
wài huì ɡuǎn zhì
  • foreign exchange control;forex control
  1. IMF协定对各国外汇管制立法的影响及我国的对策研究

    Studies on the Influence of Agreement of the IMF on the Legislation of the Foreign Exchange Control and the Countermeasures in China

  2. 通过对比分析的方法,使《IMF协定》有关外汇管制的规定对各国外汇管制立法的影响得以显现。

    By means of comparison , the influence of the articles about the foreign exchange control of the Agreement of the IMF will appear .

  3. 在目前人民币没有实现自由兑换及外汇管制的条件下,作为过渡措施的QFII制度将引入中国证券市场。

    In the current situation that RMB is not a freely exchangeable currency , QFII system will first be introduced to Chinese stock market .

  4. 事实上,当初如果没有外部支持(主要是欧洲央行(ecb)的支持),这些外围经济体可能已被迫实行外汇管制,甚至可能已脱离欧元区。

    Indeed , without support , principally from the European Central Bank , peripheral economies would have had to impose exchange controls . They might even have left the eurozone .

  5. NDF在亚洲的起源可追溯到20世纪90年代中期的亚洲金融危机。那次危机过后,很多国家立刻采取了外汇管制措施。

    NDFs trace their roots in Asia to the region 's financial crisis of the mid-1990s , after which many countries slapped currency controls in place .

  6. WTO规则中所涉及的有关影响货物贸易、服务贸易、知识产权、外汇管制等所有的具体行政行为,也都是行政执法的范围。

    Relevant effect commodity trade that relates to in WTO regulation 、 service trade 、 intellectual property 、 all concrete administration actions such as foreign exchange control and so on , it also wholly is the limit that the administration was enforced the law .

  7. 这部分主要论述我国QDII中具体实施的法律制度,包括市场准入制度、托管人制度、信息披露制度、外汇管制制度以及投资者权益保护制度。

    This part focuses on the specific implementation of QDII in China , including the market access system , the trustee system , information disclosure system , foreign exchange control system and the system of investor protection .

  8. 本文推导的结论是中国移动CDR的价格在目前的市场情况下,应该为33元人民币左右。当中国放开外汇管制以后,中国移动CDR的价格将趋向在香港上市的中国移动股票价格。

    The conclusion is China Mobile 's CDR will have a price around RMB 33 Yuan in the current market situation and it will tend to be correlated closely with China Mobile 's stock price in Hong Kong after loosen the regulation on exchange police .

  9. 笔者受控外国公司税收法律问题研究认为随着中国对外投资的增加和以后外汇管制的取消,中国有必要建立CFC立法。

    The author is of the opinion that , with the increase of China 's investment abroad and the abolishment of foreign exchange control in the foreseeable future , it is necessary for the legislators of China to adopt the CFC legislation to protect its domestic tax base .

  10. 外汇管制自由与限制之判析

    The Determinant of the Liberalization and Restriction of Foreign Exchange Control

  11. 尽管实行严格的外汇管制,但中国也无法幸免。

    China is not immune , despite its tightly managed currency controls .

  12. 外汇管制与不可自由兑换的货币也会限制扩张。

    Exchange controls and a non-convertible currency also limit expansion .

  13. 严格的外汇管制措施,使中国没有受到国际金融市场动荡的影响。

    Tight exchange controls insulate China from international financial turbulence .

  14. 因为外汇管制,不能带出国的货币

    Currencies which cannot be taken out of country because of exchange control

  15. 从全面外汇管制向经常项目可兑换转变;

    Transform from planning control of foreign exchange into constant account convertible ;

  16. 这肯定是另一种外汇管制方式。

    That must be another method of exchange control .

  17. 那样一来,中国将不得不放弃外汇管制,放开金融体系。

    China would have to abandon exchange controls and liberalise its financial system .

  18. 外汇管制的方法有哪些?

    What are the methods used for exchange control ?

  19. 严格的外汇管制使得货币政策难以施展手脚。

    China 's monetary policy is also constrained by its rigid exchange-rate regime .

  20. 他们甚至可能不得不采取外汇管制。

    They might even have to impose exchange controls .

  21. 与进出口有关的外汇管制

    Foreign exchange controls related to imports and exports

  22. 解除进口领证和外汇管制

    Liberalization of import licensing and exchange control

  23. 目前许多国家实行外汇管制。

    Many countries practice exchange control today .

  24. 希腊将不得不出台、并至少在短期内实施外汇管制。

    The country would have to introduce and then operate at least temporary exchange controls .

  25. 多种汇率的外汇管制制度

    Multiple rate system of exchange control

  26. 多元汇率外汇管制制度

    Multiple rates system of exchange control

  27. 最后,加快人民币国际化进程,取消外汇管制。

    Finally , Speed up the process of internationalization of the RMB , abandon exchange controls .

  28. 近期放松外汇管制机制,正是向着这个方向迈出的一步。

    The recent relaxation in the foreign exchange control regime is a step in that direction .

  29. 人民币所受的监管约束不像美元基金那么多&例如外汇管制。

    RMB are not subject to as many regulations as dollar funds – such as exchange controls .

  30. 一个国家可以通过进口关税、贸易限额、贸易禁运和外汇管制来限制国家贸易。

    A nation can restrict trade through import tariffs , quotas and embargoes , and exchange controls .