
  • 网络solar power station;Solar Power Plant;solar plant
  1. 世界上最大的太阳能发电站坐落在加利福尼亚的Cremer、它可以发194兆瓦电力,但这只是沧海一粟。

    The world 's largest solar plant is located in Cremer Junction California . It can generate 194 megawatts of electric power , but that 's just a drop in the bucket .

  2. 他们的研究结果可能会产生一种巨型钠电池,用来储存隔夜的太阳能发电站的电流。

    What their work might lead to is giant sodium-ion batteries for the overnight storage of electricity from solar power stations .

  3. 通用汽车(GeneralMotors)将为其欧洲最大工厂建造全球最大的屋顶式太阳能发电站,并考虑在其另外19家欧洲工厂兴建类似的项目。

    General Motors is to build the world 's largest rooftop solar power station at its largest European factory , and is considering similar projects for its other 19 plants across the continent .

  4. 无线巨头MasayoshiSon打算兴建大型太阳能发电站,并计划新开通一条输电网,连通日本各县。

    Masayoshi Son , a wireless tycoon , plans to build huge solar-power stations and a new grid to connect Japanese prefectures .

  5. 苹果(Apple)和其最大供应商富士康(Foxconn)共同承诺要建造太阳能发电站,发电能力超过600兆瓦。此举将让生产iPhone的中国工厂朝着完全靠清洁能源运转迈出一大步。

    Apple and its biggest supplier Foxconn are together pledging to build solar power plants to produce more than 600 megawatts of electricity , in a big step towards making the Chinese factories that produce the iPhone run entirely on clean energy .

  6. 结合分布式发电,提出了用飞轮电池调节小型太阳能发电站输出特性的系统控制方案;分析了用正弦波脉宽调制(SPWM)原理调节电动机/发动机输入/输出电压的幅值、频率和波形的原理和方法。

    The system control scheme of the output on the solar energy power plant involving the flywheel battery is proposed , and the principle and method of SPWM used to adjust the breadth , frequency and waveform of the output / input voltage on the motor / generator are analysed .

  7. 然而,现在环境学家又担心建立很多的太阳能发电站也会危害当地环境。

    However , environmentalists now worry that too much solar power development could harm the local environment .

  8. 教授:事实上,有些人尝试过建造太阳能发电站。

    Professor : Well actually , there have been some attempts to build solar energy power plants .

  9. 汉能薄膜的母公司汉能集团为李河君所持有,为第三方、以及自己在中国和加纳的太阳能发电站生产创新性的薄膜太阳能电池板。

    Owned by Mr Li , the parent company manufactures innovative thin-film solar panels for third parties and its own solar farms in China and Ghana .

  10. 各类可再生能源技术的支持者可以列出种种让人印象深刻的统计数字:拟建的风能或太阳能发电站能产生多少电力,或者撒哈拉的日照就完全可以满足欧洲的能源需求。

    Supporters of various renewable energy technologies can trot out impressive-sounding statistics : so many megawatts from planned wind or solar installations or that the sunlight falling on the Sahara has enough energy to power Europe .

  11. 这些公司将在敦煌建设并运营一家太阳能发电站,一期装机容量为1万千瓦。敦煌位于中国干旱的西北地区,充足的阳光和广阔的沙漠使那里成为中国太阳能发电的最佳地点。

    They will build and operate a solar power station with an initial capacity of 10MW in Dunhuang in the dry north-west , whose abundant sunshine and deserts make it China 's prime location for solar power generation .

  12. 澳大利亚计划与私人部门合作,建造全球最大的太阳能发电站网络。此前该国承诺,在2020年前,20%的电力需求都将来自可再生能源。

    Australia plans to build one of the world 's largest solar power station networks in partnership with the private sector as part of its commitment to source 20 per cent of its needs from renewable energy by 2020 .

  13. 将由中标财团在甘肃敦煌兴建的太阳能发电站等地面装配系统,将获得优惠的上网电价,而非直接补贴,因为这些系统的设计宗旨不是仅为某一建筑物供电,而是为电网发电。

    Ground-mounted systems , such as the station to be built by the consortium in Dunhuang , are granted feed-in tariffs instead of straight subsidies because they are designed to produce power for the grid rather than just supplying a certain building .

  14. 和多数国家的情况一样,中国的太阳能发电站只有在得到政府补贴的情况下才会盈利。然而,新电站目前需要花费一年甚至一年以上的时间,才能获得必要的批准、收到头一笔付款。

    As in most countries , solar plants in China can only turn a profit because of government subsidies but it can currently take a year or more for new plants to win the necessary approvals before they receive their first payments .

  15. 塔式太阳能热发电站镜场和CPC及屋顶CPV设计研究

    Field Layout and CPC Researches in Tower Solar Power Plants and Roof CPV Design

  16. 大型太阳能烟囱发电站热力分析与计算

    Thermodynamic analysis and calculation of large-scale solar chimney electricity generation plant

  17. 槽式太阳能热发电站微观选址的方法研究

    Method Research of Parabolic Trough Solar Thermal Power Plant Site Selection

  18. 提出了塔式太阳能热发电站定日镜场设计的两个基本原则。

    Two basic principles for heliostat field layout in tower SPPs are proposed .

  19. 太阳能烟囱发电站模型的分析与研究

    Modeling research and analysis of solar chimney power plants

  20. 塔式太阳能热发电站定日镜面形检测专用仪器的研制

    Development of the heliostat shape measuring apparatus of solar tower thermal power plant

  21. 该成果已应用于塔式太阳能热发电站的控制系统中。

    The main achievement has applied in the control system of solar power tower plants .

  22. 建设一座具有一定规模的太阳能烟囱发电站,需要有很高的烟囱结构。

    Building a solar chimney power station with a certain scale needs a high chimney structure .

  23. 大容量太阳能光伏发电站交流输出功率计算方法研究

    Research on the calculation method of large capacity solar energy PV power generation station with AC output

  24. 介绍了太阳能烟囱发电站的工作原理,并在给定参数下对太阳能烟囱的主要设计参数进行了计算,得到了太阳能烟囱内气流速度的最大值。

    The operating principle of solar chimney power plants is introduced . Under specified parameters , the main design parameters are worked out , including the maximum velocity in the solar chimney .

  25. 该项目还是用太阳能发电的气象站来记录当地降雨量。

    The program also uses solar-powered weather stations to record local rainfall amounts .

  26. 中国正在全国各地新建太阳能和风能发电站,速度太快,以至一些远离变电站的发电项目有时需要推迟数年才能入网。

    China is adding solar and wind energy sites so fast across the country that power generation projects farther from substations sometimes face delays of years in getting connected .

  27. 不过他们表示,可能至少还需10年的工作,才能将该电池变为可用于汽车和电网蓄电的商业电池。电网蓄电装置用于存储太阳能和风能发电站间歇发出的电力,以便在需要的时候使用。

    But they say at least another decade of work is likely to be required to turn it into a commercial battery for cars and for grid storage - storing the intermittent output of solar and wind generators for use when needed .

  28. 太阳能塔热气流发电站

    Solar Updraft Tower Power Plant

  29. 我们将一种低温热机和太阳能烟囱结合在一起,研究新的太阳能烟囱发电站。

    We combine a kind of low temperature thermodynamic machine and the solar chimney to research a new kind of power plant .

  30. 她所加工的硅产品将被用于制造太阳能面板,这些面板将被安装在位于宁夏郊区的一所太阳能发电站中。

    The silicon product she gets from the machine will be used to make solar energy panels . These will then be installed in a solar power station located in the rural area of Ningxia .