加斯。

    The best-known and oldest university was the Central University of Venezuela , in Caracas .

  3. 承认他在MITOCW所找到的一些概念,或许也能从委内瑞拉中央大学图书馆(书籍或期刊中)找到。

    Morales acknowledges that some of the same ideas he has found on MIT OCW are probably also available in the Central University library , in books or journals .

  4. 东京中央大学(ChuoUniversity)政策研究教授斯蒂芬·里德(StephenReed)表示,桥下彻政党的影响力集中于大阪附近,在这里该党赢得了当地政府的领导权以及议会选举。

    His party 's strength is concentrated in Osaka , where it has an organisation that has won local leadership and assembly elections , says Stephen Reed , professor of policy studies at Chuo University in Tokyo .

  5. 1942年任中央大学农学院院长。

    Appointed dean of Agricultural College , National Central University in1942 .

  6. 1949年8月8日,由国_立中央大学更名为国立南京大学;

    On August 81949 , the National Central University was renamed National Nanjing University .

  7. 学科规训视野中近代中国心理学学科的发展&以中央大学心理学系为例

    On the Development of the Psychology in Modern China from The Perspective of Disciplinarity

  8. 美国作物品种改良技术在近代中国的引进与利用&以金陵大学农学院、中央大学农学院为中心的研究

    The Introduction and Utilization of the Improved Technology of American Crop Varieties in Modern China

  9. 欢迎来到中央大学。

    Well welcome to Central University .

  10. 欧中和康州州立中央大学一直有着良好的关系。

    For many years now Central Connecticut State University and Ouyang Yu have had a good relationship .

  11. 佛罗里达中央大学最近一项研究得出的结论是根本不能。

    In a word , " No , " according to a recent University of Central Florida study .

  12. 这引导他回到家乡进入委内瑞拉中央大学「非破坏性测试」硕士班。

    This led him back home , to a master 's program at Central University of Venezuela in non-destructive testing .

  13. 此后,政治与学术之间的中央大学校长人选标准成为朝野分歧的焦点,桂崇基、任鸿隽、段锡朋先后被政府任命。

    Then , political or learning standard of Central University president became the central issue controverted by the government and the public .

  14. 这份成绩单由佛罗里达中央大学体育多样性及道德研究所发布,由里查德·莱普奇克参与撰写。

    Richard Lapchick co-wrote the report card released by the University of Central Florida 's Institute for Diversity & Ethics in Sport .

  15. 中央大学的名称的确立更多地是学生推动的结果。

    The name change from " the Southeast University " to " the Central University " was rather the effort of the students .

  16. 在这一过程中,中央大学与中央政府、江苏地方政府之间,围绕经费进行了明争暗斗。

    In the process , the strife about funds happened among the Central University , the central government and the Jiangsu local government .

  17. 早年就读于南京中央大学实验学校、成都航空机械学校、四川大学文学院。

    He studied in Experimental School of Nanjing Central University , Chengdu Aeronautical and Mechanical School and Faculty of Arts of Sichuan University .

  18. 1927年徐悲鸿学成回国,以南国艺术社和当时的国立中央大学为基地,展开了他的以写实思想改良中国绘画的伟大实践,在三十年代的中国有着独特的表现。

    He went back to China in 1927.From then on , he began to put his idea of reforming Chinese old painting into practice .

  19. 抗战时期的国家与大学政治文化:中央大学易长研究

    The Relationship between the Country and its Political Culture during the Anti-Japanese War Period : Probing into the change of presidents of Central University

  20. 从校训校歌探索高校办学的理念与启示&以西南联大、中央大学为例

    To Explore the Concept and Inspiration from School Motto and School Song & take the National Southwest Associated University and the Central University as examples

  21. 我叫麦可琼斯,我有州立中央大学的语言学位,已经教五年书了。

    My name 's Michael Jones and I have a degree in linguistics from central state university . I 've taught English for five years .

  22. 名人、民权活动人士和政治家与弗洛伊德家人一起悼念乔治·弗洛伊德。他们参加了在明尼阿波利斯北中央大学举行的追悼会。

    Celebrities , civil rights activists and politicians have joined the Floyd family in They attended his memorial service at North Central University in Minneapolis .

  23. 《时代公论》是以南京中央大学教授为主体撰稿者,于1932年创办的周刊。

    《 Public opinion of the times 》 was a weekly magazine established in 1932 , with professors from Nanjing Center University as its main editor .

  24. 1967年,她获得韩国中央大学授予的荣誉文学博士学位,以及位于旧金山的林肯大学授予的荣誉学位。

    She received an honorary Doctor of Literature Degree from Chungang in Seoul , Korea in1967 , and an honorary degree at Lincoln University in San Francisco .

  25. 国立中央大学教育学院艺术专修科的西画教学,体现出以写实主义为主旨的美术教育思想。

    Western painting teams of the Art Major of the Education Department of National Central University has reflected the art education thought with the gist of realism .

  26. 本周邀请中央大学历史系教授戴宝村执笔畅谈这位台湾历史中的传奇人物。

    This week , we have invited Professor Tai Pao-tsun from the history department at National Central University to tell us about this legendary figure in Taiwanese history .

  27. 1933年回国,曾任浙江大学副教授,中央大学、江南大学教授兼农艺系主任。

    He returned back home in 1933 and has been an associate professor in Zhejiang University , professor and dean of agriculture department of Central University and Jiangnan University .

  28. 陈德怀教授现任台湾中央大学网络学习科技研究所所长。

    Chen is the Director of Science and Technology for Learning and the Chair and Professor of the Graduate Institute of Network Learning Technology at the National Central University of Taiwan .

  29. 1902年创建以来,她先后经历三江师范学堂、两江师范学堂、南京高等师范学校、国_立东南大学、第四中山大学、国立中央大学等时期;

    The University dates back to 1902 when Sanjiang Normal School was founded , and then evolved as Liangjiang Normal School , Nanjing Higher Normal School , National Southeast University , the Fourth Zhongshan University , and National Central University .

  30. 同年,张钰哲去了美国。1925年张钰哲进人芝加哥大学,1929年获博士学位,同年回国到中央大学任教。

    That same year he went to the United States and in 1925 entered the University of Chicago and got his Ph. D. in 1929 . That same year he returned to China and took up a teaching post at National Central University .