
  • 网络Chinese tourists;chinese visitors
  1. 该国对中国游客实行免签。

    Chinese tourists are endowed with visa-free travel to this country .

  2. 中国游客到日本购买高价大米并非大众行为。

    Buying high-priced rice is not a common practice among Chinese tourists in Japan .

  3. 中国游客对巴黎拥挤的地铁感到遗憾。

    Chinese visitors feel sorry about the crowded subway in Paris .

  4. 西方媒体则把中国游客描述为“行走的钱包”。

    They are described by Western media as " walking wallets " .

  5. 日本和韩国都将中国游客视为经济增长的主要动力。

    Both Japan and South Korea see Chinese tourists as a major powerhouse to drive up their economies .

  6. 美国海关及边境保卫局官员建议,要求中国游客提交他们在推特、脸书等社交媒体的用户名及其他身份资料。

    US Customs and Border Protection officials are proposing to ask Chinese visitors to disclose their social media " handles " or other identifiers on common social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook .

  7. 斩获头奖的“爆买”成为近来日本媒体上的高频词,形容大批中国游客乘巴士抵达东京购物区免税店、狂买电饭锅和高科技马桶盖等商品的行为。

    The top winning phrase , " Bakugai , " frequently appears on Japanese media in recent days , after busloads of Chinese travelers arrived at duty-free stores in Tokyo 's shopping districts , purchasing items including rice cookers and high-tech2 toilet seats .

  8. 如今,中国游客涌向对香榭丽舍大街的路易威登(LV)。

    Today , Chinese tourists flock to Louis Vuitton on the Champs Elys é es .

  9. 贸易组织奢华伦敦(LondonLuxuryQuarter)的董事长马克•亨德森(MarkHenderson)表示:中国游客对英国品牌至关重要。

    Chinese tourism is vital to Brand Britain , says Mark Henderson , chairman of the London Luxury Quarter , a trade body .

  10. 这对今年都已经66岁的夫妻共买了12件Polo衫,这在中国游客中还算是少的。

    The couple , both 66 , bought 12 polo shirts & a relatively modest haul .

  11. 赴韩国旅游人数也同样飙涨,根据韩国旅游发展局(KoreaTourismOrganisation)的数据,上月赴韩旅游的中国游客人数达到516787人,同比增长58%。

    Mainlanders " visits to South Korea also soared , up 58 per cent to 516787 last month against the year before , according to the Korea Tourism Organisation .

  12. 来自英国旅游局(VisitBritain)的数据显示,2012年英国总共接待了17.9万名中国游客,这些游客在英国的消费总额高达3亿英镑。

    In 2012 , the UK played host to 179,000 Chinese visitors , who spent a total of & # 163 ; 300m , according to figures from Visit Britain .

  13. 日本国家旅游局(JapanNationalTouristOrganisation)今年初表示,前往日本旅游的中国游客数量增长迅速,去年达到140万人,较2009年的100万出头有明显增长。

    The number of Chinese tourists visiting Japan has been rising rapidly , and increased to1.4m last year from just over1m in2009 , the Japan National Tourist Organisation said earlier this year .

  14. 游轮产业动向监测者称对于中国游客来说更重要的还有VIP项目,他们想要在演出时坐在第一排并且想要在船上获得独一无二的私人体验。

    Cruise industry watchers also say VIP programmes are more important among Sino-travellers , who want prime seating for shows and one-of-a-kind , private experiences on board .

  15. 据免税购物公司GlobalRefund统计,在法国,占游客总数不到2%的中国游客消费了15%的奢侈品。

    According to Global Refund , a company specializing in tax-free shopping for tourists , the Chinese account for 15 % of all luxury items purchased in France but less than 2 % of its visitors .

  16. 据Garcia说,吸引中国游客的是新奥尔良的主要特色——狂欢节主题派对。

    One thing Chinese tourists love , according to Garcia , is a New Orleans staple , Mardi Gras themed parties .

  17. 联合国世界旅游组织(UnitedNationsWorldTourismOrganization)的最近数据显示,中国游客2012年出境游支出跃居全球首位,达到1020亿美元,较2011年增加40%。

    Chinese tourists became the world 's biggest travel spenders in 2012 , when outlays on outbound travel swelled to $ 102 billion , up 40 % from 2011 , according to the most recent annual figures from the United Nations World Tourism Organization .

  18. 根据英国旅游局(VisitBritain)2010年计算的数据,中国游客的假日支出高达全球平均水平的三倍,每次出行平均花费1677英镑,这使得他们尤其具有价值。

    Chinese tourists are particularly valuable given that their holiday spending is three times the global average , with an outlay of £ 1,677 each per visit , according to 2010 figures from Visit Britain , the national tourism agency .

