
tài ɡǔ jiè
  • Archaean;Archean Erathem
  1. 综合地震属性分析在JZS油气田太古界变质岩潜山储层预测中的应用

    Application of comprehensive seismic attributes analysis in prediction of Archaean metamorphic rock buried-hill reservoir in JZS oil / gas field

  2. 介绍了测井约束波阻抗反演技术的方法原理,以及在CFD18-1、18-2构造下第三系底砾岩及太古界花岗岩风化壳储层研究中的应用,分辨率可达到10m。

    The method and theory of seismic wave impedence inversion restrained by well log were introduced in this paper , together with its application to the paleogene conglomerates and Archaeozoic weathered granite rocks in the CFD 18 1 and 18 2 structures . The resolution reached 10 meters .

  3. 南澳的EYRE半岛位于GAWLER克拉通南部,包含了GAWLER克拉通太古界至中元古界结晶基底的主要部分。

    The Eyre Peninsula , South Australia , makes up the southern part of the Gawler Craton . It contains a major portion of Archean to mid Proterozoic crystalline basement province of the Gawler Craton .

  4. 结果表明:茨榆坨潜山太古界4类变质岩中,黑云母二长片麻岩是最主要的储集岩,裂缝最为发育;

    Biotite feldspar gneiss is the main type of reservoir rock with mostly-developed fractures ;

  5. 它们皆为S型,其源岩为太古界。

    Their source is the Archean Group .

  6. 从而,研究预测了埕北-30潜山太古界裂缝性油藏构造裂缝的发育分布及裂缝走向。

    In addition , the development and strike of fractures in the research area were predicted .

  7. 鞍本地区太古界硅铁建造沉积变质岩中石榴石类矿物研究

    A study on the garnet-minerals in the metasediment of Archean silicon-iron formation in Anshan-Benxi area , china

  8. 山东莱芜地区太古界露头裂缝特征及其油气储层意义

    Characteristics of fractures and their hydrocarbon reservoir meanings for the Archean outcrop in Laiwu area , shandong Province

  9. 下古生界奥陶系构造具有很强的继承性,其构造格局与太古界有很强的一致性。

    The configuration of Ordovician of lower Palaeozoic system highly inherits that of Archaean group and both have a strong consistency .

  10. 其解释成果已被试油和生产实际所证实,说明利用该方法研究太古界变质岩储层特征的方法可行。

    This has been proved by formation test and production , so that these are feasible methods to study the characteristics of Archaeozoic metamorphic reservoir .

  11. 深埋藏溶蚀作用对碳酸盐岩先成孔隙的溶蚀改造和太古界与下古生界之间统一油水界面的形成具重要影响;

    Deep-buried karsts cause the formation of deep corrosion pore space and lead to uniform oil-water boundary and same erosion characters between Archean and Paleozoic .

  12. 斑状长石岩墙〔岩脉〕金矿体的赋矿围岩为上太古界建平群变质岩系,属于石英脉型金矿床。

    Feldspar porphyry dyke The gold deposit is of quartz vein type , with the wall rocks consisting of metamorphic rocks of the Jianping Group in age of Late Archean .

  13. 断层陡坎与白垩系砂岩和太古界片麻岩之间的断层位置大致吻合。石为岩层紧靠着煤矿层。

    The fault scarp in ground surface approximately is along the fault face that consists of Cretaceous sandstone and Archaean gneiss . The lime-stone rocks bed up against the coal .

  14. 采用合成声波测井等技术完成全区太古界、下古生界的储集层横向描述和预测。

    And synthetic acoustic log and other techniques were used for describing and predicting the lateral extent of Archaeozoic and Lower Paleozoic oil bearing reservoirs in the whole oil field .

  15. 近年来,辽河油田元古界、太古界古潜山油气藏得到了比较好的勘探与开发,但对这些缝洞性储层的解释一直是一个难题。

    In recent years , Proterozoic and Archaeozoic buried hill reservoirs have been explored and developed in Liaohe Oilfield , but it is a problem to interpret these fracture-cavity reservoirs .

  16. 辽河大民屯中部地区主要储集岩是太古界的区域变质岩和混合岩类,尤以裂缝发育和经过碎裂化的刚性变质岩类的储集性能最佳。

    The mainly reservoirs in the middle of Damintun depression of Liaohe basin are the regional metamorphic rocks and the migmatites , which are more fractured and rigid by the cataclastics .

  17. 山东省莱西县南墅石墨矿位于胶东隆起栖霞复背斜的南翼,石墨赋存于太古界胶东群旌旗山组刘家庄大理岩段。

    Nanshu graphite deposits , located at the south side of Qixia synclinorium in Jiaodong uplift , exist in Liujiazhuang marble member of Jingqishan formation , Jiaodong group of Archaeozic Erathern .

  18. 河流储层建筑结构要素的定量识别以胜坨油田二区沙二段3砂层组为例裂缝性潜山油藏储集体岩性定量识别以埕北30太古界潜山储集体为例

    The Quantitative Discrimination of Architectural Elements of Fluvial Reservoir QUANTITATIVE SPOTTING ON OIL STORAGE OF FRACTURED-ROCKS IN HIDDEN MOUNTAIN - Case Study on No. CB 30 Hidden Mountain of the Archaean Group

  19. 矿区出露地层主要为上太古界五台群一套经历了多期变质变形作用的中级区域变质岩系,变质程度为角闪岩相。

    The stratas exposed are mainly comprised of a suit of middle-grade regional metamorphic rocks of Wutai group , upper Archaean . The rocks had undergone multi-stages of metamorphism and deformation of amphibolite facies .

  20. 根据沉积建造类型、构造特征、地震反射特征、测井曲线特征和地层接触关系,可将埕岛地区的地层划分为太古界、古生界&中生界和新生界3个构造层。

    According to types of sedimentary formation , structural characteristics , seismic reflections , logging curves and stratigraphic contacts , the series can be divided into three structural layers , i.e. Archean , Paleozoic Mesozoic and Cenozoic .

  21. 其三组铅同位素比值明显高于本区太古界桑干群变质岩,并位于上地幔和下地壳铅增长线之间。

    Their lead isotopic values are much higher than those of the Archean metamorphic rocks of the Sanggan group in this area , and located between the two lead growth curves of upper mantle and lower crust .

  22. 古元古晚太古界经历了固流相柔流相变形变质作用后形成变质杂岩(包括表壳岩和变质侵入岩),中新元古界为浅变质碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩。

    From Paleoproterozoic Era to late Archeozoic Erathem , it was formed metamorphic complex after deformation and metamorphism from solid liquid facies to soft liquid facies , and it was formed epimetamorphic clastic rock and carbonate rock at Mesoproterozoic-Neoproterozoic Erathem .

  23. 漫长的地质演化和新生代构造断裂活动形成了上第三系至太古界多层系多类型的油气藏,在凹陷、凸起的各部位,分布着大型油气聚集带。

    Long geological evaluation and Cenozoic structural and fault activities led to the formation of multiple types of oil and gas pools from Neogene to Archeozoic Era and resulted in a great deal of oil and gas accumulations in uplifts and sags .