
  • 网络half marathon;Half-marathon;half-marathons
  1. 是的,参加马拉松或者半程马拉松需要长跑,很早起床,牺牲周末时间,和挑战性的锻炼。

    Yes , training for a marathon or half marathon involves long runs , early mornings , weekend sacrifices and challenging workouts .

  2. 你在哪里参与了半程马拉松?

    Where was the half marathon that you competed in ?

  3. 选择目标比如5K或者半程马拉松然后就这个告诉其他人。

    Pick a goal such as a5K or a half-marathon and tell people about it .

  4. 他下个月将参加一个半程马拉松赛。

    He 's going for a half marathon next month .

  5. 我去年还跑了半程马拉松呢

    I ran a half marathon last year . Wow .

  6. 把目标定在5千、半程马拉松或每月达到一定数量的英里数!

    Set a goal to run a5K , half marathon or reach a number of miles every month !

  7. 他于上周末参加了一个“半程马拉松赛”,并以5小时13分钟跑完了全程。

    Sprightly and bearded , he completed a half marathon at the weekend in five hours 13 minutes .

  8. 通过2周1次13英里或以上的长距离跑,既可维持半程马拉松的耐力。

    Half marathon stamina can be maintained with a long run of13 or more miles , every other week .

  9. 如果你没慢跑过,不要去跑一个半程马拉松。

    Dont go out to run a half marathon , if you have never completed more than a short jog .

  10. 在一场半程马拉松赛中,交通摄像机捕捉到将近250名参赛者作弊--他们穿过灌木丛抄近道。

    Almost 250 runners in a half marathon were caught cheating when traffic cameras captured them taking shortcuts through bushes .

  11. 退休之后,哈利当了一名板球球场的志愿管理员和裁判员,而且在六十多岁的时候仍坚持跑半程马拉松。

    After retiring , he volunteered as a cricket groundsman and umpire and continued to run half-marathons well into his 60s .

  12. 动态观察电针对长时间进行运动训练的中长跑运动员(青少年)半程马拉松比赛后机能恢复的影响。

    This study was designed to explore the electroacupuncture effects on the medium-long distance athletes physical efficiency recovery after half-marathon race .

  13. 奥巴马或许还应该加上一句,今年67岁的耶伦很强悍,几年前还跑完了一次半程马拉松。

    Obama should have added that Yellen , currently 67 , is tough for having finished a half-marathon a few years ago .

  14. 对于长距离跑,半程马拉松和马拉松,在起跑时,最好立即做出这一调整。

    On long runs , half marathons and marathons , it is best to make this adjustment from the beginning of the run .

  15. 这也就意味着,在4月28日举办的这场马拉松赛事中,有近5000名选手没有跑完马拉松或半程马拉松的全程。

    This meant around 5,000 runners missed out on running the full length of the marathon or half-marathon courses at the event on April 28 .

  16. 1月16日,阿拉巴马州的埃尔克蒙特市举办了这场半程马拉松比赛。一只猎犬因在比赛中名列前十,一跃成为当之无愧的“网络红人”。

    A dog finished in the top ten in the Elkmont Half Marathon -- The Trackless Train Trek on January 16 and has become quite the Internet sensation .

  17. 两名赛跑者在厦门(海沧)国际半程马拉松赛中意外死亡,其中有一名就是替跑者。

    Two runners died accidentally in the first Xiamen ( Haicang ) International Half Marathon , and one of the two turned out to be an illegal replacement .

  18. 9月9日,当安娜·杨正在跑芮维尔大杨木半程马拉松赛时,她知道她最终必须稍作歇息来喂奶。

    While Anna Young was running the REVEL Big Cottonwood half-marathon on Sept. 9 , she knew that she 'd eventually have to take a break to breastfeed .

  19. 如果刚完成一个半程马拉松,您还有另一个,只需这周末13英里或以上,下周末4英里,轮番即可。

    If you have run a half marathon and want to do another one , simply run13 or more miles every other week with a4 mile run on the alternate weekend .

  20. 他还认为,如果有筛选系统,厦门(海沧)国际半程马拉松猝死的替跑者可能就不会死亡。

    He also mused if there was a screening system , the substitute who suffered from sudden death in Xiamen ( Haicang ) International Half Marathon could possibly have been saved .

  21. 不过,罗广德克服了这些伤病--尽管有些疼痛,他还是在两个儿子的陪伴下完成了重庆半程马拉松,而儿子们是他决定开始跑步的催化剂。

    However , Luo overcame the injury , and - despite some pain - was able to complete the Chongqing half-marathon with the assistance of his twin sons , who were the catalyst for his decision to begin running .

  22. 但这不是范比克第一次这样做了,他说他和女儿一起,以麦蒂之队的父女组名义参加过半程马拉松、铁人三项和许多别的户外运动。

    But it is not the first race of its kind for van Beek , who said he has participated in more than 70 events , including half-marathons , triathlons and other outdoor races , as part of ' Team Maddy ' .

  23. 由于今年秋天雾霾严重,波普对周日的空气质量表示怀疑,他称自己只参加了半程马拉松赛,除了全程比赛外,选手可以选择距离较短的半程比赛。波普带着口罩——抵御北京雾霾的常用品——开始了比赛。

    Skeptical that the air on Sunday would be good after what has been a smoggy autumn , Mr. Pope said he had only entered the half-marathon , which was on offer in addition to other , shorter distances.He started out wearing a face mask - a common defense against Beijing 's gray air .

  24. “负拆分”是参加半程或者全程马拉松等长距离比赛的一种理想方式。

    Negative splitting is the ideal way to run a long distance race such as a half or full marathon .

  25. 在完成半程或全程马拉松之后,通过每2或3周一次长距离跑,您可以维持目前的耐力水平。

    Once you 've finished a half or full marathon , you can maintain the current level of endurance with a long one every second or third week .