
cái jūn
  • disarmament
裁军 [cái jūn]
  • [disarmament] 裁减军队和军事装备

裁军[cái jūn]
  1. 他援引了英国20世纪30年代几近灾难性的裁军事件。

    He invoked memories of Britain 's near-disastrous disarmament in the 1930s

  2. 该声明涉及裁军和防止核武器扩散问题。

    The declaration deals with disarmament and the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons .

  3. 他为裁军运动和反对核武器扩散而奔走。

    He campaigned for peace and against the spread of nuclear weapons .

  4. 诸如单边裁军之类不得人心的政策已被废除了。

    Unpopular policies such as unilateral disarmament were ditched .

  5. 那个就是朱迪丝·克罗夫特,核裁军运动女代表。

    That 's Judith Croft , the CND woman .

  6. 下届政府将积极寻求多边核裁军。

    The next government will play an energetic role in seeking multilateral nuclear disarmament .

  7. 数百名积极分子以呼吁和平与裁军的游行纪念了这个神圣的日子。

    Hundreds of activists marked the holy day by marching for peace and disarmament .

  8. 欧洲各国政府都面临着巨大的裁军预算压力。

    There are huge budgetary pressures on all governments in Europe to reduce their armed forces .

  9. 结果证明裁军问题是达成协议的主要障碍

    The question of disarmament proved a major stumbling block to agreement .

  10. 即将举行的会谈给实现真正的裁军带来了希望。

    The forthcoming talks hold out the hope of real arms reductions .

  11. 你是赞成还是反对核裁军?

    Are you pro or con nuclear disarmament ?

  12. 3.disarmamentn.缴械;裁军我们求生的唯一希望就在於裁军吗?

    Does our only hope of survival lie in disarmament ?

  13. 这项试图废除所有核武器的运动近几年内获得了许多高层人士的支持尤其是两位大力支持多边裁军事业的美国前国务卿亨利基辛格(henrykissinger)与乔治舒尔茨(georgeshultz)的支持。

    The campaign to seek total abolition of nuclear weapons has received high - profile backing in recent years notably from Henry Kissinger and George Shultz , two former US secretaries of state who have embraced the cause of multilateral disarmament .

  14. 这部电影是入口点到一个任务,任务涉及到影响我们的政策制定者,影响著我们的文化制造商,这样他们就可以采取步骤从裁军、遣散及重整所有的LRA战士。

    The movie is the entry point to a mission , and the mission involves influencing our policymakers , influencing our culture makers , so they can take the steps on the ground from disarmament , demobilization and reintegration of all of the LRA fighters .

  15. 国际关系结构变化与东盟国家逆裁军

    Change of International Relations Structure and the Adverse Disarmament of ASEAN

  16. 这儿有多少人赞成单方面裁军?

    How many people here are in favour of unilateral disarmament ?

  17. 裁军和安全问题帕尔梅委员会的最后声明

    Final Statement of the Palme Commission on Disarmament and Security Issues

  18. 联合国裁军宣传方案自愿信托基金;

    Voluntary trust fund for the United Nations Disarmament Information programme ;

  19. 现在是时候推动新一轮核裁军了。

    It is time for a renewed push towards nuclear disarmament .

  20. 为维持和平与安全及裁军而合作

    Cooperation in the Maintenance of Peace and Security , and Disarmament

  21. 裁军的经济和社会后果问题专家组

    Group of Experts on the Economic and Social Consequences of Disarmament

  22. 中国认为,该条约的无限期延长,再次确认了核裁军、防止核扩散和促进和平利用核能

    China believes that the indefinite extension of this treaty reaffirms the

  23. 要说服列强裁军是很困难的。

    It is difficult to persuade the Great Powers to disarm .

  24. 裁军和安全问题独立委员会(帕尔梅委员会)

    Independent Commission on Disarmament and Security Issues ( Palme Commission )

  25. 把握裁军在晚清中国社会发展过程中的历史作用;

    Griping the history function of disarm at China social development process ;

  26. 在华盛顿会议上,列强达成了裁军协议。

    In Washington Conference , the main Powers achieved disarmament .

  27. 裁军:国防资源优化配置的必由之路

    Disarmament : the way of a rational distribution of national defense resources

  28. 目前,核裁军是一个国际性的热门话题。

    At present , nuclear disarmament is a international and topical subject .

  29. 这并不意味着多边核裁军的目标没有用。

    That does not mean multilateral reductions targets are useless .

  30. 我很高兴到裁军谈判会议讲话。

    It gives me great pleasure to address the Conference on Disarmament .