
  • 网络Cadiz;Cádiz;Gades;Gadir
  1. 我们准备通过攻击加的斯以示反击。

    And we intend to respond by taking cadiz .

  2. 那么,加的斯在哪里呢,船友们?

    And where is Cadiz , shipmates ?

  3. 而要到他施或者加的斯去,却须从约帕往西走二千多英里,就正在直布罗陀海峡外边。

    and Tarshish or Cadiz more than two thousand miles to the westward from that , just outside the Straits of Gibraltar .

  4. 这里也许还隐藏有一个迄今还没有受到注意的意义.因为谁都明白,他施明明就是现代的加的斯城。

    There lurks , perhaps , a hitherto unheeded meaning here . By all accounts Tarshish could have been no other city than the modern Cadiz .

  5. 同时,他也是西班牙特内里费、格拉纳达和加的斯皇家艺术学院的一员,并获得特内里费圣塔克鲁兹音乐学院的特别荣誉院士称号。

    He is a member of the " Real Academia de Bellas Artes " of Tenerife ( Canary Islands ), Granada and C á diz , as well as Honorary and Extraordinary Academician of the Conservatory of Santa Cruz of Tenerife .