
  • 网络semi-automatic rifle;SKS;svt;SEMI-AUTO;slr
半自动步枪 [bàn zì dòng bù qiāng]
  • [semiautomatic rifle] 利用火药气体的压力和弹簧的伸张力,自动完成退壳、送弹动作的单发步枪,战斗射速35-40发/分,主要用于射击400米以内敌人的单个目标

  1. 另有一人携带43型半自动步枪,一种半自动、弹夹供弹的武器。

    Another would have a Gew . 43 , which was an SLR ( self-loading rifle ) - a semi-automatic magazine-fed weapon .

  2. 枪击案发生在周五上午9点20左右,当时一名枪手携带着半自动步枪通过了安检,并在3号航站楼开枪射击。

    The shooting took place Friday morning around 9:20 , when a gunman armed with semiautomatic rifle , got pass security and fired shots in terminal three .

  3. 周五,一名持有半自动步枪的枪手在洛杉矶国际机场开火,杀死一名美国运输安全管理局雇员,并致使另外二人受伤,此次袭击使乘客受惊还扰乱了国内航班。

    A gunman armed with a semi-automatic rifle opened fire at the Los Angeles International Airport Friday , killing a TSA employee and wounding two others in an attack that frightened passengers and disrupted flights nationwide .