
wài jiǎo
  • External angle;exterior angle
外角 [wài jiǎo]
  • [exterior angle] 多边形任一边与其邻边延长线之间的夹角

  1. (建筑学用语)砖石等建筑物的坚挺的外角;这个外角多是由一个角石形成的。

    ( architecture ) solid exterior angle of a building ; especially one formed by a cornerstone .

  2. 利用多边形外角定理的推广,判断偏置后曲线多边形的旋向,删除多余多边形。

    Utilizing the extension of the polygon exterior angle sum theorem , directions of curvilinear polygons were judged and redundant polygons were deleted .

  3. 索尔特捏住包的外角,把它倒过来晃了晃。

    Salter held the bag by the corners and shook it upside down .

  4. 把IDC10线缆插入BeagleBoard,线缆的第一针对连接器的第一针(带状线缆上的粉红线朝向板的外角)。

    Plug the IDC10 cable into the Beagle Board with the cable 's pin1 going to pin1 of the connector ( the pink wire on the ribbon cable faces the outer corner of the board ) .

  5. 其次是内角,最后是外角。

    Second is an internal Angle , and finally outside .

  6. 文章具体介绍了现浇混凝土楼板外角裂缝的成因和预防措施。

    Analysis on the corner cracks on cast-in-place concrete floor and repairing measures ;

  7. 也很明显的可以看出大部分选手1发的选择都是在外角。

    Obviously can see the hair choice of most players are in the outer corner .

  8. (釉面砖)二面圆边外角GB/T4100-1992釉面内墙砖

    Round edge external corner Glazed interior tiles

  9. 我今天重点放在外角,但他都往内角投。

    My focus was out over the plate and he was coming in a lot .

  10. 你的眼泪是从眼睛外角里的小液囊流出来的。

    Your tears come from tiny sacs located in the outer corners of each eye .

  11. 该类纤维的拉伸断裂起始于角质细胞的内、外角质层;

    The fracture of the keratin fibers in tension initiates from the cuticle cells of the fibers ;

  12. 通过改变靶的形状,考察了不同角度外角对鞘层的时空演化及等离子体参量的影响。

    The effects of the target shape on plasma sheath evolution and the implanted ion parameters have been studied .

  13. 只在眼睛的外角处使用黑色的眼线,然后使用睫毛膏。

    Use dark liner just past the outer corners of your eyes and finish with several coats of black mascara .

  14. 分析了推力器磁极设计、环形通道结构、外角演化特性及磁镜效应等因素对内外壁面不对称腐蚀的影响。

    The work analysed the impact of design of magnetic pole , annular chamber and magnetic mirror effect on asymmetry erosion .

  15. 眉毛内角被压下来,而下眼皮和脸颊在外角方向向上挤压。

    You can feel the brows pushing down on the inner lids and the cheeks pushing up on the outer lids .

  16. 贴墙式护角能有效的保护建筑物墙壁外角。

    The corner guards are fixes nearly the wall body which can protect the outer corner of the building wall body .

  17. 让学生体会多边形的外角和在实际生活中有广泛的应用。

    To enable students to understand the wide range of applications of the sum of exterior angles of polygons in real life .

  18. 植物园冬天不对外开放。我今天重点放在外角,但他都往内角投。

    The garden is closed to visitors in winter . My focus was out over the plate and he was coming in a lot .

  19. 由于高浓度胱氨酸的存在,蛋白酶不易进入外角质层并对其中的蛋白质进行催化水解。

    It is not easy for the protease to hydrolyze the protein as the existence of high concentration cystine in the outside cuticle protein .

  20. 结果表明,羊毛仅用蛋白酶处理,很难达到对其外角质层有效降解和防毡缩的目的,氧化前处理对于随后进行的蛋白酶防毡缩处理效果具有明显的影响。

    The results showed that it would be very difficult to achieve its degradation to cuticle and effectively anti-felting effect only with protease treatment .

  21. 结论先天性上睑下垂的发生原因除肌发育不良外,上睑提肌内、外角过度紧张也是其重要因素。

    Conclusion The main factor of this disease was the overtension of the internal and external angles of the levator muscles ex - cept for the muscle maldevelopment .

  22. 如果你有时间的话,你还可以在眼线外角沾上一些有个性的假睫毛,让眼睛看上去更漂亮。

    If you have time , you can enhance the eyes even more by applying a few individual false eyelashes to the outer corners of the lash line .

  23. 虚拟旋转的基本思想是利用计算机将将空腔结构以其中心路径为轴进行非刚性旋转,从而将内角部位的图像转到外角。

    The main idea of virtual rotation is to rotate the hollow structures with the centerline as the axis to rotate the internal angle part to the external angle .

  24. 两个发球区的发球直得率在外角和内角上差异较小,追身球有显著性差异。

    Difference is less on being so straight as two half court service to be led in the exterior angle and the interior angle , body-hit has notable difference .

  25. 结果:(1)头长与头水平围、额最小宽、两眼外角宽、形态面高与容貌面高相关;

    Results : ( 1 ) Head length and maximum circumference of the head , minimum frontal width and extracanthic diameter , morphological facial height and physiognomic facial width were correlative .

  26. ·发球上网的线路选择上,内角、外角和近身之间的比例为9:9:1,内外角之间没有差异。

    · In the options of the route of serve and volley , the ratio of inside , outside and close is 9:9:1 , no difference between the inside and outside corner . 5 .

  27. 本文介绍的铣头机,刀盘上装有三把刀,能同时铣端面,倒内外角,液压进刀,铣削平稳,实现了全部生产过程的自动化。

    The end milling machine equipped with three cutters fed by a hydraulic system on its turret can mill faces and chamfer pipes both inside and outside simultaneously , the machine works steadily and fully automatized .

  28. 结果:眼有蒙古褶约占半数,眼裂倾斜度大多是水平(58.6%)和眼外角高(41.2%);

    Results : Almost a half of them had mongolian pleats on their eyes , their gradients of eye splits were mostly horizontal ( 58.6 % ), their outer corners of eyes were high ( 41.2 % ) .

  29. 结果:(1)蒙古族与汉族内眦褶、上眼睑皱褶、眼外角高出现率无显著性差异。

    Results : The results showed that ( 1 ) There was no significant difference between Han and Mongol nationalities in the frequencies of the epicanthal folds , the eye folds of upper eyelids and the direction of eyelids .

  30. 通过本文研究认为,在材料塑性可加工性能允许的条件下,模具几何形状的选择应尽量选择较小的内角,配合适当的外圆角改善外角部的金属流动,可获得满意的变形及致密效果。

    Based on the investigation of this paper , under workability permission of the material , die geometry should choose as small channel angle as possible , match with proper out round angle to improve metal flowage in outer angle . Finally satisfied deformation and density can be achieved .