
  1. 我国近代外语教育研究

    Study on Modern Foreign Language Education in China

  2. 教师自主是继学习者自主之后,在当前外语教育研究中的一个新兴领域。

    Teacher Autonomy ( TA ) is a new interest in the domain of foreign language learning in the later stage of research on Learner Autonomy ( LA ) .

  3. 近几十年来,外语教育研究的焦点从如何教转到如何学,外语学习者的主体地位和个体差异越来越引起研究者的重视。

    In recent decades , the focus of the research of foreign language acquisition has gradually been shifted from the teaching methodology to individual differences of learners , which has attracted more and more researchers ' attention .

  4. 近年来,随着教学主体逐步从教师为中心转向学生为中心,以学生为主体和自主学习已成为外语教育研究的热点。培养和促进学习者自主学习已成为目前英语教学的首要任务。

    In recent years , the center of English teaching has been shifted from teachers to learners . Learner-centered and Learner Autonomy have become the hot topics in foreign language teaching , and fostering Learner Autonomy has become one of the most important goals in English teaching .

  5. 关于多项选择题的讨论&外语教育语言学研究之四

    Multiple Choice Items and Foreign Language Teaching

  6. 阅读问题一直是外语教育界研究的焦点之一。

    Reading comprehension has always been one of the hot issues of the TEFL research .

  7. 科学发展观视阈下的我国外语教育改革研究

    On the Reform of Foreign Language Education from the Scientific Outlook of Development in China

  8. 跨文化交际是我国外语教育界研究的热门课题。跨文化交际成为社会日常生活中不可避免的一部分。

    In recent years , intercultural communication has become a hot topic in the field of foreign language teaching .

  9. 近年来,外语教师教育研究开始从过分强调外语语言知识转向了对教育方法以及教师专业化发展的研究。

    In recent years , teacher education has changed its focus from a concern on English language knowledge to teaching techniques and skills to apply in classrooms .

  10. 这是国内教育史上一个新的里程碑,极大地推动着我国外语教育教学研究的深层次发展。因此,教师要注重把情感因素融入到教学之中。

    As a new milestone for national educational history , it greatly pushed the development of the research on foreign language teaching forward and requires that teachers should master how to put the affective factor in teaching .

  11. 我集团坚持让中国走向世界,让世界了解中国的出版原则,全心致力于中国外语教育与研究事业的发展,全心致力于中外文化交流事业的拓展。

    Adhering to the publishing philosophy of assisting China 's march to the world and facilitating world 's understanding of China , the Group commits itself entirely to promoting foreign language education and research in China and advancing cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries .

  12. 在中国,外语教育的研究基本上还一直附属于应用语言学,成果多集中在外语学界,投入的研究人员和科研资料还很有限,相关研究存在着很大不足。

    In China , the study of foreign language education has been affiliated with the Applied Linguistics and its researches are more centralized among the foreign language scholars . The involved researchers and invested scientific information are still very limited . Related researches are neither deep nor substantial enough .

  13. 高校外语师范教育信息化研究:内容和方法

    Informatization in the Tertiary EFL Teacher Education : Research Contents and Methods

  14. 着眼于外语教育的语言学研究

    On the Study of Linguistics for Foreign Language Teaching

  15. 本文旨在评介外语教师教育的研究方法,以期促进我国外语教师教育研究的发展。

    It presents a critical overview of the research methods employed in foreign language teacher education research , with a view to promote studies in this area in China .

  16. 论文主要采用文献分析法、描述法、因素分析法、比较法和个案分析法等研究方法对澳大利亚外语教育政策进行研究。

    The thesis mainly adopts such research approaches as analytic approach of documents , description , factor analytic approach , comparative approach and case analytic approach to carry on the research of Australian foreign language education policy .

  17. 学校图书馆建筑面积21800平方米,藏书1.65万册,3000余种外语期刊中国教育研究计算机网络华北网络中心设在东北大学校区内,可以通过校园网直接登陆互联网。

    The library , with a floor space of 21 800 square meters , holds more than 1 . 65 million volumes and 3 000 periodicals in various languages . The Northeast China 's network center of the China Education and Research Computer Network is located on the campus . The access to INTERNET is available through the campus LAN .

  18. 外语教育和外语学习研究将重点和中心转移到了学习的主体&学习者自身。

    The focus of language education has shifted to the learners .

  19. 语言迁移长期以来一直是外语教育工作者关注的研究课题。

    Language transfer has long been the research topic for foreign language educators .

  20. 国外有关教师教育者特征及职业素质的研究我国外语教师教育与发展研究现状及问题

    The Status quo and Existing Problems of the Research on the Education and Development of Foreign Language Teacher in China

  21. 20世纪70年代以来,外语教育界的很多研究者对外语学习策略进行了大量的研究。

    Since the 1970s , many researchers of foreign language education have plenty of researches in foreign language learning strategies .

  22. 基于本研究的结论,作者就我国外语教师教育与发展研究提出了一些有益建议以及后续研究空间。

    This thesis provides a detailed account of how the study was planned and implemented , and concludes with some implications for EFL teacher education and recommendations for further research .

  23. 中国东盟架构下我国西南边疆地区外语教育品牌战略思考中国外语教育制度研究系列之六

    Brand Strategy on Education of Foreign Language in the Southwest Regions Under the Structure of China-ASEAN

  24. 中国外语教育品牌战略思考&中国外语教育制度研究系列之二

    Brand Strategy on Education of Foreign Language in China

  25. 随着我国各级各类教育对外语学科教学的重视,外语教师教育及研究也进一步成为焦点。

    With more emphasis on foreign language teaching in education field , foreign language teacher education becomes to be one of the focuses of such studies .

  26. 以提高公民外语水平为目的的双语教育理念,为国际外语教育研究界所关注,并成为外语教育改革的重要内容。

    The international foreign language researchers have focused their attention on the idea of bilingual teaching , which aims to improve the citizens ` foreign language level and becomes an essential aspect of foreign language reformation .

  27. 在另一方面,多元智能理论对外语教学的教学过程、课程设置和测试评价亦有很大的启发作用,值得外语教育工作者对此进行研究和借鉴,以促进我国多媒体网络外语教育的改革和发展。

    On the other hand , the Theory of Multiple Intelligences gives enlightenment to multimedia network-based foreign language teaching .