
  • 网络SVR;SVRI;peripheral resistance
  1. 与此同时,治疗组平均动脉压、心输出量及外周血管阻力均比休克组明显提高,差异有显著性意义(P<005,P<001)。

    Meanwhile , systemic hemodynamic parameters , including mean arterial pressure , cardiac output , and total peripheral resistance , in the treatment group were much higher than those in the endotoxic shock group .

  2. 左心室收缩末期内径、心搏出量、心输出量、左室重指数及总外周血管阻力均有下降,但不显著(P>0.05)。

    No significant decrease of left ventricular diameter in systole ( LVDs ), left ventricular mass index ( LVMI ), cardiac output ( CO ), stroke volume ( SV ) and total peripheral resistance ( TRP ) were discovered .

  3. 外周血管阻力(SVR)变化与CI相反,A和B组麻醉诱导及气管插管后SVR较基础值增加或变化不明显,而C组下降(P<0.05))。

    The systemic vascular resistance ( SVR ) slightly increased or was unchanged in group A and B but was significantly decreased in group C after induction and intubation .

  4. 而近年的研究表明美蓝(methyleneblue,ML)有对抗脓毒性休克的作用,美蓝能扭转脓毒性休克的低血压状态,提高平均动脉压(MeanArterialPressure,MAP),使外周血管阻力增加。

    Methylene blue ( ML ) was reported to have anti-septic shock effect , by mean of increasing mean arterial pressure ( MAP ) and systemic vascular resistance ( SVR ), it could reverse low blood pressure status resulted from septic shock .

  5. RPC显著降低平均动脉压(MAP)、外周血管阻力(SVR)及冠脉循环阻力(CVR)(P<0.05);轻度增加心排出量及冠脉血流量(P>0.05)。

    RPC significantly reduced mean artery pressure ( MAP ), systemic vascular resistance ( SVR ) and coronary vascular resistance ( CVR , P < 0.05 ) and slightly increased cardiac output ( CO ) and coronary blood flow ( CBF ) .

  6. 经右颈内静脉放置肺动脉漂浮导管,连续监测中心静脉压(CVP)、平均肺动脉压(MPAP)、心脏指数(CI)、外周血管阻力(SVR)和肺血管阻力(PVR)。

    Right internal jugular vein was inserted Swan-Ganz catheter to continuously monitor central venous pressure ( CVP ), mean pulmonary artery pressure ( MPAP ), cardiac index ( CI ), systemic vascular resistance ( SVR ) and pulmonary vascular resistance ( PVR ) .

  7. 妊高征患者心输出量与总外周血管阻力分型的多普勒超声研究

    Classification of Cardiac Output and Total Peripheral Vascular Resistance in Pregnancy-induced Hypertension by Doppler Ultrasonography

  8. 心输出量和外周血管阻力的变化情况与血压改变相类似。

    The changes of cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance were similar to that of mean arterial pressure .

  9. 血管壁增厚可降低大动脉的顺应性,从而增加外周血管阻力,导致靶器官的缺血与衰竭。故合理使用各类药物来逆转甚至预防左心室肥厚发生是高血压治疗的重要目标。

    Aortic hypertrophy reduced its conformance , added perivascular resistance , which caused ischia and failure in its target organs .

  10. 妊高征患者眼动脉多普勒超声特点及其与总外周血管阻力指数的相关性

    Characteristics of Ophthalmic Artery in Pregnancy-induced Hypertension and Its Relationship with the Total Peripheral Vascular Resistance Index with Doppler Ultrasonography

  11. 结果异位部分移植术中心输出量及每搏量、外周血管阻力均有显著改变(P<001或P<005));

    Results There were significant changes in CO , SV and SVR ( P < 0.01 or P < 0.05 );

  12. 结直肠癌患者手术前后肠道菌群与正常人群的比较1695名正常人群外周血管阻力异常及其相关因素分析

    Study on intestinal flora in patients with colorectal cancer Factors Related with Systemic Vascular Resistance Disorders among 1695 Healthy Subjects in Zhejiang Province

  13. 甲状腺激素对于心血管系统稳态有重要的作用,可通过促进血管平滑肌细胞松弛,快速降低外周血管阻力。

    Thyroid hormone plays important effect on cardiovascular homeostasis , which can decrease peripheral vascular resistance rapidly by promoting relaxation in vascular smooth-muscle cells .

