
cái jūn tán pàn huì yì
  • conference on disarmament
  1. 我很高兴到裁军谈判会议讲话。

    It gives me great pleasure to address the Conference on Disarmament .

  2. 裁军谈判会议科学专家组

    Conference on Disarmament 's Group of Scientific Experts

  3. 日内瓦/裁军谈判会议秘书处和会议支助处

    Geneva / Conference on Disarmament Secretariat and Conference Support Branch

  4. 裁军谈判会议特设委员会

    Ad Hoc Committee of the Conference on Disarmament

  5. 裁军谈判会议副秘书长

    Deputy Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament

  6. 1985年的裁军谈判会议

    The conference on Disarmament in 1985

  7. 裁军谈判会议的报告

    Report of the Conference on Disarmament

  8. 日内瓦裁军谈判会议

    Geneva Conference on Disarmament

  9. 中国认为日内瓦裁军谈判会议是进行此项谈判的合适场所。

    China holds that the Conference on Dis-armament in Geneva is the suitable place for negotiations on this matter .

  10. 报道中说,中国与俄罗斯在联合国共同向裁军谈判会议全体会议提交草案,建议制定新的国际条约,禁止使用太空武器。

    China and Russia submitted to a UN-sponsored disarmament conference a joint proposal for an international treaty to ban the deployment of weapons in outer space .

  11. 设立在日内瓦莱蒙湖畔的裁军谈判会议,是当今国际上唯一的多边裁军谈判机构。它对维护世界和平与安全起着不可或缺的作用。

    The conference on disarmament , located along the lac lemon in geneva , is the single multilateral disarmament negotiating body in the world today , and as such ; it plays an indispensable role in safeguarding world peace and security .

  12. 中国积极参加多边军控与裁军谈判及相关国际会议。

    China has steadfastly attended multilateral negotiations on arms control and disarmament , and some related international conferences .