
  • 网络Catalan;Catalonians;Catalonian
  1. 这位38岁的首次执教西甲的带领加泰罗尼亚人完美挺进冠军杯决赛的主教练告诉CNN,巴塞罗那将战斗并最终赢得胜利。

    The38-year-old , who has guided the Catalan side to the showpiece finale in his debut season in charge , told CNN his side would play to win .

  2. 作为加泰罗尼亚人,格罗在鲁西永感到尤为自在他的第一份工作是在莫利(maury)的合作社,莫利是鲁西永葡萄酒革命事实上的中心。

    As a Catalan Gros is particularly comfortable in Roussillon his first job was at the co-operative in Maury , virtual epicentre of the Roussillon Wine Revolution .

  3. 加泰罗尼亚人宣布支持查理,于是一场内战在巴伦西亚和阿拉贡两地爆发。

    The Catalans declared for Charles and a civil war erupted in Valencia and Aragon

  4. 加泰罗尼亚人(catalans)和其他心怀不满的欧洲民族将视苏格兰独立为他们自己建立独立国家的先声。

    The Catalans , among other disaffected European groups , see Scottish independence as a harbinger of their own bid for nationhood .

  5. 加泰罗尼亚人毫不犹豫的就给他在俱乐部注册并安排他去医疗部接受治疗。

    The Catalan people without hesitation gave his club and made arrangements for him to the registration of medical treatment .

  6. 加泰罗尼亚人上赛季被曼联在半决赛遣返原籍,这回他们凭借伊涅斯塔补时阶段的进球预定了决赛的门票。

    The Catalans , beaten by United in last year 's semi-final , booked a re-match with the Reds by virtue of Andres Iniesta 's injury-time leveller at Chelsea on Wednesday evening .

  7. 民调显示,绝大多数加泰罗尼亚人赞成对该地区政治前途举行公投,虽然调查结果在多少人赞成脱离西班牙方面有所分歧。

    Surveys show that a large majority of Catalans are in favour of holding a referendum on the region 's political future , though surveys differ on how many want a break with Spain .

  8. 蒙蒂利亚先生将离开现在的职位去参加加泰罗尼亚的地方选举,萨帕特罗已经在八月二十九日宣布由现任巴塞罗那市市长胡安卡洛斯接替蒙蒂利亚的职位,他也是加泰罗尼亚人。

    Mr Montilla is about to leave his post to run for regional elections in Catalonia and Mr Zapatero announced on august29th that he would be replaced by Joan clos , another catalan , who is mayor of barcelona .