
  • 网络galilee;Galilean;Ga-lilee
  1. 雅各和他的兄弟圣约翰是加利利海的渔夫,是最早受耶稣感召的门徒。

    He and his brother John were fishermen on the Sea of Galilee and were among the first disciples1 to be called .

  2. 在加利利西部马诺特洞穴(ManotCave)发现的化石是2008年出土的,经过了多年严谨的分析。研究结果由一个多国科学家组成的科研小组于周三发表在《自然》杂志上,他们的领队是特拉维夫大学的伊斯拉埃尔·赫什科维茨(IsraelHershkovitz)。

    The discovery in Manot Cave in western Galilee , made in 2008 and subjected to years of rigorous analysis , was reported on Wednesday in the journal Nature by an international team of researchers led by Israel Hershkovitz of Tel Aviv University .

  3. KfarKedem游乐园模仿古代加利利人的生活,该游乐园的运营商Hoshaya却紧跟时代潮流,它让游客能够在骑着毛驴时查阅电子邮件、在Facebook页面上发布照片。

    Hoshaya , which operates the Kfar Kedem recreational attraction ( which simulates life in ancient Galilee ) , will now propel itself into the modern age and allow visitors to check their email and post photos on their Facebook pages while riding donkeys .

  4. 他们当中是否有撒马利亚人和加利利人呢?

    Was the group made up of both Samaritans and Galileans ?

  5. 耶稣和他的门徒再回去加利利。

    Jesus and His disciples were again heading back to Galilee .

  6. 但也有的说,基督岂是从加利利出来的吗。

    But some said , Shall Christ come out of Galilee ?

  7. 第三天,加利利的迦拿有一家人娶媳妇,设宴庆贺。

    On the third day there was a wedding at Cana-in-Galilee .

  8. 你且去查考,就知道没有申言者是出于加利利而兴起的。

    Search and see that no prophet arises out of Galilee .

  9. 伯赛大-坐落在加利利海的东北边。

    Bethsaida-Located on the northeast shore of the Sea of Galilee .

  10. 你是加利利人,再次向我显现。

    Thou Man of Galilee , O wilt Thou live again .

  11. 弥赛亚岂是从加利利出来的吗?

    Who says the Messiah is supposed to come from Galilee ?

  12. 这在加利利的一个小城迦拿发生。

    This happened in a small town of Cana in Galilee .

  13. 耶稣在加利利的迦南行了这个第一次的神迹。

    Jesus performed this first miracle in Cana in Galilee .

  14. 我怎么没有在加利利的衙门见到你呢?

    Haven 't I seen you in the company of the galilean ?

  15. 我们继续跟随耶稣传道的足迹,这次往北走回加利利。

    We are following the footsteps of Jesus during His earthly ministry .

  16. 这人是个加利利人是不是?

    This man is a galilean , is he not ?

  17. 这是他在加利利时讲的。

    This parable was told while he was in Galilee .

  18. 他就离了犹太,又往加利利去。

    He left Judaea , and departed again into Galilee .

  19. 加利利夜海翻腾蓝色波浪。

    When the blue wave rolls nightly on deep Galilee .

  20. 加利利海之前都不是什么好地方。

    There is no well before the sea of galilee .

  21. 于是耶稣在加利利的各会堂传道。

    And he was teaching in the synagogues of galilee .

  22. 加利利海突然风浪大作是对门徒的考验。

    The sudden storm on the Sea of Galilee was the disciples'test .

  23. 基督又再从加利利长途跋涉走到耶路撒冷。

    Once again Christ had traveled a long way from Galilee to Jerusalem .

  24. 一个加利利人?你是说谁?

    A galilean ? Who are you talking about ?

  25. 过了那两天,耶稣离了那地方,往加利利去。

    Now after two days he departed thence , and went into Galilee .

  26. 加利利的属于或有关加利利及加利利人的。

    Of or relating to Galilee or its people .

  27. 他在加利利还的游泳行为让共和党人唏嘘不已。

    His dip into the Sea of Galilee brought headshaking from other Republicans .

  28. 约四3他就离开犹太,又往加利利去。

    Jn . 4:3 He left Judea and went away again into Galilee .

  29. 即便是约瑟,如耶稣面对危险退到加利利。

    Even Joseph with Jesus retreats in the face of danger to Galilee .

  30. 他撤退到加利利,因为他听说,约翰进了监狱。

    He retreated to Galilee because he had heard that John had gotten arrested .