
chái huo
  • firewood;faggot
柴火 [chái huō]
  • [firewood;faggot] 能燃烧以提供热量的树枝、秸秆、杂草等

柴火[chái huo]
  1. 他在把原木劈成柴火。

    He was chopping logs for firewood .

  2. 两个小女孩正在拾柴火。

    Two young girls were collecting firewood

  3. 孩子们正在四处寻找柴火。

    The kids were scouting around for wood for the fire .

  4. 她胳膊和腿瘦得跟柴火棍儿似的。

    Her arms and legs were like sticks .

  5. 他砍下树枝当柴火。

    He chopped up branches of the tree into firewood .

  6. 柴火在敞开着的壁炉里熊熊燃烧。

    A log fire roared in the open hearth .

  7. 厨房的桌子上摆好了早餐,房间里都是咖啡,薰肉的香味,湿湿的灰泥味儿,还有从炉子里荡出来的柴火烟味儿。

    The kitchen table was set for breakfast , and the room smelled of coffee , bacon , damp plaster , and wood smoke from the stove .

  8. 尽管有如此多的顾虑,但当今世界要比卡特总统(JimmyCarter)在白宫安装太阳能和烧柴火的时代更能消化油价高企的影响。

    For all the concern , the world today is better equipped to swallow expensive oil than it was when Jimmy Carter was installing solar panels and a wood-burning stove in the White House .

  9. 克莱恩说,他做项目有一条简单的规矩,“只要你想做的事不会导致不可逆转的变化,那就尽管去做”。今年夏天的一个劳动周末,业余大厨伊登·科恩(IdanCohen)组织大家做柴火炉。

    As for projects , there is one simple rule , Mr. Klein said : " As long as the thing you want to do doesn 't cause irreversible change , just go for it . " Idan Cohen , an amateur chef , organized the building of a cob oven one work weekend this summer .

  10. 她可不会把树砍倒拿去当柴火卖。

    She doesn 't chop it down to sell the firewood .

  11. 他每劈一下,一根柴火就开始发芽了!

    Once he split , one log began to sprout leaves .

  12. 但是柴火能让土地保留风和水。

    But stover protects against soil loss to wind and water .

  13. 熊熊柴火起室炉噼啪响。

    A cheerful wood fire was crackling in the sitting room .

  14. 我最爱听着柴火燃烧的声音入眠了。

    I love falling asleep to the sound of a fire .

  15. 有了火种,有了引火物,还要一些柴火。

    I 've got tinder , some kindling and some wood .

  16. 我忘了填柴火,结果火灭了。

    I forgot to feed the fire , so it burnt out .

  17. 每一个人看见了他的柴火堆都非常欢喜。

    Every man looks at his wood-pile with a kind of affection .

  18. “一堆烧得旺旺的好柴火!”老妇人补充道。

    " A fine , flaming fagot ," added the old woman .

  19. 因为柴火潮湿,所以点不着。

    We can 't light the fire as the firewood is wet .

  20. 妇女们背着柴火下了山。

    The women came down the hill with their loads of firewood .

  21. 神奇的是,没人患大病。拾柴火是最危险的。

    Miraculously , no one got seriously ill.Gathering firewood was most dangerous .

  22. 来吧!我们去拾些柴火。

    Come on ! We 're going for the brushwood .

  23. 传统上讲,树木被砍伐用来作柴火或者是为农业发展开辟土地。

    Trees were traditionally cut down for firewood or cleared for agriculture .

  24. 你可以在一般商店买柴火。

    You can buy firewood at the general store .

  25. 我要帮她从地下室背些柴火上来。

    I had to carry some firewood up from the basement for her .

  26. 也是弄到柴火的好方法。

    Great way to get some firewood , too .

  27. 没你事,现在去拿点柴火过来吧。

    Nevermind you , now go get some firewood .

  28. 丢下书包,去拾柴火,荔枝林里,总有数不清的落叶。

    Dropped the bag firewood , years , there are always countless leaves .

  29. 他们拾了一些柴火,生起火来取暖。

    They collected some firewood and made a fire to keep themselves warm .

  30. 把柴火翻过来晒晒。

    Turn the firewood over and sun it .