
shā rén
  • killing;murder;homicide;kill a person;kill sb.
杀人 [shā rén]
  • [kill sb.] 对人的杀害

  • 你不可杀人

杀人[shā rén]
  1. 有二十六种不留下攻击的迹象杀人方式,其中的九种杀人方式中包括勒杀和使用毒气。

    There are twenty-six ways to kill a person without leaving signs of an attack , nine of which involve suffocation or the use of gas .

  2. 杀人凶器被发现藏在灌木丛中。

    The murder weapon was found concealed in undergrowth .

  3. 这两名警员被控非法杀人。

    The two police officers were accused of unlawful killing .

  4. 杀人凶手一天不关起来我一天不罢休。

    I will not rest until the murderer is under lock and key .

  5. 警方认为有人把杀人凶手窝藏了起来。

    Police believe that somebody is shielding the killer .

  6. 叛乱者肆意杀人。

    The rebels went on an orgy of killing .

  7. 他要将杀人凶手绳之以法的决心一直没有动摇。

    He remained steadfast in his determination to bring the killers to justice .

  8. 杀人凶手出身于一个坎坷不幸的家庭。

    The killer had a disturbed family background .

  9. 电视扼杀人与人之间的交谈,你同意这种说法吗?

    Do you agree that television kills conversation ?

  10. 当庭出示的第一件物证就是控方称为杀人凶器的一把刀。

    The first exhibit was a knife which the prosecution claimed was the murder weapon .

  11. 这次杀人不是预谋的。

    The killing had not been premeditated .

  12. 他有明显的杀人倾向。

    He had clear homicidal tendencies .

  13. 她因受到挑衅而过失杀人的有罪答辩被驳回。

    Her plea of guilty to manslaughter through provocation was rejected .

  14. 蓄意杀人依法要判无期徒刑。

    In a case of premeditated murder a life sentence is mandatory

  15. 他们其中有一个人可能是杀人凶手。

    One of these men may have been the murderer .

  16. 我记得有个故事,讲的是一个邮递员杀人的事情。

    I remembered a particular story about a postman who was a murderer

  17. 警方已排除因抢劫而杀人的可能。

    Police have ruled out robbery as a motive for the killing .

  18. 这个杀人狂会毫不犹豫地把他俩都杀了。

    This murderous lunatic could kill them both without a second thought .

  19. 她虽说仇恨他们,但绝不至于去杀人。

    Her hatred of them would never lead her to murder

  20. 好莱坞电影把我们歪曲成酒鬼、疯子和杀人凶手。

    Hollywood films misrepresented us as drunks , maniacs and murderers

  21. 她被裁定过失杀人罪名成立,缓刑两年。

    She was found guilty of manslaughter and put on probation for two years

  22. 该书分析了女性杀人的动机以及法律对此是如何规定的。

    The book analyses why women kill and how the law treats them .

  23. 那些司机必然会受到过失杀人的指控。

    Those drivers should face an automatic charge of manslaughter

  24. 他们聪明且有教养,却选择去绑架和杀人。

    They were intelligent and educated , yet they chose to kidnap and kill

  25. 杀人后,他镇定地点起火销毁罪证。

    After the killing , he calmly lit a fire to destroy evidence .

  26. 她被判谋杀罪名不成立,仅以过失杀人罪判处5年监禁。

    She was cleared of murder and jailed for just five years for manslaughter

  27. 他否认激情杀人。

    He denies murder on the grounds of provocation

  28. 杀人动机不明。

    The motive for the killing is unknown .

  29. 他是个精神变态杀人者。

    He 's a psychopath , a killer .

  30. 这种枪只有一个用途——就是用来杀人。

    This gun is designed for one purpose — it 's basically to kill people