
  • 网络Cysteamine;CSH
  1. 半胱胺和大豆黄酮对东北细毛羊部分组织IGF-ⅠmRNA表达量的影响

    Effects of Cysteamine and Daidzein on Gene Expression of IGF - ⅰ mRNA in Tissue of Northeast Fine-wool Sheep

  2. 研究了半胱胺(CS)对雏鸡生长性能的影响。

    Effect of Cysteamine ( CS ) on performance of Chicken were studied in this experiment .

  3. 妊高征患者同型半胱胺酸和胱抑素C测定的临床意义

    Determination of homocysteine and cystatin C in patients in pregnancy-induced hypertension

  4. 同型半胱胺酸及C反应蛋白与老年原发性高血压的相关性

    Study on the Correlation of Plasma C Reactive Protein and Homocysteine with Elder Essential Hypertension

  5. 而ALP活性随着半胱胺添加量的增加而升高。

    While the activity of ALP rose along with increase of cysteamine .

  6. 大鼠心肌再灌注不同时相Fas表达和半胱胺酸蛋白酶-3活性变化规律

    Changing regularity of Fas expression and caspase-3 activity at different phase in rats with myocardial reperfusion injury

  7. 通过在正常日粮中添加高油脂来制备高能日粮,探讨高能日粮条件下,添加0、15、30、60mg/kg半胱胺(CS)对大鼠抗氧化功能的影响。

    Effects of cysteamine on antioxidative capacity in rats fed with high caloric diets were investigated in the trial .

  8. 日粮添加22.5mg/Kgbw的半胱胺显著降低绵羊的采食量(P<0.05),对饲料转化效率没有显著影响。

    22.5 mg CS / kg BW significantly decreased daily feed intake ( P < 0.05 ), but had no influence on feed conversion rate .

  9. 半胱胺(Cysteamine,Cs)可提高动物体内生长激素的水平,促进动物生长。

    Adding cysteamine to feed can improve the growth hormone level and promote growth performance of animal .

  10. 添加30、100mg/kg的半胱胺,提高了肉仔鸡42日龄肠道食糜糜蛋白酶的活性;

    The 30 and 100 mg / kg groups increased the enzyme activity of the chymotrypsin in the 42-day-old broilers ;

  11. 半胱胺、有机铬、MHA对奶水牛泌乳性能没显著性的影响(P>0.05)。

    The effect of the three additives on milk performance of milk buffalo was not significant ( P > 0.05 ) .

  12. 钙能增加半胱胺所致DU发生率及严重程度并使十二指肠粘膜钙含量增加;

    Calcium could strengthen the frequency and severity of DU induced by cysteamine , accompanied with increase in calcium content of duodenal mucosa ;

  13. 本试验研究了半胱胺(CS)对绵羊增重、饲料转化效率的影响。

    The experiment was conducted to examine the effects of cysteamine ( CS ) on body weight gain and feed conversion rate in sheep .

  14. bw的半胱胺脂质体。

    BW liposome-cysteamine into No.

  15. 内源半胱胺(cysteamine,CS)在动物体内主要产生于半胱氨基酸的代谢,含量很低。

    The concentration of endogenous cysteamine ( CS ) derived from the cysteine metabolism is very low in animal body .

  16. 将乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)成功地固定在纳米金胶-半胱胺修饰的金电极表面构建一种新型的纳米仿生功能界面。

    LDH was successfully immobilized on Au colloid associated with a cysteamine monolayer on a gold electrode surface to construct a nanometer-sized bionic function interface .

  17. 钙阻通剂异搏定能降低半胱胺所致的DU发生率及严重程度并伴有十二指肠粘膜钙含量降低;

    Calcium blockade with verapamil could reduce the frequency and severity of DU induced by cysteamine , accompanied with decrease in calcium content of duodenal mucosa ;

  18. 结果表明,应用半胱胺首免后3周,CS-组十二指肠和脾脏中IL-2的含量比仅用新城疫弱毒疫苗免疫组显著增加(P0.05);

    The results showed the IL-2 level in the spleen and duodenum of CS - ⅰ group increased significantly ( P0.05 ) as compared to the immunization group alone .

  19. 目的:研究半胱胺(CS)对成年鹅生长抑素(SS)和某些代谢激素的影响。

    Aim : To know the effect of cysteamine ( CS ) on the plasma levels of somatostatin ( SS ) and some metabolic hormones in adult geese .

  20. 利用电流滴定的方法得出半胱胺自组装膜的表面解离常数(表面pKb)。

    The surface pK-b of the self-assembled monolayers of cysteamine was obtained by the electrochemical titration method .

  21. 半胱胺(Cysteamine,CS)是半胱氨酸的脱羧产物,因具有活性巯基和氨基而具有多种生物功能,也是动物体内的生物活性物质。

    Cysteamine had varies biological function because it had activity hydrosulfuryl and amino and it had become a very important biological activity material in vivo .

  22. 半胱胺促进生长和提高饲料转化率的机制,可能与GH基因表达的上调和血清IGF-1水平的提高有关。

    The increased level of pituitary GH mRNA expression as well as elevated IGF-1 secretion are involved in the mechanism of growth promoting effect of CS .

  23. 本试验在产蛋鸡饲粮中添加半胱胺(CS)和酵母铬(CrY),探讨其对生产性能、蛋品质及内分泌激素的影响。

    This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of Cysteamine ( CS ) and Yeast Chromium ( CrY ) adding to laying hen diets on performance , egg quality , hormone .

  24. 半胱胺、有机铬、MHA对奶水牛的血液理化指标呈无规律的变化,但没显著性的差异(P>0.05)(除MHA对胰岛素(INS)外)。

    The effect of CS , OC , MHA on serum biochemical indices of milk buffalo had no significant difference ( P > 0.05 ) .

  25. 试验旨在研究日粮添加半胱胺(CS)和海南霉素(HM)对山羊肌内共轭亚油酸(CLA)含量的影响。

    The present study conducted to investigate the effects of dietary cysteamine ( CS ) and Hainanmycin ( HM ) supplementation on conjugated linoleic acid content in the muscle of goats .

  26. 酶电极制作中,先在金电极表面自组装一层半胱胺单层膜,再用戊二醛交联HRP。

    For the fabrication of HRP electrode , cysteamine was first self-assembled onto the surface of the gold electrode , and then HRP was immobilized onto the electrode through glutaraldehyde .

  27. 半胱胺600μgicv降低脑内Som后,海马和脑干内GABA含量也明显减少,但痛阈不变。

    After depletion of the Som in brain by icv cysteamine ( Cys , 600 μ g ), the content of GABA in hippocampus and brain stem was also reduced without modification of the pain threshold .

  28. 为消除半胱胺不同添加间隔时间的影响,正式试验进行12d(8月18日到8月29日)。

    To eliminate influence of time intervals , the experiment lasted for 12 days ( from August 18 to August 29 ) .

  29. 以上结果提示半胱胺盐酸盐可增强体外培养的仔猪胃黏膜细胞H+-K+-ATPase的表达及活性,而这一作用可能由SS所介导。

    The results suggest that cysteamine hydrochloride improve both mRNA expression and activity of H ~ + - K ~ + - ATPase in gastric mucosal cells of piglets in vitro , and this effect may be mediated by somatostatin .

  30. 饲料中添加半胱胺可改善肉色,而肌肉PH1值、嫩度、肌内脂和系水力在各组间差异均不显著。

    There are no difference on PH 1 , tenderness , intro muscular fat and water holding capacity within three groups .