  14. 1695名正常人群外周血管阻力异常及其相关因素分析广西壮族自治区体循环血管阻力异常人群的分布及心脏功能分析

    Factors Related with Systemic Vascular Resistance Disorders among 1695 Healthy Subjects in Zhejiang Province Distribution of abnormal circulation vascular resistance and cardiac function in population at Guangxi

  15. 针刺组外周血管阻力平均降低0.04kPa·S/ml(P<0.01),而心输出量和动脉顺应性无明显变化;

    A hemodynamic examination showed that in acupuncture group , peripheral vascular resistance was decreased by an average of 0.04 kPa · S / ml ( P < 0.01 ), while cardiac output and arterial compliance did not change markedly .

  16. 去甲肾上腺素(2微克)明显增加总外周血管阻力,对心输出量增加较少,也增加心肌、肺、肝血流量,但对肾及脾血流量影响较少。

    Noradrenaline 2 μ g caused a marked constriction in peripheral vessels , but a slight increment in cardiac output . It increased the blood flows in myocardium , lung and liver , but not much those in kidney and spleen .

  17. 高血压是严重危害人类健康的常见病,主要特征为外周血管阻力持续增高导致血压异常升高,并伴随着心脏和血管等的结构性变化。

    Hypertension is the common and severe cardiovascular disease of human being . It is mainly characterized by persistent increase of peripheral vascular resistance which causes the increase of blood pressure and is often accompanied by structural changes of heart and blood vessels .

  18. 狗10只,静脉注射苯乙肼5毫克/公斤显著增高主动脉压、肺动脉压、心脏指数、心搏指数和左、右心室作功量,同时显著减低总外周血管阻力。

    In 10 dogs , intravenous injections of phenelzine 5 mg / kg increased significantly the aortic pressure , pulmonary arterial pressure , cardiac index , stroke index , and the work of both ventricles . Meantime , the peripheral vascular resistance was diminished .

  19. 针刺对照组每搏心输出量和每分心输出量均有增加(P<0.05),外周血管阻力平均降低0.07kPa.S/ml(P<0.05),而动脉顺应性则无明显变化。

    In the acupuncture control group , cardiac stroke and output increased ( P < ( 0.05 )), peripheral blood vessel resistance decreased by an average of 0.07 kPa · S / ml ( P < 0.05 ) and arterial compliance did not change significantly .

  20. 尽管子痫前期的发病机制与原发性高血压不尽相同,但其基础的病理改变如血管痉挛、外周小血管阻力增加等有其相似性。

    Despite the pathogenesy of preeclampsia is different from essential hypertension , the basal pathological changes like vasospam , increased peripheral vascular resistance are similarity .

  21. 较大剂量时,也能舒张外周阻力血管和心肌阻力血管从而降低血压,还可以间接地增强心肌收缩力。

    If large doses are used , they can diastole outside resistant blood vessels and myocardial resistant vessels and they can reduce blood pressure and also indirectly enhance myocardial systole .

  22. 4°时主动脉压、总外周阻力和肺血管阻力增高,心脏指数与左右心室作功量减少。

    During the 4th hour of the control period , the aortic blood pressure , total peripheral resistance and pulmonary vascular resistance were increased , while the cardiac index and the work of both ventricles reduced .

  23. 提示0.75%布比卡因硬膜外麻醉行子宫切除术ANP和RAAS的变化,在维持和调节有效循环血量及外周血管阻力中发挥着重要的作用。

    It is concluded that the change of the levels of ANP and RAAS in the patients undergoing hysterectomy with 0 75 % bupivacaine EA plays an important role in maintaining and regulating effective circulatory blood volume and peripheral vessels resistance .