
  • 网络By the Seine River in Paris;Paris, Banks of the Seine
  1. 巴黎的塞纳河畔。

    Bank of River Seine in Central Paris .

  2. 巴黎位于塞纳河畔。

    Paris stands on the Seine .

  3. 伴随着花桥鼓楼一路走来的侗族大歌从清水江边唱到了巴黎的塞纳河畔;

    The multi-section songs of Dong nationality going with flower-bridges and drum-buildings have been sung from Qingshui River in Guizhou to Seine River in Paris .

  4. 在巴黎塞纳河河畔漫步的时候,这个爱尔兰剧作家创作出一个瘦削的吉亚科梅蒂式人物形象,这个人物形象就伴着岁月悠长广受欢迎。

    The Irish playwright cut a gaunt , Giacometti-like figure when walking along the Seine in his adoptedParisthat , with the passing years , grew too busy for his liking .

  5. 洛林·瓦伦科夫·马泽尔于1930年3月6日出生在巴黎郊区的塞纳河畔讷伊,父母都是在那里学习音乐的美国学生,其中父亲林肯·马泽尔(LincolnMaazel)是一名歌手,母亲玛丽·瓦伦科夫·马泽尔(MarieVarencoveMaazel)是一名钢琴家。

    Lorin Varencove Maazel was born in the Parisian suburb of Neuilly-sur-Seine on March 6 , 1930 , to a pair of American music students - Lincoln Maazel , a singer , and Marie Varencove Maazel , a pianist - who were studying there .

  6. 1907年,一位名叫查理的年轻裁缝满怀希望和梦想来到了巴黎,他到法兰西公爵位于巴黎塞纳河畔的府邸担任裁缝师的职位。

    In1907 , a young tailor named Charlie came to pairs full with hope and dreams ! He found a job for dressmaker at France Duke who lived in the Seine riverside .