
  • 网络linxia;Linxia county
  1. 甘肃高寒阴湿区临夏县主要粮油作物适宜新品种筛选研究

    Studies on Selecting for New Varieties of Main Grain and Oil Crops Adapted to Chilling and Humid Region of High-elevation in Linxia County of Gansu

  2. 甘肃省民族地区农村社会保障现状实证分析&以甘肃省临夏县为例

    The Empirical Analysis on The Rural Social Security Status in Ethnic Minority Areas of Gansu Province & Taking Linxia County of Gansu Province as an example

  3. 对临夏县天然草地现状分析表明:由于长期超载过牧,砍、挖、垦荒和干旱少雨,造成了已退化天然草地占可利用草地的75%。

    Analysis of Linxia County 's current natural grassland status indicates that due to long-term overgrazing , chopping , digging , reclaiming wasteland , and aridity with little rain , degraded natural grassland already takes up 75 % of utilizable grassland .

  4. 本论文通过对甘肃临夏东乡县S小学课堂物质环境的建设的调查,了解民族地区课堂物质环境建设的现状及途径。

    This thesis tries to make a systematic investigation on Classroom Substance environment in Dong Xiang of Iinxia , and to comprehend the situation of the Classroom Substance Environment construction .