
lín chuánɡ fǎ yī xué
  • clinical forensic medicine
  1. 十九世纪临床法医学的主要成就(一)

    The main achievements of clinical forensic medicine in nineteenth century (ⅰ)

  2. 临床法医学是一门应用医学。

    Clinical forensic medicine belongs to applied medicine science .

  3. 结论药物注射性坐骨神经F波传导速度有其典型特点,掌握其规律及特点,对实际临床法医学鉴定有很大的应用价值。

    Conclusion There are typical characters of F-wave conduction velocity about ischium nerve trauma caused by injecting medicament , There will be great value to practical clinic medical jurisprudence identifying if grasped the rules and characters .

  4. 外伤性近视19例临床法医学鉴定分析

    Clinical forensic identification analysis of 19 cases of traumatic myopia

  5. 论病历资料在临床法医学鉴定中的应用

    A Comment on the Application of Patient History in Medical Jurisprudence Appraisal

  6. 临床法医学鉴定损伤系数的研究及展望

    The research and vista of the just before bed medical jurisprudence judge traumata coefficient

  7. 道路交通事故颅脑损伤机制与临床法医学应用研究

    The Mechanism of Head Injuries and Application of Clinical Forensic Medicine on Road Traffic Accident

  8. 损伤程度评定是临床法医学鉴定的重要内容。

    Evaluation for the degree of injury is a significant part of clinical forensic expertise .

  9. 352例交通事故所致头部外伤的临床法医学鉴定分析

    Analysis of Head Injury Caused by Traffic Accident : an Retrospective Study of 352 Cases

  10. 目的探讨脑震荡脑干诱发电位的特点及临床法医学应用。

    Objective To research BAEP changes of patients with cerebral concussion and usage in clinical forensic medicine .

  11. 门急诊手术患者病历及相关资料的管理论病历资料在临床法医学鉴定中的应用

    Discuss on the management of the medical records of out-patient and emergency operation A Comment on the Application of Patient History in Medical Jurisprudence Appraisal

  12. 其余8例均为骨量减少,评定为轻伤。结论骨密度测量可预测骨折危险性,有助于骨折临床法医学鉴定的伤病关系分析。

    Conclusion Since bone mineral density measurement may predict fracture risk , it is helpful to analyze injury-disease relationship in the evaluation for bone fracture severity in clinical forensic medicine .

  13. 在临床、法医学、药学等应用领域中实现在低浓度下对特定序列的DNA进行快速、简单、灵敏地检测是十分重要的。

    The simple and sensitive detection of trace amount of sequence specific DNA is of vitally importance in the field of application in the clinic , forensic analysis , and pharmacy .

  14. 肝、肾、脑中氟分布较均匀,尿液是临床和法医学检验的最好材料。

    Distribution of fluorine in the liver , kidney and brain is even . Urine is the best sample for clinical and forensic examinations .

  15. 过敏性休克死亡在临床医学及法医学鉴定中较为常见,但过敏性猝死的死后诊断一直是法医病理学鉴定的一大难点。

    The death caused of anaphylactic shock is common in clinical medicine and medicolegal expertise , but it is a nodus to diagnose sudden death from allergy .

  16. 所建方法的灵敏度、准确度等均可以满足食品安全监测、临床救治以及法医学检验和司法鉴定实践中的各种需要。

    The method is sensitive and accuracy enough to satisfied the food safe monitor , forensic determinations , clinical treatment and all kinds of judicial authentication practice needs .

  17. 各门类法医鉴定的基本内容和鉴定方法;医疗纠纷的处理及防范;医疗事故中医生的法律责任;常见临床各科室的法医学相关问题及处理等。

    In addition , the students should master the basic contents , method of authentication , the doctor 's law responsibility and the related legal medical problems , such as medical treatment dispute etc.