
  • 网络The Sun;sun newspaper;Vancouver Sun;Toronto Sun
  1. 《太阳报》称之为打在美国政府脸上的一记重重的耳光。

    ' The Sun ' calls it a massive slap in the face for the United States government

  2. 她威胁说要对《太阳报》侵犯其著作权的行为采取法律措施。

    She threatened legal action against the Sun for breach of copyright .

  3. 《太阳报》在黛安娜王妃的一张照片下写了一段说明文字——“披着面纱的王妃”。

    The Sun had captioned a picture of Princess Diana ' Princess of Veils '

  4. 《太阳报》写道,调查发现,威廉王子的名字被提及1760万次。

    Based on the survey , The Sun wrote , the Duke of Cambridge 's name was mentioned 17.6 million times .

  5. 据《太阳报》报道,该调查是通过分析“博客、报道和谷歌搜索页面”中“性感”一词的出现频率来得出结果的。

    The Sun reported that the survey results were determined " blogs , reports , and pages found in Google searches " with the word " sexy . "

  6. 但是,《太阳报》(Sun)随后也被卷入丑闻,并爆出警察受贿一事。

    Then the scandal spread to the sun and to police bribery .

  7. 后来她相继担任《太阳报》(thesun)主编和新闻国际(newsinternational)首席执行官。

    She would go on to become editor of the sun and chief executive of News International .

  8. 上周,英国小报《太阳报》(Sun)骄傲地推出了它的世界杯预测者――水虎鱼佩莱。

    U.K. tabloid the Sun proudly introduced its World Cup tipster -- Pele the Piranha - last week .

  9. 据《太阳报》(Sun)(不能算最可靠的信息来源,不过还算得上可靠)称,上周一有240万英国人请病假。

    According to the Sun newspaper ( not the most reliable source , but still ) 2.4m Britons threw a sickie last Monday .

  10. 伦敦《太阳报》(TheSun)一篇文章的标题是“核危机继续,英国人面临噩梦:赶紧逃离东京”。

    The Sun , a London-based tabloid , titled an article : 'Nightmare warning to Brits as Nuke Crisis Continues : Get Out of Tokyo Now ' .

  11. 就像英国《太阳报》(TheSun)在关于贝克汉姆夫人纽约时装秀的报道中说的:“哈珀·贝克汉姆抢了时装秀的风头。”

    As the British newspaper The Sun put it in its report about Ms. Beckham 's New York Fashion Week show : " Harper Beckham steals show . "

  12. 据多伦多太阳报的报道,Paul说他女朋友肚子隆起,开始分泌乳汁,甚至还破羊水了。

    According to the Toronto Sun , the boyfriend said that his girlfriends , belly swelled , she began lactating and even broke water .

  13. 另一家马来西亚报纸《太阳报》(theSun)在2013年表示,这部印象系列演出将是2014马来西亚旅游年(VisitMalaysia2014)的标志性旅游观光项目。

    Another Malaysian newspaper , The Sun , said in 2013 that the Impression show is set to become one of the iconic tourist attractions for Visit Malaysia 2014 .

  14. 梅格汉36岁生日时,《人物》杂志透过英国太阳报(TheSun)获悉二人在南非旅行度假庆生,《纽约邮报》八卦版“第六页”(PageSix)也报道了这一消息。

    The two are together again , People ( via The Sun ) and Page Six report , on a special safari vacation in South Africa for Markle 's 36th birthday .

  15. 坊间盛传上身裸露的模特、也是“众多八卦新闻”缠身的当事人在《太阳报》(TheSun)上持续刊登45年后,会“退隐江湖”,该传闻事后被证明是谣传。

    Rumours that The Sun 's topless mascot and author of " news in briefs " was to be retired after her 45-year tenure at the tabloid paper proved unfounded .

  16. 罗伊克从《芝加哥太阳报》辞职后,去了竞争对手《论坛报》(Tribune)。

    Royko resigned and went over to the competing Tribune .

  17. 可以想象肥胖给他身体带来的连带损害,比如高血压、心脏病和糖尿病,《太阳报》专家CarolCooper说。

    He can expect joint damage , high blood pressure , heart trouble and diabetes , The Suns Dr. Carol Cooper explains .

