
  • 网络The Temple of the Sun;Sun Temple;Temple of Sun
  1. 库斯科的王宫拥有大量金银,它的太阳神庙非常壮观。

    Cuzco , the royal palace with large gold and silver , it is very spectacular temple of the sun .

  2. 穿过小屋,你会找到举行仪式的浴池,经过它们,就是太阳神庙,它以极其精湛的石艺建造。

    After passing the hut , you will find the ceremonial baths and just past them the Temple of the Sun , crafted with extremely fine stonework .

  3. 在印度的社团成员仍然在太阳神庙内崇拜。

    The members of the community still worship in Sun temples in India .

  4. 门卡霍尔是一位较不知名的国王,他是最后一位修建一座名为“Akhet-Re”太阳神庙的法老。

    Menkauhor was a relatively obscure king and was the last pharaoh to build a sun temple called Akhet-Re .

  5. 我的参观顺序是太阳神庙(因为它正对着中门)、博物馆、诸多建筑残基和小金字塔和月亮神庙。

    My itinerary for the visit is the temple of the sun , museum , ruins of building and smaller pyramids and finally the temple of the moon .

  6. 在第十世纪内,玛雅人完全地定居在尤卡坦半岛,而石碑被放置在太阳上帝大神庙之一的祭坛下面。

    In the tenth century , the Mayas had thoroughly settled the Yucatan , and the tablets were placed beneath the altar of one of the great temples of the Sun God .

  7. 每到春分或秋分,太阳在提卡尔神庙后升起,而他妻子的神庙便浸浴在拖长的影子中。

    And every spring and autumn , exactly at the equinox , the sun rises behind his temple , and perfectly bathes her temple with his shadow .