
cái dìng
  • rule;adjudication;judge;holding;decree
裁定 [cái dìng]
  • [rule] 裁决判定

裁定[cái dìng]
  1. 当事人可就重审案件的判决或裁定进行上诉

    The litigants may appeal against a judgment or a ruling derived from the retrial .

  2. 四大已表示,他们将对SEC的裁定提起上诉。

    The big four have said they will appeal against the SEC ruling .

  3. 陪审团认真讨论了五天才裁定他有罪。

    The jury deliberated for five days before finding him guilty .

  4. 法院裁定这些妇女是被不公平地开除的。

    The court ruled that the women were unfairly dismissed .

  5. 他被送交法庭审判,并被裁定有罪。

    He was brought before the court and found guilty .

  6. 她对这一裁定无动于衷。

    She showed no emotion at the verdict .

  7. 上诉法院作出了有利于他们的裁定。

    The Appeal Court decided in their favour .

  8. 你如何裁定被告?

    How do you find the accused ?

  9. 法院裁定议会通过的法律仍然有效。

    The court ruled that laws passed by the assembly remained valid

  10. 他被裁定以54票对3票获胜。

    He was adjudged the winner by 54 votes to 3 .

  11. 陪审团裁定需要支付1,120万美元以赔偿损失。

    The jury awarded $ 11.2 million in compensatory damages .

  12. 6人陪审团认真商议了约两个小时后作出了裁定。

    The six-person jury deliberated about two hours before returning with the verdict

  13. 一家省级地方法院上周裁定其违宪。

    A provincial magistrates ' court last week ruled it unconstitutional

  14. 联邦最高法院一致裁定学校实行的种族隔离措施违反宪法。

    The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that racial segregation in schools was unconstitutional

  15. 主管官员裁定这项动议不符合议事规程。

    The presiding officer ruled that the motion was out of order .

  16. 高级法院法官裁定他获得600万英镑的损失赔偿金。

    A High Court judge had awarded him £ 6 million damages .

  17. 当特别法庭裁定一名员工遭到不公平解雇时

    when a tribunal finds that an employee has been unfairly dismissed .

  18. 法官本不该把案子交给陪审团来裁定。

    The judge should not have left it to the jury to decide

  19. 她被裁定过失杀人罪名成立,缓刑两年。

    She was found guilty of manslaughter and put on probation for two years

  20. 陪审团裁定汉普森先生全部罪名成立。

    The jury convicted Mr Hampson of all offences .

  21. 法官裁定该证据不能被采信。

    The judge ruled that the evidence was inadmissible .

  22. 上诉法庭裁定对他们的判罪证据不足。

    An appeal court decided their convictions were unsafe .

  23. 法官裁定为无效审判,并以严重渎职为名传讯了检察官。

    The judge ruled a mistrial and cited the prosecutors for outrageous misconduct .

  24. 陪审团裁定航空公司在对全体机组人员的培训和管理问题上存在疏漏。

    The jury determined that the airline was negligent in training and supervising the crew

  25. 去年2月,特别法庭裁定他为种族歧视的受害者。

    Last February the tribunal agreed he had been the victim of racial discrimination .

  26. 当庭的证词为裁定她是正当防卫而无罪提供了强有力的证据。

    The testimony presented offered a strong case for acquitting her on grounds of self-defense

  27. 如果俱乐部之间无法达成协议,将由一个独立的仲裁委员会来裁定。

    If the clubs cannot conclude a deal , an independent tribunal will decide .

  28. 裁判的裁定是不可更改的。

    The umpire 's decision is final .

  29. 村民们裁定将一名偷邻居火腿的男子鞭打5下。

    The villagers sentenced one man to five lashes for stealing a ham from his neighbor .

  30. 欧洲委员会裁定英国航空航天公司应该偿还数千万英镑。

    The European Commission ruled that British Aerospace should pay back tens of millions of pounds .