
wài huì chǔ bèi
  • foreign exchange reserve;exchange cover
  1. 在此情况下,对我国的外汇储备快速增长对货币政策的影响的研究具有重要的意义。

    Under the condition , the research on the impact of our exchange cover over monetary policy has important significance .

  2. 基于随机规划模型的我国外汇储备资产配置问题研究

    The Study on the Asset Allocation of Chinese Foreign Exchange Reserve Based on Stochastic Programming Model

  3. 强有力的宏观经济框架、良好监管的金融市场和充足的外汇储备

    strong macroeconomic frameworks , well regulated financial markets and robust levels of reserves

  4. 中国内地极有可能将相当大一部分外汇储备投向亚洲最有影响力的无形力量&竹网(bamboonetwork)。

    There is a very good chance the mainland will direct a significant share of its reserves towards Asia 's most powerful yet invisible force – the bamboo network .

  5. 隶属中国央行、负责管理外汇储备的国家外汇管理局(SAFE),是中国唯一获准大量购买海外债券的投资机构。

    The only Chinese investor allowed to make sizeable offshore bond purchases is the State Administration of Foreign Exchange ( Safe ), which manages the reserves under the central bank .

  6. 我国外汇储备与CPI波动动态传导机制研究

    Study of the Dynamic Transmission Mechanism for China 's Foreign Exchange Reserves and CPI Fluctuations

  7. 目前,SDR计值资产在全球外汇储备中所占的比重还不到5%。

    SDR assets make up less than 5 per cent of global foreign exchange reserves .

  8. 那些能够不依赖imf的国家,在一定程度上是因为它们积累了巨额外汇储备以抵御金融危机。

    Countries that can avoid relying on the IMF , do in part by accumulating vast foreign exchange reserves to protect against financial crises .

  9. FDI对中国宏观投资效率影响研究我国高额外汇储备对宏观经济的影响

    Analysis of Effect of FDI on Macro-economic Efficiency of Investment in China Study on the Impact of China 's Huge Foreign Exchange Reserves on Macroeconomic in Our Country

  10. 外汇储备、外汇交易量与CHIBOR利率的VAR模型(2000~2004)&兼论三元悖论下冲销干预与货币政策的独立性

    A VAR Model of Foreign Exchange Reserve , Foreign Exchange Trading Volume and CHIBOR : 2002 ~ 2004

  11. 乌克兰总理季莫申科(YuliaTymoshenko)对记者表示,乌克兰需要IMF的资金来充实其外汇储备和银行的资本金。

    Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko told reporters the country needed IMF funds to strengthen its foreign-currency reserves and its banks'capital .

  12. 作为外汇储备多元化计划的一部分,它们已表示,将出资约1000亿美元,购买国际货币基金组织(IMF)计划发行的5000亿美元债券的一部分。

    As part of plans to diversify their foreign currency holdings , they have said that they will contribute some $ 100bn to a planned $ 500bn International Monetary Fund bond issue .

  13. 但在G20峰会前,它不想从自己庞大的外汇储备中拿钱出来,为增加IMF的资源做出贡献,因为人均而言,中国仍是一个穷国。

    But before the G20 , it did not want to contribute from its massive foreign reserves to increasing the Fund 's resources because China is still , per capita , a poor country .

  14. 印度官员警告,g20正在分裂成两个团体,一边是美国与英国这样的债务国,另一边是以中国为首的拥有巨额外汇储备的债权国。

    Indian officials have warned that the G20 is split between debtor countries , such as the US and the UK , and creditor nations , led by China with its large foreign exchange reserves .

  15. 据Stone&McCarthy驻北京的分析师洛根•莱特(LoganWright)公布的外汇储备数据显示,政府正在加紧控制外汇储备的增长。

    Data on reserves published by Logan Wright , an analyst for Stone & McCarthy in Beijing , suggests the government is working double-time to contain growth in its foreign-exchange reserves .

