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  • 网络Kill fall
  1. 证券市场的羊群行为是指投资者在证券投资中模仿其他投资者决策,在股票价格波动中追涨杀跌的行为。

    Herd behavior of the securities market means that investors follow others in decision-making .

  2. 因此交易者若在未来几天看到一定杀跌行为不应感到惊讶。

    So traders should not be surprised to see some selling efforts in the coming days .

  3. 因此,交易者应等待时机逢高卖出而非杀跌。

    So , traders should wait to sell into market rallies rather than chasing prices down .

  4. 同时,中国股市存在着机构对股价操纵、散户追涨杀跌等现象。

    Meanwhile , institution investors manipulate stock price and private investors blindly gamble in China stock market .

  5. 在市况极具追涨和杀跌价值时,非凡有用。

    Provide extremely in market chase after go up and kill cheapen when the value , particularly useful .

  6. 这就增加了标普在近期高点遭遇一定杀跌行为的可能性。

    This increases the probability that the S & P will encounter some intense selling efforts near recent high .

  7. 基金在大部分统计时间内,呈现正反馈交易现象,基金的操作策略以追涨杀跌为主。

    It showed that , for funds in most of the statistical period , there were positive feedback trades .

  8. 所以市场上长期盛行着盲目跟风、追涨杀跌等非理性投资行为。

    Some irrational investment behaviors prevail in the long term , such as follow the trend blindly and chase sell .

  9. 如果今天是“二八走势”,午后的杀跌态势是值得关注。

    If today 's quotes show key and small-cap stocks , coming in at low afternoon is worth of concern .

  10. 在盘中。我一直提示要关注银行股的表现,只要银行股不参与杀跌大盘无忧。

    In the market , I have been giving your tip that you should be concerned about banking stocks , as long as banking stocks not entering from lower position , the market safe .

  11. 基金的持仓比例与股市波动率正相关,我国基金存在追涨杀跌、持股集中度高,偏好中短线投资等行为特征,这些行为都加剧了我国股市的波动。

    The position ratio of China SIF have a positive correlation with the volatility of stock market . China SIF maintains a high level of shareholding concentration basically and belong to medium-term or short-term investment .

  12. 其它策略也不太奏效,如年复一年的“追涨杀跌”,因为亚洲地区的股市易于波动,常在牛市期与熊市期之间剧烈摇摆。

    Other strategies , such as " buying the winners " year after year are also not very good because the region is prone to volatile markets and sharp swings between bull and bear periods .

  13. 李晶回忆道,最近她访问了三亚,这个中国旅游城市正陷于楼市狂热,一名投机者告诉她:我们中国人买涨杀跌。

    Ms Ulrich recalled a recent visit to Sanya , a Chinese resort city in the grip of a property frenzy , where a speculator advised her that we Chinese buy the rise and sell the fall .

  14. 我国证券市场发展初期,占据主导地位的是个人投资者,因为其信息有限,投资决策缺乏足够理性,个人投资者的盲目跟风、追涨杀跌行为加剧了股市的波动。

    During the development of securities market in China , individual investors occupied the predominant position in the early years . Because of their limited information , irrational investment decision and blind follow , securities market fluctuated acutely .

  15. 与此同时,这种追涨杀跌的模仿投资行为不可避免地推动股票价格走向极端&股价的过度反应,甚至产生股市泡沫。

    Simultaneously , the Imitating investment behavior as pursuit risen up and abandon got down , is inevitably promote the stock price to extremes & exceeding reaction of stock price , and produced stock market foam at last .

  16. 其中,对于投资者在证券市场中大势杀跌、盲目跟风、过度反应的表现,不得不让我们重视非理性因素在证券市场中的作用。

    Among them , the performances of investors in the stock market including trading blindly , overreaction to information and so on surprise us . So we have to attach importance to the role of irrational factors in the stock market .

  17. 在发展早期,我国证券市场是以个人投资者为主体,个人投资者由于缺乏必要的投资知识和技能,投资心理也不稳定,常常表现为追涨杀跌。

    In the early stage , Chinese security market was dominated by individual investors , and they were lack of necessary knowledge and skills of investment and their investment idea was unstable , so they were prone of chase sell into .