
wài jí láo ɡōnɡ
  • Foreign workers;laborers of foreign nationality
  1. 外籍劳工应融入本土文化。

    Foreign worker populations should be assimilated into the local culture .

  2. 而外籍劳工的怨气也在这一制度下不断加深。

    Foreign workers have also increasingly bristled under the system .

  3. 韩国外籍劳工政策及外籍劳工现状

    The Foreign Labor Policy and the Current Situation of the Foreign Labor in ROK

  4. 去年,印度在外籍劳工使用方面出台了新的限制规定。

    Last year , India introduced new limits on the use of foreign labour .

  5. 而且(阿联酋的)儿童健康数据包含了所有的外籍劳工。

    And that includes all the children of the foreign workers who are in the country .

  6. 警方表示,他们将格外关注小印度、外籍劳工宿舍和其他聚集地。

    Police officials said they would ' pay extra attention ' to Little India , foreign-worker dormitories and other places of congregation .

  7. 其次,由于限制使用外籍劳工,金沙集团的建筑尚未拔地而起就遇到了问题。

    Secondly , LVS is having trouble getting the buildings off the ground literally because of restrictions on the use of foreign workers .

  8. 从80年代后半期开始,大量外籍劳工从亚洲各国不断涌入韩国。

    Since the second half of the 1980s , a large number of foreign laborers have poured into ROK from the other Asian countries constantly .

  9. 然而,随着台湾快速扩充大学校院的同时,亦出现了平均失业率提升、向东南亚等国引进外籍劳工不断增加之现象。

    But , with the expanding of universities and colleges in Taiwan , average unemployment rate raised , and more foreign laborers were introduced from Southeast Asia .

  10. 很多外籍劳工到韩国做海员,或是进入农场和工厂工作,他们提供了韩国人不愿意低就的廉价的劳动力;

    Many of the foreigners come here to toil at sea or on farms or in factories , providing cheap labor in jobs shunned by South Koreans .

  11. 但这些优惠措施也引发了争议,特别是工会人士的不满,他们说这些措施为台湾引进较为廉价的外籍劳工创造了可能性,而这种做法对本地劳工不利。

    The measure has been controversial , though , especially among unions , who say that this opens the possibility of importing cheaper labor and disadvantaging domestic workers .

  12. 由于外籍劳工和游客数量逐渐增加,尤其是后者以每年超过12%的速率增长,除此之外还有大量的入侵物种来袭。

    As the number of immigrant workers and tourists has increased , the latter by more than 12 percent every year , so does the number of invasive species .

  13. 在目前的情况下每年涌入百万的外籍劳工令人感到疯狂,但是没有人采取切实措施来阻止这些对失业的美国人不公平的竞争。

    Adding almost a million foreign workers a year is just crazy under present circumstances but nobody 's doing anything to curtail this unfair competition to America 's unemployed .

  14. 影片讲述外籍劳工的困难现状与情感疏离,主题严肃深沈,却以幽默轻松的角度去精准诠释。

    The director shows a fine sense of humor and a lightness of touch in spite of the film 's darker themes of difficult labor relations and emotional isolation .

  15. 他们指责说,这样的法律只会鼓励更多的外籍劳工来到韩国,抢走本国工人的就业机会并制造犯罪猖獗的贫民窟。

    They charged that such a law would only encourage even more migrant workers to come to South Korea , pushing native workers out of jobs and creating crime-infested slums .

  16. 电视画面显示,南亚外籍劳工在事故现场用棍棒、石块和垃圾桶袭击那辆巴士,随后又攻击了闻讯赶来的警察和医务人员。

    South Asian workers at the scene reacted by attacking the bus with sticks , stones and garbage bins , and later assaulted arriving police officers and paramedics , TV footage showed .

  17. 此外,如果海湾及其它地区外籍劳工的就业下降速度像预期的那样快,那么从菲律宾到印度等许多依赖劳工汇款的国家也将遭受冲击。

    Moreover , if employment of foreign workers in the Gulf and elsewhere falls as fast as expected , then remittance-dependent countries from the Philippines to parts of India are also in for a shock .

  18. 他说,一些外籍劳工对所谓的歧视和恶劣工作条件不满,可能是导致这场骚乱的原因之一。他还说,决策者或许应该考虑提高外籍劳工的薪资和待遇。

    Some migrants ' resentment against perceived discrimination and poor working conditions could have contributed to the outburst , Mr. Hui said , adding that policy makers may need to consider improving migrant pay and treatment .

  19. 他在公告中称,大多数的外籍劳工是遵守新加坡法律的,绝不能让这起不好的事件抹黑新加坡人对外籍劳工的看法。

    ' The vast majority of foreign workers here obey our laws , ' he said in his statement . ' We must not let this bad incident tarnish our views of foreigner workers here . '

  20. 周日发生在新加坡“小印度”区的这起事件不仅终结了新加坡40余年无骚乱的历史,也给这座城市国家作为亚洲最安全国家之一的形象抹了黑。“小印度”是新加坡南亚侨民和外籍劳工周末的聚集地。

    Sunday 's incident in Singapore 's Little India district-a popular weekend hangout for South Asian expatriates and migrant workers-ended a riot-free period extending more than four decades and has blotted the city-state 's image as one of Asia 's safest countries .

  21. 英国工人罢工反对使用外籍劳工;法国汽车制造商被告知要购买法国产零部件,并且不得关闭国内的工厂;西班牙一位部长督促消费者购买本国制造的商品:欧洲的保护主义似乎日渐抬头。

    Strikes against the use of foreign workers in the UK ; French carmakers told to buy domestic components and not close factories in France ; a minister in Spain urging consumers to buy Spanish : protectionism in Europe appears to be rising by the day .

  22. 尽管在阿富汗的数万名外国军人乘坐军车出行随身携带武器,身穿防弹衣,但是大多数援助工作者、外籍劳工以及新闻从业人员通常在外出时没有重重安全保护,这让他们得以接近普通阿富汗人,但是也让他们比较容易受到攻击。

    While the tens of thousands of foreign troops in the country travel in military convoys , carry weapons and wear body armor the majority of aid workers , foreign laborers and news correspondents usually move about without heavy protection . That gives them easier access to ordinary Afghans , but makes them more vulnerable .