
shā yīng
  • infanticide
杀婴[shā yīng]
  1. 母亲杀婴自古以来是一种社会现象,有其独特的社会根源。

    Infanticide matrix , as a social phenomenon , has its particular social root .

  2. 堕胎、杀胎、杀婴

    " Abortion , child destruction and infanticide "

  3. 父母亲杀婴是违反人性的。

    It is against nature for the parents to kill their babies .

  4. 东方田鼠指名亚种杀婴行为的研究

    A Study of Infanticidal Behavior of Reed Vole

  5. 杀婴处置和婴儿生命(保护)法

    Infanticide and Infant Life ( Preservation ) Act

  6. 在古希腊,有两种限制人口数量的过激做法:杀婴和弃婴于自然环境。

    In ancient Greece , two drastic methods were infanticide and exposure of the newborn to the elements .

  7. 例如,有的文化认可杀婴行为,而有的却不是这样。

    It is true , for example , that some societies approve of infanticide while others do not .

  8. 本文分析了托尼?莫里森在《宠儿》中对传统杀婴母题小说艺术的继承和重构。

    This article analyzes Toni Morrison 's inheritance and reconstruction of novel creating art of infanticide matrix in Beloved .

  9. 印度的男性数量比女性多出3700万,部分是因为对儿子的偏爱导致人们选择性别堕胎和杀婴。

    India has 37 million more men than women , partly because the preference for sons prompts sex-selective abortions and infanticide .

  10. 其中,滑稽的老妇角色以及杀婴等低劣小人形象最为常见。

    Among them , for example , images of clownish old ladies and poor , villainous infanticides are the most common .

  11. 若仔细研究当时的杀婴事件的背景,就会显而易见地发现宠儿是被奴隶制度所迫害的替罪羊。

    Yet through a thorough analysis of the background of the infanticide it is clear that Beloved is a scapegoat victimized by slavery .

  12. 印度政府正在计划建立孤儿院抚养女弃婴,希望这样可以减少堕胎和杀婴的数量。

    India 's government is proposing to set up orphanages to raise unwanted girls , hoping that will cut down on the number of abortions and infanticides .

  13. 小说以一个杀婴故事为主线,深刻揭示了奴隶制在黑奴心灵上所留下的巨大创伤。

    The novel takes an infanticide story as its main thread , and deeply exposes the terrible trauma left by the slavery in the mind of the Black .

  14. 那么,实行杀婴的文化看待婴儿的观点,可能与我们看待新形成的胎儿(可能甚至植物)的观点相同。

    Thus a culture which practices infanticide may view the infant in exactly the same way as we view the newly formed fetus , or perhaps even as we view a plant .