  19. 上月,英国文化大臣杰里米亨特(JeremyHunt)公布了一项800万英镑的营销战略,旨在到2015年将访英中国游客数量增至目前水平的三倍。

    Last month , Jeremy Hunt , the culture secretary , announced an £ 8m marketing strategy to treble the number of Chinese visitors to the UK by 2015 .

  20. 在缅甸曼德勒山的SuTaungPyar宝塔,一名中国游客做清洗的祈祷仪式。

    At Mandalay Hill 's Su Taung Pyar Pagoda , a Chinese visitor makes a ritual cleansing prayer .

  21. 为了简化程序,英国内政大臣特雷莎梅(TheresaMay)去年夏天宣布,中国游客将可使用同一网站申请英国签证和申根签证。

    In an effort to streamline the process , Theresa May , home secretary , announced last summer that Chinese tourists would be permitted to use the same website to apply for both a British and a Schengen visa .

  22. 与澳大利亚很多小型旅游公司一样,位于昆士兰黄金海岸的JetSkiSafaris公司遇到了一个问题:它没有做好迎接富有的中国游客的准备。

    Like many small tourism businesses across Australia , Jet Ski Safaris on Queensland 's Gold Coast has a problem - it 's not set up to deal with wealthy Chinese visitors .

  23. 代表团声称,比起申根签证(Schengenvisa)&这种签证允许获得者进入欧洲其他26国,官僚化的英国签证申请程序让许多中国游客怯步,让英国经济失去几十亿英镑的消费力。

    Delegates claim the bureaucratic application for UK visas , compared with the Schengen visa which grants access to 26 other European countries , is discouraging Chinese tourists and starving the UK economy of billions of pounds of spending power .

  24. 钻石手表专营商Backes&Strauss并未将其营销重心放在中国游客上,但它颇为关注签证政策的变化。

    Backes & Strauss , a diamond watch specialist , has not yet focused its marketing on Chinese visitors . But it awaits visa changes with interest .

  25. 根据纽约旅游促进机构NYC&Company的数据,从2010年到2013年,来纽约的中国游客跳增182%,纽约成为赴美中国游客的第二大目的地,仅次于洛杉矶。

    The number of Chinese visitors to the city jumped 182 percent from 2010 to 2013 , according to NYC & Company , the city 's tourism marketing agency , and New York ranks second as a destination for Chinese travelers in the United States , after Los Angeles .

  26. 花旗集团(Citigroup)常驻香港的航空业分析师迈克尔贝尔(MichaelBeer)表示,去年发生的几起致命空难——马来西亚航空公司(MalaysiaAirlines)的MH370航班和MH17航班,以及亚航印尼(AirAsiaIndonesia)的QZ8501航班——使中国游客有点不敢前往东南亚。

    Michael Beer , an aviation analyst at Citigroup in Hong Kong , said that the deadly crashes last year involving Malaysia Airlines " flights MH370 and MH17 and AirAsia Indonesia 's QZ8501 had shaken Chinese tourists " confidence in travelling to the region .

  27. 中国游客为了省钱还住远离市区的酒店里。“中国游客选择来巴黎旅游,是为了体验其独特魅力、购买名家设计产品,了解这个因哲学家和大革命而著名的国家”,“IDTravelPro”旅行社老板说道。

    Bargain-seeking Chinese tour operators werealso booking hotels in Paris'northern suburbs . " Chinese tourists are attracted to Paris by the glamour , by thedesire to buy designer brands , by an image of France as acountry of philosophers and revolution , " said Shi , who runs his own travel agency , ID Travel Pro .

  28. 优步(Uber)与支付宝(Alipay)达成一项协议,允许中国游客在海外使用支付宝叫优步的车并付款。这家美国叫车服务公司试图在竞争激烈的中国市场建立一项新的优势。

    Uber has struck a deal with Alipay that will allow Chinese travellers to use the online payments platform to request and pay for rides overseas , as the US ride-hailing company seeks a fresh edge in the highly competitive Chinese market .

  29. 访问英国和欧洲的中国游客必须申请两个签证:一个是可以游览26个欧洲国家的申根签证(Schengen),另一个是入境英国所需的单独签证。

    Chinese visitors to the UK and Europe are obliged to apply for two visas : one to visit 26 countries in Europe - known as a Schengen visa - and a second , separate visa for UK entry .

  30. Airbnb在其博客上发表声明,说在过去一年,中国游客境外订房服务飙升了700%,成为该公司“境外订房”领域增长最快的市场。

    In a statement on its blog , Airbnb said outbound bookings from Chinese tourists had risen 700 percent during the past year , making it the company 's fastest-growing market of customers booking stays outside their home country .