
  • 网络Clupea pallasii;C. harengus pallasii;Clupea pallasi
  1. 太平洋鲱的孵化,正是由于孵化腺分泌的孵化酶软化了卵膜,从而使胚胎较容易的破膜而出。

    The hatching of Clupea pallasi is easily done because of the softening of chorion by hatching enzyme .

  2. 黄海区太平洋鲱孵化腺及其分泌颗粒的扫描电镜观察

    Ultrastructural observation on the hatching gland and secrete Granula of Clupea pallasi from Yellow Sea

  3. 黄海太平洋鲱受精前后卵膜的动态变化

    A study of the ve , Fe and plasma membrane of Clupea pallasi eggs during the dynamic change process of fertilization