
jiā ɡōnɡ shí pǐn
  • process food
  • processed food
  1. 实际表明,采用吹风快速冻结加工食品平均单位耗能约为300kwh/t左右。

    The fact shows that the average unit of energy consumption approximately is 300kwh / t by using blowing quick freezing to process food .

  2. “在美国,我们超过50%的食品都是加工食品,”纳多告诉她。

    " In America , over 50 percent of our food is processed food , " Nadeau tells her .

  3. 它们看上去有益健康,实则掩盖了其为精加工食品这一事实。

    Their healthy image disguises the fact that they are highly processed foods

  4. 他们往往会买便宜的加工食品,像鸡肉罐头和通心粉之类的。

    They tend to buy cheap processed foods like canned chicken and macaroni .

  5. 这难道不是反对加工食品和提倡烹饪工艺的那批人吗?

    Isn 't this the same crowd that rails against processed junk and champions craft cooking ?

  6. 纳多说糖和加工食品是导致儿童糖尿病发病率上升的主要因素。

    Nadeau says sugar and processed foods are big contributors to the rising diabetes rates among children .

  7. 为什么这么多美国人要吃成吨的加工食品——它们是真正的垃圾食品,真正应该贴上警告标签?

    Why do so many Americans eat tons of processed food , the stuff that is correctly called junk and should really carry warning labels ?

  8. 尽管如此,医生们表示,他们关注的是集体数据,并且现在出现了清哳的图景:美国人饮食中的盐、糖、脂肪和加工食品导致了本国肥胖、糖尿病和心脏病的高发病率。

    Nonetheless , physicians say that they look at the collective data and a clear picture emerges : that the salt , sugar , fat and processed foods in the American diet contribute to the nation 's high rates of obesity , diabetes and heart disease .

  9. 一些食品公司为减少加工食品中的卡路里含量做了一些半心半意的尝试,并大肆宣传。但是标准的美国饮食仍然与几乎每个专家建议我们吃的健康的植物性食物截然相反。

    There have been half-hearted but well-publicized efforts by some food companies to reduce calories in their processed foods , but the Standard American Diet is still the polar opposite of the healthy , mostly plant-based diet that just about every expert says we should be eating .

  10. 未来的3D食品打印机可以使加工食品更健康。

    Future 3D food printers could make processed food healthier .

  11. 饱腹:加工食品一旦进入肠道就会被迅速消化。

    Satiety5 : Processed food is digested quickly as soon as it enters our intestines7 .

  12. 白色食物指的是白糖、通用面粉等加工食品,或土豆、米饭、通心粉等淀粉类食物。

    White foods refer to processed foods such as white sugar and all-purpose flour , or starchy foods such as potatoes , rice , and pasta .

  13. 我每一天都为自己能活着而感恩,所有的器官都能正常运转,我把这归功于吃了很多加工食品。

    I 'm grateful for every day I 'm still alive . Everything is still working . I attribute it to eating a lot of processed foods .

  14. 高糖饮食,蛋糕、面包、饼干等加工食品,以及红肉会大大提高患抑郁症的风险,经常吃这类食物可能影响你的心理健康。

    High-sugar , processed foods like cakes , bread , and biscuits , as well as red meat can substantially raise the risk for depression and eating these sorts of foods on a regular basis could be one of the reasons your mental health is suffering .

  15. 加工食品中若干动物成分的PCR检测技术应用研究

    Application of PCR Detection for Some Animal Components in Processed Food

  16. PCR法检测大豆加工食品中的转基因成分

    Detection of GMO Elements in Soybean Proceeding Food with PCR Method

  17. 玉米加工食品中转基因成分的PCR检测

    Detection of GMO Materials in Corn Foods with PCR Method

  18. 转基因稻米加工食品的PCR检测技术研究

    PCR Detection Technology of Transgenic Rice Food Products

  19. 大豆加工食品中转基因成分多重PCR检测体系的建立

    Multiplex PCR for Detection of Transgenic Components in Soybean and Its Derived Food Products

  20. 利用PCR方法检测转基因大豆加工食品中的修饰基因

    Detection of Genetically Modified Organisms in Genetically Modified Soybean and Foods by Polymerase Chain Reaction Method

  21. 通过分子生物学手段,以聚合酶链式反应(PCR)技术为基础,建立了从玉米加工食品中检测转基因成分的方法。

    A method for detecting the genetically modified organisms in corn foods has been established on the basis of PCR technique .

  22. 用巢式和半巢式PCR检测转基因大豆RoundUpReady及其深加工食品

    Detecting Genetically Modified Soybean Roundup Ready Ingredient in Foodstuffs by Nested PCR and Semi - nested PCR

  23. 应用实时荧光定量PCR技术,研究了大豆加工食品中不同加工工艺对加工食品中转基因含量的变化规律。

    The quantitative change of transgenic component of the four soybean products during different manufacturing process was investigated using real-time quantitative PCR detection method .

  24. 结果表明:试剂盒法对玉米加工食品中的总DNA有更好的提取效果,并得到一个适宜的扩增条件参数;

    The results showed that compared with the modified CTAB method , the Kit method was suitable for DNA extraction of corn food products , which was more effective in DNA extraction .

  25. 结论hpt在转基因大米加工食品中均已不同程度的发生了降解,不同加工方式对hpt片段降解影响显著,在加工后hpt以较大或完整片段向食品或消化道微生物转移的可能性减小。

    The likelihood of the large hpt gene fragments transfer from transgenic rice processed food to bacteria is reduced by food process .

  26. Collins同意Pollan的中心观点,即完整的食物远比加工食品要健康的多。

    Collins agrees with Pollan 's central theme that whole foods are vastly better for us than are processed foods .

  27. 她指出英国超市已推出更优质的加工食品,比如乐购(Tesco)的迷你三文鱼意式蛋饼配莳萝蛋黄酱。

    She notes that British supermarkets have introduced better quality processed meals , such as Tesco 's mini salmon frittatas with dill B é arnaise .

  28. 建立了大豆加工食品中转基因成分的定性PCR技术、多重PCR方法及实时荧光定量PCR检测方法,这三种方法分别能有效、准确地检测出大豆加工食品中转基因成分及其含量。

    The results were summarized as follows : 1 . Methods for qualitative and quantitative detection of transgenic component in genetically modified soybean products were established respectively , which provide sensitive , specific , simple and useful tools for soybean food products .

  29. 2008年,英国食品标准局发现包括HulaHoops,RyvitaandPringles这一系列加工食品中有高含量的丙烯酰胺。

    In2008 the UK Food Standards Agency found high levels of acrylamide in a range of processed foods including Hula Hoops , Ryvita and Pringles .

  30. 美国大型农业综合企业嘉吉公司(Cargill)表示,新兴市场对加工食品、肉类和奶制品的胃口,证明那些担心金融危机后此类需求将大幅下滑的人错了。

    The appetite of emerging markets for processed food , meat and dairy products has confounded fears of a big drop in demand in the wake of the financial crisis , says Cargill , the big US agribusiness .