
  1. 距今山西大同5英里外的西北方有一座紫色的长城,名曰紫关。

    Five miles to the north-west of Datong in Shanxi Province there is a purple wall whose name is Purple Pass .

  2. 外环线(西北段)桥梁伸缩缝质量控制

    Quality Control for Expansion & Contraction Joints of Bridges in Northwest Section of Outer Ring Line

  3. 结果表明,南海海域主要存在两大水系,即南海本地水(南海水)和外海水(西北太平洋水或黑潮水)。

    The results show that two water systems exist in the South China Sea , namely , the local water of the South China Sea ( South China Sea water ) and the outer sea water ( Northwest Pacific water or Kuroshio water ) .