
  • 网络governor-general;Governor General of Canada;Canadian Governor-General
  1. 1952年的今天,文森特·梅西宣誓成为首位加拿大出生的加拿大总督。

    1952-Vincent Massey is sworn in as the first Canadaian-born Governor-General of Canada .

  2. 加拿大总督因涉嫌职场骚扰而辞职。

    The Canadian Governor General has quit amid allegations of workplace harassment .

  3. 《上帝的玩笑》这部小说为她赢得了加拿大总督文学金奖的殊荣。

    A jest of God wins her the Governor General ′ s Award , Canada ′ s highest literary honor .

  4. 法国领导人垂青武汉大学,加拿大总督喜欢四川大学,而德国领导人则偏爱同济大学。

    Leaders from France prefer Wuhan University ; governor-generals of Canada like Sichuan University and German leaders favor Tongji University .

  5. 作为一名多产作家,玛格丽特·阿特伍德的35部书被译成30多种语言,她得到许多文学奖项,如加拿大总督奖和联邦文学奖。

    A prolific writer , Margaret Atwood is author of over 35 books translated into more than 30 languages ; recipient of many literary awards , such as the Booker , Canada 's Governor General 's Award and the Commonwealth Literary Prize .

  6. 她的作品曾获2009年布克国际文学奖,她还曾三次获得加拿大文学总督奖。

    Winner of the 2009 Man Booker International Prize for her lifetime body of work , she is also a three-time winner of Canada 's Governor General 's Award for fiction .

  7. 她的作品多次荣膺各种文学奖项,包括2000年的布克奖、加拿大吉勒文学奖以及加拿大总督文学奖等,已在世界文坛引起批评家的关注并深受读者的喜爱。

    Her reputation is credited by both literary critics and mass readers throughout the world , and wins many literary honors including the 2000 Booker Prize , Giller Prize and Governor General 's Award .