
  • 网络Space Tourism;Space travel
  1. 与此同时,整个太空旅游业将处于紧张状态。

    In the meantime , the entire space tourism industry will be on tenterhooks .

  2. 2001年,富有冒险精神的百万富翁工程师丹尼斯·蒂托乘坐俄罗斯宇宙飞船进行了价值2000万美元的宇宙飞行,太空旅游的概念深入人心。

    The notion of space tourism took hold in 2001 with a $ 20 million flight aboard a Russian spacecraft by Dennis Tito , a millionaire engineer with an adventurous streak .

  3. 去年在接受《经济学人》采访时,太空旅游公司维珍银河首席执行官乔治·怀特塞兹将自己的公司归入后一类。

    In an interview last year with The Economist , George Whitesides , chief executive of space-tourism firm Virgin Galactic , was placing his company in the latter category .

  4. 除了悲惨的生命损失外,加州的事故已经给太空旅游的未来蒙上了长长的阴影,即使这一行业还没有正式开始。

    On top of the tragic loss of life , the accident in California will cast a long shadow over the future of space tourism , even before it has properly begun .

  5. 光启科学的母公司光启集团(Kuang-Chigroup)表示,计划在中国杭州建造的这座太空旅游和未来科技主题公园,将展示各种技术,包括一种能让游客们感觉到自己正在乘坐旅行者号气球游览太空的模拟飞行装置。

    The Kuang-Chi group , parent company of KuangChi Science , said the space and future park it plans to build in the Chinese city of Hangzhou will showcase technologies , including a ride designed to give visitors the sensation of space travel in the Traveller balloon .

  6. 今天,唯一一个出名的美国宇宙飞行员是在俄国搭乘航天飞机进行太空旅游的美国企业大亨丹尼斯•狄托(DennisTito)。

    Today , the only famous American spacefarer is tycoon Dennis Tito , who bought his rocket ride from the Russians .

  7. 一家被称为中国SpaceX的公司概要介绍了斥资15亿美元建造一个太空旅游和未来科技主题公园的计划。该集团正准备为亚洲首个近太空旅游项目进行载人试验。

    China 's homegrown answer to SpaceX has outlined plans to invest $ 1.5bn in a space travel and future technology theme park , as the group prepares for manned tests of Asia 's first near-space tourism project .

  8. 内德供职于维珍航空帝国的太空旅游部。

    He works for the space-travel branch of the Virgin empire .

  9. 美国需要完美善的太空旅游法吗?

    Does the US need a perfect law on space tourism ?

  10. 丹尼斯?提多是世界上第一位到太空旅游的观光客。

    Dennis Tito is the world 's first ever space tourist .

  11. 名叫太空旅游的游戏被设置在火星上。

    The game called " space Travel " is set on Mars .

  12. 不久以前,说到太空旅游是不可思议的。

    Voyages through space were unthought-of till recent times .

  13. 太空旅游会成为投资者的黑洞吗?

    Is Space Tourism A Black Hole for Investors ?

  14. 超级男孩团员蓝斯巴斯有望实现太空旅游梦想。

    Lance bass of boy band n sync expected to realizes space tour dream .

  15. 中国太空旅游发展条件分析

    Analysis of space tourism development conditions in China

  16. 当时是1865年,那是个人们只能在脑海里梦想太空旅游的年代。

    That was in 1865 , at a time when people only dreamed about space travel .

  17. 随着太空旅游业的兴起,如果他们有足够的钱,就还可以去太空旅游。

    If they have enough money , they can even go into space with the opening of the new industry of space tourism .

  18. 两家太空旅游公司正在计划相互竞争的探月项目,这可能会让个人以私人身份买票,飞往地球最近的邻居。

    Two space-tourism companies are planning rival lunar missions that could see private individuals paying to fly to Earth 's nearest celestial neighbour .

  19. 那次聊天后,“幸运先生”取消了太空旅游,尽心为他的钱选择了一项崇高事业,并决定设立“我们走运”项目。

    After cancelling his space flight and struggling to choose a worthy cause for his cash , he decided to set up the WeAreLucky project .

  20. 维珍银河公司的太空旅游船本周完成了其初度有人驾驶的滑翔翱翔,进入一个朝向最终商业启用的主要测试里程碑。

    Virgin Galactic 's space tourism vessel made its first manned glide flight this weekend , in a major testing milestone towards the business'eventual opening .

  21. 太空旅游市场的那一大帮实业家们手里的钱只够“推起”一架火箭升天。

    The entire group of entrepreneurs trying to corner the space-tourism market have between them " just enough money to blow up one rocket " .

  22. 这似乎有些令人惊讶,有许多人愿意花费几十万美元去太空旅游。

    It may seem surprising , but there are large numbers of people who would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a trip into space .

  23. 英国亿万富翁理查德-布兰森爵士向众人展示了其刚刚起步的商业太空旅游项目中的重头戏,揭秘了用来发射客用宇宙飞船的航天器。

    British billionaire Sir Richard Branson showed off a key piece of his fledgling commercial space program , unveiling a spacecraft designed to launch a passenger-carrying spaceship .

  24. 据路透社报道,随着人类到太空旅游的梦想渐渐成真,澳洲两名工程师酿制出了世界上第一种适合在太空无重力状态下品尝的啤酒。

    Looking ahead to a future of growing space tourism , 2 Australian engineers have developed the first beer designed specially for weightless conditions , Reuters reported .

  25. 本月初,为执行航空任务之便,俄罗斯宣布暂停太空旅游,并且计划加倍任务执行次数(由2次增加到4次。)

    Earlier this month , the Russians announced a halt to space tourism to free capacity for such flights and plans to double the number of launches to4 .

  26. 中国人正在规划他们自己的登月行动,正在被投入太空旅游的商业投资证明,我们多么期望新鲜的经历。

    The Chinese are planning missions of their own , and the commercial investment being ploughed into space tourism proves just how much we yearn for new experiences .

  27. 拉利伯特是加拿大广受欢迎的“太阳马戏团”的创始人,他身家达亿万,是历史上第七位自费花百万美元前往太空旅游的人。

    Laliberte is the billionaire founder of the popular Cirque du Soleil and the seventh person in history to spend millions of dollars from a personal fortune to fly into space .

  28. 随着太空旅游大战升温,俄罗斯已宣布将建造首座太空旅馆,这座旅馆位于距地面217英里的高空,而且服务一流。

    As the space tourism battle heats up , Russia has unveiled plans for its first floating hotel , 217 miles above earth , and it is something of a boutique offering .

  29. 此外,该运载器也能满足军民两用的有效载荷发射需求,还能促进太空旅游等新型民用产业的发展。

    In addition , it can meet the needs for launching payloads for both military and civil use , and facilitate the development of new civil industries , such as space tourism .

  30. 但与之前的布兰森传记不同,这本书省略了布兰森的大部分经商生涯,聚焦于一些新近发生的事件,比如推迟了很久的太空旅游服务。多年来,布兰森一直向大众售卖价格亲民的商品和服务。

    But un ­ like its pre ­ decessors , it omits much of Branson 's business car ­ eer to focus on recent events , such as his much-delayed attempt to launch a space tourism service .