  16. 不过,考虑到中国外汇储备的庞大规模(接近其GDP的50%)以及该国经济的高速增长,它应该寻求的是对外收支平衡(如果不是赤字的话),而不是占GDP4%的盈余。

    Yet , given the vast scale of its reserves ( close to 50 per cent of GDP ) and its rapid growth , China should seek external balance , if not a deficit , rather than a surplus of 4 per cent of GDP .

  17. 但日本财务大臣中川昭一(shoichinakagawa)本月表示,日本准备向imf提供一部分外汇储备,以支持其纾困方案。

    But Shoichi Nakagawa , finance minister , this month said Japan was ready to offer some of its foreign reserves to the IMF to support aid packages .

  18. 为减轻外汇储备所带来的压力,拓宽投资渠道,中国已经引进了QDII(国内机构投资资质)计划,以便于他们向国外投资。

    In a bid to ease foreign reserves and broaden investment channels , China has introduced a QDII ( Qualified Domestic Institutional Investors ) scheme , allowing them to invest overseas .

  19. 最后本文基于上述理论分析框架,结合我国国际收支的政策目标,提出FDI调节国际收支的相关对策及建议,包括加工贸易、我国走出去战略及外汇储备的利用等方面的政策调整。

    At last , the paper put forward some advice on how to adjust the international balance of payments by FDI based on the above analytical framework , including policies to processing trade , " going out " strategy and the using of foreign exchange reserves .

  20. 但中国采取的一些举动&特别是宣布将30亿美元的外汇储备投资于美国私人股本集团黑石(Blackstone)的计划,却预示了未来进一步的麻烦。

    But some of its moves - especially the announcement that it will invest $ 3bn of its foreign exchange reserves in Blackstone , a US private equity group , point to further troubles ahead .

  21. 随着国际黄金价格屡创新高,中国以美元为主的外汇储备不断增长,加上国内CPI持续高位,黄金作为一种重要的资产保值、增值工具,重新成为研究的热门话题。

    As the international gold price break high record repeatedly , foreign exchange based on dollars continuously increases and CPI in China remain high , gold regarded as a major hedge means become a hot topic again .

  22. 近年来,我国CPI迅速上涨,其中一个原因是人民币汇率低估、央行持有大量外汇储备。

    In recent years , CPI of China has grown at an unacceptable speed , which is partly due to the undervalued RMB exchange rate and the large amount of foreign exchange reserve held by its central bank .

  23. GIC是在2008年首次发表年度报告的,此前该基金利用新加坡外汇储备开展投资活动已有27年。GIC表示,这么做是考虑到美国和欧洲日益强烈的关切。

    GIC , which published its first report in 2008 after 27 years of investing the island state 's foreign reserves , said it was doing so in the light of increasing concerns in the US and Europe .

  24. 本文运用修正的Agarwal模型,自1994年以来的宏观经济数据推导出较为适度的估计值,同时对比期间真实储备值,得出2001年后我国实际的外汇储备严重偏离估计值的结论。

    By using a modified Agarwal Model , the writer draws a conclusion from comparing the estimates derive from macroeconomic datum since 1994 to the real reserve , that is that the real foreign exchange reserve in our country has heavily deviated from the estimates .

  25. 市场人士和参与谈判者表示,拟议中的特殊目的投资载体(spiv)具体细节仍不够明晰,能否从新兴市场国家的外汇储备和主权财富基金吸引资金尚无法预测。

    Market participants and people involved in the negotiations said details of the planned special purpose investment vehicle ( spiv ) remained too hazy to predict whether it would attract money from emerging market central bank reserves and sovereign wealth funds .

  26. 央行持有外汇储备是,以便保持经济稳定。

    Central banks hold foreign exchange reserves to maintain economic stability .

  27. 中国外汇储备变动趋势及影响因素分析

    Trend of China 's Foreign Exchange Reserves Fluctuation and Influencing Factors

  28. 外汇储备:增长、效应与有效管理

    Foreign Exchange Reserves : Growth , the Effect and Effective Management

  29. 外汇储备注资国有银行效应分析

    A Review on the Effect of Capital Injection for State-owned Banks

  30. 论我国外汇储备的适度规模&兼谈我国外汇储备资料的统计口径错位

    Discussion on the proper size of China 's foreign exchange reserve