  18. 而据小报《太阳报》(TheSun)报道,几个赛季前,这个国家还曾为电视节目《英国达人》(Britain’sGotTalent)上出现的一对摇铃玩家“疯狂”。

    A few seasons ago , the nation went " bonkers , " as the tabloid The Sun put it , over a pair of bell ringers who appeared on " Britain 's Got Talent . "

  19. 另一家马来西亚报纸《太阳报》(TheSun)在2013年表示,这部“印象”系列演出“将是2014马来西亚旅游年(VisitMalaysia2014)的标志性旅游观光项目”。

    Another Malaysian newspaper , The Sun , said in 2013 that the " Impression " show " is set to become one of the iconic tourist attractions for Visit Malaysia 2014 . "

  20. 《太阳报》(TheSun)报道,马丁曾透露小说绝对能和电视剧媲美:“有些地方不同,但是相同剧集的地方绝对不熟电视剧。”

    According to The Sun , the author said that the show would parallel Game Of Thrones the TV show : ' Winds will be different in some ways , but will parallel the show in others .

  21. 事实上有一些人在抨击《太阳报》(TheSun)发布录影的举动,说这种对未来女王的形象玷污是不公平的,当时她还太年轻,不理解自己做的事情的含义。

    Indeed , some critics have assailed The Sun for publishing the video , saying it unfairly sullies the image of a future queen who was too young to understand the meaning of what she was doing .

  22. 《芝加哥太阳报》(ChicagoSun-Times)的业务正在迅速改变,我们的受众始终在寻求包含更多视频内容的新闻。

    The Sun-Times business is changing rapidly and our audiences are consistently seeking more video content with their news .

  23. 副主编丹·伍顿负责监督《太阳报》名人版块的报道,他接受CNN采访时表示,自己的团队对八卦有一种特殊的直觉。

    Dan Wootton , an associate editor who oversees The Sun 's celebrity coverage , told CNN that his team had a particular intuition about gossips .

  24. 在其整个投资生涯中,他曾经买入媒体公司的股份,并曾帮助《奥马哈太阳报》(OmahaSun)在1973年赢得了普利策奖(因为揭开了当地的一个慈善组织的黑幕)。

    He has owned stakes in media companies throughout his investing career and helped the Omaha Sun win a Pulitzer Prize in 1973 for its expos on a local charity .

  25. 我的朋友都很羡慕我,她们也想试试,Britney告诉《太阳报》说。

    My friends think its cool I have all the treatments and they want to be like me , Britney tells The Sun .

  26. 多伦多太阳报报道称当这位女士告诉她的朋友她怀孕了,朋友马上为她建一个Facebook主页,让镇上其他人给这对情侣提供一些帮助。

    The Toronto Sun reported that when the woman told her friend that she was pregnant , the friend quickly set up a Facebook page so the couple could get assistance from the town .

  27. 她还告诉《太阳报》,“现在两个家庭互相都知道了。我们几乎是同时发现的,最年长的孩子把Facebook上的线索拼凑了起来。”

    She told The Sun : " Both families know each other now . We all found out at the same time - the eldest kids used Facebook to put it all together . "

  28. 我们只能让他这样,如果一不让他吃他就哭个不停,来自广东省的ChenHuan告诉英国《太阳报》说。

    We have to let him be , as if we dont feed him he will cry nonstop , his mom Chen Huan from Guangdong Province , tells UKs The Sun .

  29. 据《太阳报》报道,这只鹦鹉通过亚马逊的Alexa语音控制系统,订购了价值13.50美元的礼盒。

    Buddy the parrot ordered a $ 13.50 set of gift boxes via Amazon 's Alexa voice-controlled system , The Sun reported .

  30. 默多克创立了一系列媒体资产(或者再创了在其他人手中原本江河日下的品牌),从《太阳报》(Sun)到天空电视台(BSkyB)。

    Mr Murdoch has founded ( or retooled from brands that had been allowed to fade by others ) a range of media properties , from The Sunnewspaper to BSkyB , the satellite broadcaster .