
wài shì huó dònɡ
  • public functions involving foreigners
  1. 安排与受援项目有关的外事活动计划。

    Arranging the plan for public functions concerning foreigners relating to the aid-accepted projects .

  2. 清代充任中外外事活动翻译的外国传教士

    Foreign Missionaries as Interpreters and Translators for the Qing Government in its Dealings with Foreigners

  3. 因此,模糊语也越来越受到从事外事活动的外交人员的欢迎。

    Therefore , vague language is becoming more and more welcome in the activities of foreign affairs .

  4. 第二,参与主持国家重大的外事活动,通过对圣贤的景仰传播与输出以儒家礼仪制度为代表的儒家文化和思想。

    And to participate in important national foreign activities to spread and export Confucianism by means of deferring Confucius .

  5. 城市对外交往,不仅仅是地方外事活动的重要一环,更是代表了未来外交外事的新的趋势和动向。

    City diplomacy itself , is not only a new diplomatic term , but represents the future trend of foreign affairs .

  6. 随着当今国与国交往的日益密切,外事活动尤其增多的情况下,外事翻译无疑成为了跨文化交际的一项重要形式。

    With the increasingly close contact between countries , foreign affairs translation has undoubtedly become an important form of intercultural communication .

  7. 不时,这个单位把相结合的报告,称之为所谓的国家情报估计部门,专门处理外事活动和威胁。

    From time to time , this community puts together reports called National Intelligence Estimates that deal with foreign activities and threats .

  8. 待客之道:从外事活动看近代上海华界与租界关系

    The Way to Receive Guests : The Relationship between Chinese Territory and Foreign Concessions in Modern Shanghai as Examined through Foreign Affairs

  9. 伍廷芳不仅法律造诣深厚,而且运用他的法律技能和娴熟的外交技巧在清末的外事活动中做出了杰出的贡献。

    Not only his deep knowledge of the law , also he made an outstanding contribution to the foreign activities of the government .

  10. 我院学生在参加历次重大外事活动和全国各类竞赛活动中屡创佳绩。

    Representing UIR , our students have participated in important events of foreign affairs and in a spate of national competitions in which they have made major achievements .

  11. 在外事活动中同时升挂两个以上国家的国旗时,应当按照外交部的规定或者国际惯例升挂。

    When the National Flags of two or more nations are displayed in foreign affairs activities , relevant provisions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the international practice shall be followed .

  12. 在有些外事活动中,如接待美国卸任总统格兰特、美国陆军部长达夫提、法军将军霞飞,三家也有联系与合作,甚至联合接待。

    In other events , such as greeting the American President-off-office Grant , Army Minister Taft , and French General Joseph Joffre , the three parties contacted , cooperated , and even in joint greeting .

  13. 在一些特定的外交场合下,模糊语不仅能够提高外交人员言语交际的合理性、得体性、有效性,产生特别的交际效果;而且还能够给外事活动参与方以极大的回旋余地。

    In certain diplomatic occasions , vague language can not only improve the rationality of the diplomatic language communication , appropriateness and effectiveness ; but also can give diplomatic activities participants much room to manoeuvre .

  14. 作为外事活动中的必要手段和媒介,外事翻译在国际活动中发挥着至关重要的作用,而跨文化交际视角也给外事翻译提出了更高的要求。

    As a necessary means and medium of foreign affairs activities , foreign affairs translation plays an important role in international communication activities . The perspective of cross-cultural also brings higher requirements for foreign affairs translation .

  15. 随着人类逐次进入工业时代和信息时代,文化外交也跟着一日千里,成为一国外交外事活动中的重要一环,具有了至关重要的战略地位和不可或缺的价值。

    As human beings proceeded into industrial and then information ages , cultural diplomacy has also developed greatly , and has become a significant part of diplomatic activities . It is endowed with crucial strategic significance and indispensible value .