
xínɡ shì zhēn chá
  • criminal investigation;criminal detection
  1. WTO与刑事侦查改革

    WTO And Reforms on Criminal Investigation

  2. DNA技术在刑事侦查中的运用,是刑侦技术与生物科技的完美结合,是传统技侦手段的一次跨越式革命。

    The DNA technology applied to criminal investigation is a perfect union of criminal investigation technology and biotechnology , it is also a great-leap-forward revolution of traditional technology investigation means .

  3. 刑事侦查视野中的CPS与ERP测谎技术

    CPS and ERP Lie Testing Technology from the Viewpoint of Criminal Detection

  4. 入世使我国的刑事侦查工作面临跨国(境)犯罪案件上升、新型犯罪与经济类犯罪不断增长的挑战,而现行的侦查体制与WTO规则却存在着诸多的不协调。

    After China 's entrance into WTO , our criminal investigation is bound to face a rapid increase in cross-boarder crimes , new types of crimes and financial crimes .

  5. DNA分析技术及系统进入了国际先进行列,在中国刑事侦查和打拐专项斗争发挥了重要作用;

    China 's DNA analyzing technology and associated system have entered advanced ranks worldwide and played an important role in detecting criminal cases and the special effort to crack down on children abduction .

  6. 论我国刑事侦查阶段的司法审查制度

    On Judicial Review System in Criminal Investigation Period in Our Country

  7. 刑事侦查程序的价值定位

    On the Fixed Position of the Value of Criminal Investigation Procedure

  8. 刑事侦查课堂教学模式新探

    A New Probe into the Teaching Mode in Criminal Investigation Classes

  9. 媒体对刑事侦查活动的监督及其限度

    On the Limits and Supervision of Criminal Investigation by the Media

  10. 判明案件性质是刑事侦查的一项重要任务。

    Ascertaining case quality is an important job of criminal investigation .

  11. 阵地控制,是刑事侦查工作中重要的基础业务工作。

    Position control is the basic professional work in criminal investigation .

  12. 简论刑事侦查阶段辩护制度之完善

    Brief Discussion on Completing the Defending System during Criminal Investigation Stage

  13. 中法刑事侦查制度比较研究

    A Comparative Research on Criminal Investigation System Between China and France

  14. 刑事侦查摹拟画像的研究与应用

    The Study and Application of Imitative Portrait In Criminal Case

  15. 关于刑事侦查阶段引入民事先予执行的思考

    Thinking of Introducing Early Civil Enforcement in the Period of Criminal Investigation

  16. 刑事侦查行政化取向之法律效果浅析

    Discussion on Legal Effect of Criminal Investigation towards Administrative Means

  17. 论刑事侦查的整体意识和大局观念

    Integral Consciousness and Ideas of Overall Situation in Criminal Investigation

  18. 关于我国现代刑事侦查体制改革的理性思考

    Rational Thinking about the Reformation of China 's Investigation System

  19. 刑事侦查模式及其诉讼理念分析

    An Analysis of Pattern of Criminal Investigation and Conception of Criminal Lawsuits

  20. 论刑事侦查中的命令提交电子证据措施

    On the Measures of Ordering to Offer Electronic Evidence in Criminal Investigations

  21. 刑事侦查程序中司法审查制度研究

    On the Construction of Judicial Examination Systems in Criminal Investigation

  22. 刑事侦查的成本收益分析及其理论应用

    Cost and Profit Analysis of Criminal Investigation and Its Application

  23. 他显然比较喜欢刑事侦查而不喜欢搞政治。

    It was clear that he preferred criminal detection to political work .

  24. 对规范和完善我国刑事侦查制度的思考

    A study of standardization and perfection of criminal investigative system in China

  25. 网络犯罪、电子证据与数字化刑事侦查

    Network Crime 、 Electronic Evidences and Digital Criminal Investigation

  26. 我国刑事侦查程序在结构上的有关问题

    The Questions on the Structure of Procedure for Criminal Investigation in our Country

  27. 论心理学中的问题解决与刑事侦查

    On Problem - Solving in Psychology and Criminal Investigation

  28. 论刑事侦查程序的司法审查

    On Judicial Review during the Procedure of Criminal Investigation

  29. 论刑事侦查学基础理论唯理论特征

    On Rationalistic Characteristics of Basic Theory of Criminal Detection

  30. 刑事侦查的正义价值分为实质正义和程序正义两种。

    Just value is devided into essential just value and procedural just value .