
  • 网络Sidecar
  1. 深圳已经启动了新的风险控制措施,试图阻止对IPO股票的过度投机并防止其股价过快攀升,包括昨天动用的上市首日盘中临时停牌制度。

    Shenzhen has initiated new risk control measures to try to prevent excessive speculation and rocketing prices for IPOs , including the upper limit stops that were used yesterday .

  2. 盘中临时停牌是否能抑制过度炒作?

    Whether can temporary trading halts restrict the over-speculation ?

  3. 交易量如此之大,甚至引发了纽交所旨在遏制股价剧烈波动的临时停牌机制。

    Trading in the stock was so intense , it tripped an NYSE circuit breaker put in place to curb volatile trading .

  4. 5月13日中国沪深股市66家四川省和重庆直辖市的上市公司股票临时停牌,等待公布进一步损失情况。

    On Tuesday , China 's domestic exchanges in Shanghai and Shenzhen suspended shares of 66 listed companies based in Sichuan province and the neighboring municipality of Chongqing pending details on their exposure .

  5. 美特斯邦威1月7日发公告表示,由于该公司未能与两人取得联系,公司股票将临时停牌,其间公司领导将核实关于周成建被警察带走的媒体报道。

    In a statement on January 7 the company said it was unable to reach either man and that its shares were suspended while company officials investigated media reports that Mr Zhou had been detained by police .