
bàn hūn mí
  • semicoma
半昏迷[bàn hūn mí]
  1. 也就是说,在极度紧缩政策的作用下,可怜的病人法多(PatientFado,指葡萄牙)已陷入半昏迷状态。

    So poor Patient Fado , placed on an austerity-plus regime , is semi-comatose .

  2. 企业融资行业并没有消亡,而是处于半昏迷状态。

    The corporate finance profession is not dead , but semi-comatose .

  3. 桌子底下躺着一个半昏迷的年轻人。

    Under the taBle was lying a half-conscious young man .

  4. 我处于半昏迷的状态,但仍能听见医生当时所说的话。

    I was half under and could hear what the doctor was saying .

  5. 她处于半昏迷状态时,她说话的声音低沉,模糊不清。

    Her words were inward and indistinct when she was in a state of half unconsciousness .

  6. 从蒙特利尔回来后这两天你一直处于半昏迷状态

    You 've been in and out of consciousness for 48 hours since we got back from Montreal .

  7. 装死的负鼠实际上是处于一种半昏迷状态,以消除天敌的猎杀的兴奋感。

    Opossums playing dead actually slip into a semi-comatose state , thus removing any excitement of the kill for a predator .

  8. 尽管如此,我陷入了几个小时的昏迷或是半昏迷,不能控制自己的身体,鼻子和喉咙大量出血。

    Despite this , I suffered several hours of unconsciousness or semiconsciousness , an inability to control my body , and heavy bleeding from my nose and throat .

  9. 后来,她拒绝吃东西,现在她时而胡言乱语,时而沉入半昏迷状态。她还认识她周围的人,可是心里尽是各种奇怪的念头和幻觉。

    Afterwards , she refused to eat , and now she alternately raves and remains in a half-dream ; knowing those about her , by having her mind filled with all sorts of strange ideas and illusions .

  10. 他在早晨两点半陷入昏迷。

    He went into a coma at2:30 in the morning .

  11. 就在我一年半之前还陷于昏迷的时候。

    When I was in a coma a year and a half ago .