
zhōnɡ cénɡ ɡàn bù
  • middle level/middle-ranking cadres
  • middle-level cadres
中层干部 [zhōng céng gàn bù]
  • [middle-level cadres] 指机构、组织、阶层等在中间的一层或几层负责的干部

  1. 公路工程企业中层干部的P职能行为(完成团体工作目标的职能行为)和M职能行为(维系和强化团体的职能行为)均显著高于中国和日本企业界常模。

    P behavior and M behavior of middle leaders in high-way engineering enterprise are significantly better than that of the normal of China and Japan .

  2. 1999年,英国外交部求助于英国的阿什里奇管理学院(Ashridge)来培训大批的中层干部。

    In 1999 the FCO turned to Ashridge in the UK to train swaths of its middle managers .

  3. 高校中层干部的安全责任与技能

    Secure Responsibility And Skill of Middle - Level Cadres of Universities

  4. 对高校中层干部做好德育工作的若干思考

    The Thoughts for Moral-education of Middle - class Cadre in College

  5. 提升高校中层干部队伍综合素质研究

    Study on Comprehensive Quality Promotion of Middle-level Cadres Group in University

  6. 对医院职能部门中层干部综合评价体系的探索

    Exploration of an evaluation system for leaders of functional department in hospital

  7. 医院中层干部是医院各项事业发展的骨干力量。

    Middle - lever cadre is the main power of hospital development .

  8. 关于高职学院中层干部执行力的认识和思考

    Thoughts on the Middle-rank Cadres ' Implementation of the Higher Vocational College

  9. 高校中层干部选任机制的创新与实践

    The innovation and practice in selection mechanism for mid-level cadres in Colleges

  10. 实行中层干部聘任合同制管理模式的探索与实践

    On Exploration and Practice of the Model of Managing Middle-level Carders with Contracts

  11. 忽如一夜春风来&宜昌机床集团公开招聘中层干部

    Yichang Machine Tool Croup Advertised for Middle-Level Cadres Openly

  12. 科学构建高校中层干部绩效考核机制的思考

    Thinking on Scientifically Construction of Performance Evaluation System for Middle-level Cadres in University

  13. 试论高校中层干部的角色

    Role of Middle-level Cadres in Colleges and Universities

  14. 高校中层干部届中考核方法初探

    Primary Exploration of Checking and Evaluation Method of Middle-level Cadres in Tenure in Colleges

  15. 高校推进干部人事制度改革,重在中层干部“能上能下”。

    College reform of leadership system depends on the transferability of its mid-rank leaders .

  16. 中层干部的管理素质如何,对医院改革与发展关系极大。

    Their abilities of management will affect the development and reformation of hospital greatly .

  17. 第六,完善中层干部的岗位责任制和中层干部的管理制度。第七,处理好中层干部与分管领导的关系;

    Sixth , perfect the systems of pasts and management of the middle-level cadres .

  18. 基于大爱育人组织文化的学校中层干部考评体系的构建

    Construction of Middle-level Management Cadre Testing and Assessing System Based on Education with Humanistic Love

  19. 论高校中层干部应具备的素质和能力

    On the qualities and abilities required of middle - ranked cadres in universities and Colleges

  20. 基于多准则群决策的高校中层干部考核实证研究

    An empirical study on the assessment system for university middle-level official based on mutil-criterion group decision-making

  21. 做好高校中层干部竞争上岗工作的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration for Doing Well in Middle-level Cadres Competitive Work at Institutes of Higher Learning

  22. 高校中层干部绩效评价体系构建研究

    On the Development of the Performance Appraisal System for Assessing Middle-level Cadre in Higher Education Institutions

  23. 地方供电企业中层干部考评体系构建研究

    Research on the Construction of Performance Evaluation System of Middle-level Cadres of Local Power Supply Company

  24. 加强中层干部队伍建设是一项长期的、艰巨的工作。

    It is hard and time-consuming work to strengthen the construction of Middle-level cadres group in colleges .

  25. 学校中层干部的执行力就是学校中层干部把学校既定战略、方针变成现实的能力。

    The execution of school middle-level cadres is the ability to transfer the strategies and policies to reality .

  26. 加强党的执政能力,努力提高高校中层干部的综合素质

    Strengthening CCP 's Administrative Ability , Striving to Improve the Synthesis Quality of the Middle-level Rankings in Universities

  27. 绩效管理认知对高校中层干部敬业度影响实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Effect of Perceptions of Performance Management on the Engagement of Middle Manager of University

  28. 第五,强化中层干部的素质,加强中层干部自身修养,提高中层干部管理水平。

    Fifth , strengthen the quality and the accomplishment of middle-level cadres and improve the standard of the management .

  29. 他是单位的中层干部,却推掉了所有应酬,尽力在家里陪我。

    He was a middle-level cadre but turned down all social engagements to stay together with me at home .

  30. 高校中层干部是高校各项工作的核心,是决定高校管理水平和办学效益的关键。

    The middle management cadre of the university decides the level of university management and the benefits of school .