
  • 网络Basque
  1. 巴斯克人的语言;和任何语言都没有关系。

    Basque people ; of no known relation to any other language .

  2. 但总的来看,巴斯克人认可巴斯克自治政府的成功(包括不情愿的分离主义者)。

    But Basque self-government has , on balance , been recognised by Basques including , begrudgingly , separatists as a success .

  3. 在皇马进球后,坚毅的巴斯克人并没有选择放弃。

    The Basques couldn 't afford giving up and , after the Whites'goal .

  4. 埃塔逐渐失去了普通巴斯克人的支持,部分原因是他们的血腥战略。

    ETA has increasingly lost support among Basques , partly because of its bloody tactics .

  5. 给了巴斯克人地区自治。

    To give Basques regional autonomy .

  6. 巴斯克人很享受这种特权,他们说,为什么他们应该不这么做呢?

    The Basques enjoy this privilege , they say ; why should they not as well ?

  7. 他们有几组少见的基因型,包括一种罕见血型的发生率在巴斯克人中也是最高的。

    They show unusual patterns for several genes , including the highest rate of a rare blood type .

  8. 法国和西班牙的巴斯克人是人类家谱图上欧洲人分支的最特殊的成员。

    The most distinctive members of the European branch of the human tree are the Basques of France and Spain .

  9. 同时,Aguerre指出,埃塔组织总是能够找到被剥夺了公民权利的年轻巴斯克人加入他们的事业。

    At the same time , Aguerre notes , it has always been able to find young , disenfranchised Basques to join its cause .

  10. 有些人有恰当的身高和肤色,无论去哪儿都是一种半正常人——他们在土耳其可能是土耳其人,在墨西哥就突然成了墨西哥人,在西班牙也可能被误认成巴斯克人,在北非有时可能被当做是阿拉伯人……

    People who are the right height and complexion that they kind of look halfway normal wherever they go - in Turkey they just might be Turks , in Mexico they are suddenly Mexican , in Spain they could be mistaken for a Basque , in Northern Africa they can sometimes pass for Arab ...

  11. 保罗?西蒙则是用灯光、舞蹈演员、巨型屏幕、液压装置、服饰变换、飞行鼓手、钢丝行走、啦啦队员、巴斯克民乐三人组等等来充实演唱会,当然,除了这些,也有音乐。

    Paul Simon did it with subtlety , detail and complex musical interplay . Madonna did it with lights , dancers , giant video screens , hydraulics , costume changes , flying drummers , tightrope walking , cheerleaders , a basque folk trio * And music too .

  12. 巴斯克语被视为文化遗产,是唯一不属于任何语言群体的前印欧语系语言。根据《国家地理》2012年的研究,所有巴斯克人都有一组与其周边种族大不相同的基因。

    The Basque language , Euskara , is believed to be the only relic pre-Indo-European language that does not belong to any language group that exists today.According to the research of National Geographic made in 2012 all Basques have a set of genes that are pretty much different from those of other peoples around them .