
tài pínɡ mén
  • exit ;fire escape;emergency door;fire door exit
太平门 [tài píng mén]
  • [exit] 安全门,供火灾时向外逃离用的门或通道

  1. 至太平门的疏散距离跟踪波门(距离基准脉冲)

    Travel distance to exit Tracking gate ( range reference pulse )

  2. 警你们要保持通道和太平门的畅通。

    P You should also keep the passages and exits clear .

  3. 太平门在建物的后面。

    The fire-escape is at the back of the building .

  4. 请指明最靠近的太平门位置。

    Please locate the nearest emergency exit .

  5. 我们走后面的太平门。

    We left by the rear exit .

  6. fire:火escape:逃难路径,出口,太平门这次我没有用救生梯哦,baby:婴儿的step:步,步子慢慢来嘛。

    Vanessa : Hey , I didn 't use the fire escape . baby steps .

  7. 至太平门的疏散距离疏离中的尴尬&当代语境下的中国版画

    Travel distance to exit The Embarrassment in the Alienation & Chinese block print in the modern context

  8. 至太平门的疏散距离

    Travel distance to exit

  9. 当玛丽听到失火的警铃时,她保持冷静而寻找最近的太平门。

    When Mary heard the fire alarm , she kept her head and looked for the nearest emergency exit .

  10. 重要土石坝必须设太平门(非常溢洪道),以便在遭遇非常洪水时采取非常溢洪措施。

    Major earth and rockfill dams must have " an emergency exit " ( emergency spillway or emergency measures ) in case super floods cause dam failures .