
  • 网络Lixian County;Li County
  1. 西和、礼县一带至今保存了这种古老遗风&乞巧节,其形式完整,规模宏大,形成了独特的地方民俗和祭祀仪式活动。

    Xihe and Lixian county still preserved this old tradition & double seven festival , its was well preserved in form and large in scale , formed an unique local customs and ritual activities .

  2. 本文采用音乐人类学的方法,在对甘肃省西和县、礼县一带乞巧仪式现存事象陈述的基础上,描述乞巧音乐、舞蹈之基本形态及特点。

    In this paper , the author applied the method of musical anthropology , based on the stating of the present phenomenon of the double seven festival in Xihe and Lixian county of Gansu Province , described the basic forms and features of music and dance of double seven festival .

  3. 基于GIS的证据权重法在成矿预测中的应用以甘肃省岷县礼县地区的金矿预测为例

    Application of GIS-based evidence weight method for minerogenetic prediction : a case study on prediction of gold deposit in Min county and Li County region , gansu Province

  4. 甘肃礼县新生代玄武岩的特征及其与地震的关系

    Characteristics of the Cenozoic Basalt in Lixian and the relation with earthquake , gansu Province

  5. 西秦岭礼县&武山杨河一带石炭纪地层的重新厘定

    Revision of the Carboniferous Strata in the Lixian-Yanghe ( Wushan ) Area , West Qinling

  6. 西秦岭礼县&太白地区金、铅锌矿床的地质地球化学

    Geological and geochemical characteristics of gold and lead-zinc deposits in lixian-taibai area , West Qinling Mountains

  7. 甘肃礼县-宕昌地区新生代钾质碱性超基性火山岩的特征及成因

    Cenozoic Potassic Alkaline Ultrabasic Volcanic Rocks and Its Genesis in Lixian - Dangchang Area , Gansu Province

  8. 西北干旱山区农业发展潜力与对策研究&以甘肃省礼县为例

    Study on the Potentialities and the Countermeasures of Agriculture Development in the Arid Mountainous Areas of Northwest China

  9. 马泉金矿床位于礼县白云山阳深大断裂西端的分支断裂礼县-上洮坪断裂中段。

    Maquan gold deposit is located in Lixian-Baiyun-Shanyang deep fault rupture Lixian western branch-Taoping fracture on the middle .

  10. 分析了清水李沟井与礼县石桥井流量变化与邻近地区发生的中强地震的对应关系。

    The relation between discharge changes of Ligou well , Qingshui and Shiqiao well , Lixian and mid strong earthquakes in neighboring region is analyzed .

  11. 龙洞湾多金属矿床大地构造处于昆仑秦岭褶皱区秦岭褶皱系礼县-柞水-海西地槽褶皱带中部。

    The Longdongwan polymetallic ore deposit geostructure is in middle the Kunlun Mountains Qinling folded region Qinling system of fold Li xian-Zashui Haixi geosyncline belt of folded strata .

  12. 本文介绍了甘肃礼县地区碱性超基性火山岩的岩相学、岩石化学、过渡金属元素和稀土元素地球化学特征并探讨了其岩石成因。

    This paper introduces the petrographical , petrochemical , transitional metal elements and REE geochemical characteristics of alkali ultrabasic volcanic rocks from Lixian area , Gansu province and discusses the petrogenesis .

  13. 县级区域建设用地地质灾害危险性模糊数学综合评价&以甘肃省礼县为例

    Application of fuzzy message synthetical judgment method to the assessment of the risk of geological disasters for constructive land use in a county region & a case study of Lixian country , Gansu Province

  14. 很早以来西和、礼县、天水一带浓厚的乞巧风俗,正说明了织女传说同秦文化的关系。

    Since a long time ago , the beggar custom in the district of Xihe , Lixian and Tianshui just showed the relation between legend of " Qianniu and Zhinv " and the Qin culture .