- 名Archaean;Archean Erathem

Application of comprehensive seismic attributes analysis in prediction of Archaean metamorphic rock buried-hill reservoir in JZS oil / gas field
The method and theory of seismic wave impedence inversion restrained by well log were introduced in this paper , together with its application to the paleogene conglomerates and Archaeozoic weathered granite rocks in the CFD 18 1 and 18 2 structures . The resolution reached 10 meters .
The Eyre Peninsula , South Australia , makes up the southern part of the Gawler Craton . It contains a major portion of Archean to mid Proterozoic crystalline basement province of the Gawler Craton .
Biotite feldspar gneiss is the main type of reservoir rock with mostly-developed fractures ;
Their source is the Archean Group .
In addition , the development and strike of fractures in the research area were predicted .
A study on the garnet-minerals in the metasediment of Archean silicon-iron formation in Anshan-Benxi area , china
Characteristics of fractures and their hydrocarbon reservoir meanings for the Archean outcrop in Laiwu area , shandong Province
The configuration of Ordovician of lower Palaeozoic system highly inherits that of Archaean group and both have a strong consistency .
This has been proved by formation test and production , so that these are feasible methods to study the characteristics of Archaeozoic metamorphic reservoir .
Deep-buried karsts cause the formation of deep corrosion pore space and lead to uniform oil-water boundary and same erosion characters between Archean and Paleozoic .
Feldspar porphyry dyke The gold deposit is of quartz vein type , with the wall rocks consisting of metamorphic rocks of the Jianping Group in age of Late Archean .
The fault scarp in ground surface approximately is along the fault face that consists of Cretaceous sandstone and Archaean gneiss . The lime-stone rocks bed up against the coal .
And synthetic acoustic log and other techniques were used for describing and predicting the lateral extent of Archaeozoic and Lower Paleozoic oil bearing reservoirs in the whole oil field .
In recent years , Proterozoic and Archaeozoic buried hill reservoirs have been explored and developed in Liaohe Oilfield , but it is a problem to interpret these fracture-cavity reservoirs .
The mainly reservoirs in the middle of Damintun depression of Liaohe basin are the regional metamorphic rocks and the migmatites , which are more fractured and rigid by the cataclastics .
Nanshu graphite deposits , located at the south side of Qixia synclinorium in Jiaodong uplift , exist in Liujiazhuang marble member of Jingqishan formation , Jiaodong group of Archaeozic Erathern .
The Quantitative Discrimination of Architectural Elements of Fluvial Reservoir QUANTITATIVE SPOTTING ON OIL STORAGE OF FRACTURED-ROCKS IN HIDDEN MOUNTAIN - Case Study on No. CB 30 Hidden Mountain of the Archaean Group
The stratas exposed are mainly comprised of a suit of middle-grade regional metamorphic rocks of Wutai group , upper Archaean . The rocks had undergone multi-stages of metamorphism and deformation of amphibolite facies .
According to types of sedimentary formation , structural characteristics , seismic reflections , logging curves and stratigraphic contacts , the series can be divided into three structural layers , i.e. Archean , Paleozoic Mesozoic and Cenozoic .
Their lead isotopic values are much higher than those of the Archean metamorphic rocks of the Sanggan group in this area , and located between the two lead growth curves of upper mantle and lower crust .
From Paleoproterozoic Era to late Archeozoic Erathem , it was formed metamorphic complex after deformation and metamorphism from solid liquid facies to soft liquid facies , and it was formed epimetamorphic clastic rock and carbonate rock at Mesoproterozoic-Neoproterozoic Erathem .
Long geological evaluation and Cenozoic structural and fault activities led to the formation of multiple types of oil and gas pools from Neogene to Archeozoic Era and resulted in a great deal of oil and gas accumulations in uplifts and sags .