
wài huì duì huàn
  • Foreign exchange;money-exchanging
  1. 昨天,外汇兑换率下降到了一个较低的点位上。

    The international exchange rate dipped to alow point yesterday .

  2. (θ,n)对手策略下的双方向外汇兑换问题及其竞争策略分析

    Competitive Analysis on Two-way Trading Problem in Foreign Exchange Transactions with (θ, n ) Adversary

  3. 最后,论文对一个基于Agent的数据挖掘在外汇兑换系统中的实现模型作了分析。

    In the end , we analyzed an applied model based on Agent , which used in the foreign exchange system .

  4. 每个季度在QAD中维护外汇兑换比率。

    Maintain foreign currency exchange rate on quarterly basis in QAD .

  5. 这是不正确的外汇兑换。

    This is not true of the foreign exchange currency .

  6. 请按这位职员说的填写外汇兑换单。

    Please fill in the exchange menu as the clerk tells you .

  7. 外汇兑换台在二楼。

    The foreign exchange counter is on the second floor .

  8. 在线单方向外汇兑换问题研究

    On Online One - Way Foreign Currency Trading Problem

  9. 外汇兑换率似乎每天都在上下波动。

    It seems the exchange rate fluctuates almost daily .

  10. 不知能否告诉我一些外汇兑换率的消息。

    I wonder if you can give me some information about foreign exchange rates .

  11. 我建议您先取得外汇兑换管理局的许可。

    I suggest ( that ) you obtain approval from Foreign Exchange Control Bureau first .

  12. 这里是外汇兑换柜台吗?

    Is this the foreign exchange counter ?

  13. 同时,兑换时,及进行外汇兑换时,德国克马急剧贬值。

    Meanwhile , on the exchanges , on the foreignexchanges , the drachma depreciates sharply .

  14. 我们应该把这点钱存起来,以备外汇兑换率有变化时使用。

    We must save this money for the purpose of hedging against changes in the exchange rate .

  15. 我们为顾客提供外汇兑换、报关、托运、保险等服务项目

    " We provide our customers with services of foreign currency exchange , customs declaration , shipping and insurance "

  16. 正是由于这个原因,外汇兑换交易自由化才会像报告中提到的那样,变得遥遥无期。

    It is for this reason that full convertibility would come in the distant future , as this plan suggests .

  17. 我想办那种可以自由把外汇兑换成人民币或把人民币兑换成外汇的。

    I 'd like the one with which I can convert freely foreign currency into RMB or RMB into foreign currency .

  18. 和外贸相关的专门课程:市场学原理,国际营销学,实用英文函电,外汇兑换,商务英语。

    Specialized courses pertaining to foreign trade : marketing principles , international marketing , practical English correspondence and telecommunications , foreign exchange , business english .

  19. 招商银行商务卡提供多种购汇日期供企业自主选择,以尽量减少企业因汇率而引起的外汇兑换损失。

    To minimize the loss suffered by the enterprise in exchange-rate-based conversion between foreign currencies , CMB Commercial Cards provide procurement dates of foreign exchange at independent choices of the enterprise .

  20. 使用不同货币的国家之间要进出口货物,就必须引人一个新的经济因素:把一个国家的货币换成另一个国家货币的外汇兑换率。

    Exports and imports of goods between nations with different units of money introduce a new economic factor : the rate of foreign exchange at which the currency of one country exchanges for the currency of another .

  21. 批发银行业务为跨国公司、区域性和国内大公司及金融机构提供服务,项目包括贸易资金、现金管理、托管、借贷、外汇兑换、利率管理和借贷资本市场。

    The Wholesale Bank provides services to multinational , regional and domestic corporate and institutional clients in trade finance , cash management , custody , lending , foreign exchange , interest rate management and debt capital markets .

  22. 但通济隆获得全国牌照将减少相关的繁文缛节,使其更容易在中国各地开设网点,并在中国日益壮大的中产阶层利用可支配收入休闲旅游之际,进军蓬勃发展的外汇兑换市场。

    But the award of a national licence will reduce the red tape involved and allow them to open outlets around the country more easily , tapping into its burgeoning Forex market as a growing Chinese middle class spends its disposable income on leisure travel .

  23. 日本贸易会(JapanForeignTradeCouncil)认为,截至3月底的当前财政年度以日圆计价的日本出口额预计将增长9.8%,但这主要是由于日圆走软使出口所得外汇能兑换成更多日圆。

    Exports in yen terms are expected to rise 9.8 % in the current fiscal year , but that gain is largely due to a weaker currency making earnings look larger in yen-terms , according to the Japan Foreign Trade Council .

  24. 此外,印度央行最近也采取了一项更激进的措施,它命令印度的出口商将外汇收入兑换成卢比。

    And , more drastically , it recently ordered Indian exporters to convert foreign-currency earnings into rupees .

  25. 在你准备离开中国时如果还剩一些人民币,您可到中国银行或机场外汇台前兑换回美金。

    If you have some RMB left when you leave china , you can change it back into US dollars at the Bank of China or at the airport exchange counter .

  26. 然后,这些钞票被兑换成更为便携的100美元钞票,流出边境,流入经典的门面企业(餐厅等资金密集型生意),或者在外汇交易所兑换成比索。

    The money is then changed into handier $ 100 bills and filtered across the border , to be fed into classic front businesses – cash-intensive operations such as restaurants – or swapped at exchange houses for pesos .

  27. 外汇汇出或兑换申请书

    Application for outward remittance or conversion

  28. 假如我们要把外币兑换在人民币,我们就得按每天公布的外汇率来兑换人民币。

    If we exchange them for Chinese Renminbi in our accounts we should follow the foreign exchange rates for all these currencies daily .

  29. 为了保持人民币汇率的稳定,中国央行将流入境内的外汇几乎全部兑换为人民币,然后通过发行央行票据的方式来回笼人民币,将资金抽出金融体系。

    To keep the currency stable , the central bank swaps nearly all dollars coming into the country for renminbi , which it then drains out of the financial system by issuing bank notes .

  30. 自由外汇:可自由兑换的外汇。

    Free ( foreign ) exchange : Foreign exchange which is freely convertible .