
  • 网络the Brazilian Cup;Copa do Brasil;Taca Brasil;Copa Brasil
  1. 以上是NPR新闻的罗素·刘易斯带来的巴西世界杯的报道。

    NPR 's Russell Lewis at the World Cup in Brazil .

  2. 阿迪达斯在中国市场上仍有增长空间,它也是明年巴西世界杯(FifaWorldCup)多数主要球队的赞助商。

    The latter still has room to grow in China , and it is sponsoring most of the big teams in next year 's Fifa World Cup in Brazil .

  3. NPR新闻的罗素·刘易斯正在巴西世界杯的比赛现场,他表示球迷们惊呆了。

    NPR 's Russell Lewis was at the game in Brazil , he says fans were stunned .

  4. 市场研究机构尼尔森(Nielsen)公布的数据显示,7月22日巴西世界杯美国对战葡萄牙的小组赛家庭收视率为7.3。

    The July 22 World Cup game between the U.S.A. and Portugal earned a Nielsen household rating of 7.3 .

  5. LouisVuitton奖杯盒,Normcore分队服,还有法国潮流装备:巴西世界杯的一切都显得流光溢彩。

    Louis Vuitton trophy luggage , Normcore bibs and France 's on-trend kit : it 's all looking very stylish in Brazil .

  6. Tinder预计今年夏季的巴西世界杯期间将会出现类似的情况。

    The company is expecting a similar bump when Brazil hosts the World Cup this summer .

  7. 欢迎收看国际足联(Fifa)为您带来的巴西世界杯。国际足联既是企业治理的负面典型,又是世界上最为成功的跨国机构之一。

    Welcome to the World Cup in Brazil , brought to you by Fifa , a corporate governance disaster that is also one of the most successful multinational enterprises on earth .

  8. 哥伦比亚的10号在2014巴西世界杯上表现不俗。哥伦比亚首场比赛对阵希腊时先进两球保持领先优势,J罗在最后关头射门得分,哥伦比亚3:0完胜希腊,他本人则赢得那场比赛的百威“全场最佳球员奖”。

    Colombia 's No10 made an instant impact at Brazil 2014 , setting up Los Cafeteros 's opening two goals and scoring in the last minute in their 3-0 win over Greece , earning the Budweiser Man of the Match Award in the process .

  9. 这届巴西世界杯又将会怎样改变英超联赛呢?

    And how will this World Cup change the Premier League ?

  10. 6月12日,巴西世界杯开幕。

    Am 12 . Juni beginnt die Fu ß ball-Weltmeisterschaft in Brasilien .

  11. 脑震荡成为今年夏天巴西世界杯上的重要话题。

    Concussions became an issue in this summer 's World Cup in Brazil .

  12. 2014巴西世界杯门票正式开始对外销售。

    World Cup tickets for Brazil 2014 are officially on sale for international fans .

  13. 来看今天的巴西世界杯战报。

    In Brazil today at the World Cup .

  14. 毕竟,巴西世界杯是一生难得的经历。

    After all , a World Cup in Brazil is a once in a lifetime experience .

  15. 于此同时,巴塞罗那的巴西世界杯得主埃德米尔森的续约问题也在今天展开商讨。

    Meanwhile , talks are due to resume with Barcelona 's Brazilian World Cup winner Edmilson today .

  16. 未出战巴西世界杯的世界排名最高球队是乌克兰队。

    The highest ranked team in the world rankings who won 't be present in Brazil are Ukraine .

  17. 来看巴西世界杯的战况,荷兰击败哥斯达黎加进军世界杯半决赛,他们在半决赛的对手是阿根廷队。

    In Brazil , the Netherlands defeated Costa Rica to advance to a World Cup semi-final with Argentina .

  18. 小组前二将进军巴西世界杯,而第三名则必须经过季后赛的厮杀才能出线。

    The top two qualify for Brazil , while the third-place team must fight their way through the playoffs .

  19. 在星光熠熠的仪式上,2014年巴西世界杯预选赛分组抽签活动正在里约热内卢举行。

    The qualifying draw for the2014 football World Cup in Brazil is underway at a star-studded ceremony in Rio de Janeiro .

  20. 现在到了2014年,德国队在巴西世界杯上再次夺冠,而且又是在具有象征意义的时刻。

    Now , in 2014 , Germany has won the World Cup again – and once more at a symbolic moment .

  21. 巴西世界杯开幕之际,宇航员们在几乎没有重力的230英里高空踢起了足球。

    As Brazil geared up for the World Cup , 230 miles above Earth , astronauts had their own microgravity kick-about .

  22. 在今年巴西世界杯揭幕战上,开球的是一个名叫朱利亚诺o平托,双腿瘫痪的残疾青年。

    At this year 's FIFA World Cup , the first kick was delivered by a man with paralyzed legs , Juliano Pinto .

  23. 过不了多久,随着2014年巴西世界杯的资格赛开战,一切又会从头开始。

    Before too long , it will all start again from scratch with the qualifying rounds for the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil .

  24. 美国队的教练是德国人,他们需要一场平局或是胜利才能保证进入巴西世界杯十六强。

    The Americans who are coached by a German need a draw or win to secure a spot in the next round in Brazil .

  25. 巴西世界杯吸引了众多明星,但是很少有明星能如莱昂纳多一般奢侈。

    Brazil is filled with stars for the World Cup , but few are taking in the quadrennial soccer tournament as luxuriously as Leonard DiCaprio .

  26. 来看巴西世界杯的情况,葡萄牙在在今晚比赛的伤停补时阶段打入一球,和美国打成2比2平局,这是一场令人紧张的比赛。

    At the World Cup in Brazil , a 2-2 tie in stoppage time for the US against Portugal tonight , it was a nail-biter .

  27. 但德国获得巴西世界杯冠军,让她可以和其他德国人一起暂时停下来,享受德国的黄金时刻。

    But , along with the rest of the nation , victory in Rio allowed her a moment to pause - and relish Germany 's golden moment .

  28. 今天,美国队在巴西世界杯上以2比1击败了加纳队,下面是罗素·刘易斯在比赛结束后从体育馆带来报道。

    In Brazil , the united states busted Ghana at the world cup 2:1 today , Russell Lewis is in the stadium moments after the match ended .

  29. 奥巴马头部及肩部的照片被印在了马克杯上,照片中,他身穿英格兰球衣,下方文字标明:2014年巴西世界杯英格兰队克里斯·斯莫林。

    The head and shoulders photo printed on the mugs show Obama wearing the kit , with the caption Chris Smalling World Cup squad Brazil 2014 beneath it .

  30. 国际球迷观看巴西世界杯小组赛的最低门票价格是90美元(约合59英镑,69欧元)。

    Ticket prices for international fans attending the football World Cup in Brazil will start at $ 90 ( 59 , 69 euros ) for initial group matches .