
  • 网络pacific time;PST;PDT
  1. 太平洋时间今天下午三点将停机进行维护。

    The project will be down for maintenance starting today at 3pm PST .

  2. 停机通告:太平洋时间今天下午三点开始停机,应该晚上就会恢复正常。

    Outage Notice : The project will be down starting today at 3pm PST for maintenance . The server should be back online later in the evening .

  3. 你知道什么地方使用太平洋时间吗?

    Do you know where Pacific time is used ?

  4. 让我们从最近的地方,在下周一开始,太平洋时间。

    Let 's start with the closest , which begins next Monday Pacific Time .

  5. 提醒通常在午夜(太平洋时间)后到达。

    Reminders usually arrive after midnight Pacific time .

  6. 上次更新时间:{0}太平洋时间(美国和加拿大);蒂华纳。

    Last update : { 0 } Pacific Time ( US & Canada ); Tijuana .

  7. 提名从太平洋时间5:30开始分两部分宣布。

    The nominations were announced in two waves , beginning at 5:30 a.m. Pacific time .

  8. 山区时间比太平洋时间晚一小时,而比中部时间早一小时。

    Mountain time is one hour later than Pacific time and one hour earlier than central time .

  9. 太平洋时间今天早上8点20开始,整个学校的网络都出了问题,相关人员正在解决。

    Starting at around 8:20 ( PST ) this morning the University of Washington network began to experience widespread connectivity problems . They are working on it .

  10. 美国太平洋时间周日凌晨3点20分,加州湾区遭遇了25年来最严重的地震。地震造成加州纳帕谷多人受伤、建筑受损。

    The most serious earthquake to hit California 's Bay Area in 25 years struck at 3.20am pacific time on Sunday morning , injuring people and damaging buildings in Napa Valley .

  11. 太平洋时间8月15日深夜,美国宇航局喷气推进实验室的控制室收到好消息:好奇号漫游车安全登录火星。

    The control room at NASA 's Jet Propulsion Laboratory late in the evening of August 5th , Pacific time , when word arrived that the Curiosity rover had landed safely on Mars .

  12. 这场演唱会将在YouTube上实现同步观看,开始时间是太平洋标准时间晚上8:30。

    The concert will be available to watch live on YouTube and is due to start at8.30pm pacific standard time .

  13. 营内使用太平洋标准时间。

    Pacific Standard Time ( PST ) is in use inside the camp .

  14. 营外使用太平洋夏令时间。

    Pacific Daylight Time ( PDT ) is in use outside the camp .

  15. 你指的是太平洋标准时间?

    Did you mean Pacific Standard time ?

  16. 星期二,5月5日(太平洋标准时间),钢筋混凝土将提供给每个人都通过我们的客户预览计划。

    On Tuesday , May5 ( PST ), the RC will be available to everyone via our Customer Preview Program .

  17. 小波能量谱及其在热带太平洋SSTA多时间尺度结构研究中的应用

    Wes and its application to multiple timescale structure study of SSTA in the tropical Pacific

  18. 太平洋沿岸标准时间太平洋沿岸标准时

    Pacific Coast Standard Time

  19. 赤道东太平洋不同持续时间的海温正异常对东亚夏季气候影响的数值模拟研究

    A Numerical Study of the Summer Climatic Response in East Asia to Positive SSTA with Different Duration in Equatorial Eastern Pacific

  20. 本文主要分析了西北太平洋上多时间尺度环境气流相互作用对台风突变路径的影响。

    The multi-time scale environmental flow interactions on sudden typhoon track changes in the western North Pacific were examined in this study .

  21. 重庆大气气溶胶的辐射强迫与局地气候响应研究赤道东太平洋不同持续时间的海温正异常对东亚夏季气候影响的数值模拟研究

    Research on Atmospheric Aerosol Radiative Forcing and Climatic Response in Regional Scale in Chongqing A Numerical Study of the Summer Climatic Response in East Asia to Positive SSTA with Different Duration in Equatorial Eastern Pacific

  22. (ⅱ)赤道东太平洋海温异常的时间序列中存在着比较稳定的年际和年代际变化规律,这一规律较好地预示了1997年的ENSO事件;

    (ⅱ) there existed obviously interannual and interdecadal variations in the time series of the equatorial eastern Pacific sea surface temperature ( SST ) anomaly and the interannual variation could well be used to predict the ENSO event occurred in 1997 ;

  23. 美国地质勘探局报道,南太平洋岛国汤加当地时间12日下午发生里氏6.1级地震。

    A magnitude 6.1 earthquake hit south east of Tonga at 1:19pm local time ( 2:19 NZT ), the US Geological Survey has reported .

  24. 利用小波分解、相关分析、解释方差及位相对比方法,分析讨论了近赤道海温与西太平洋副高在不同时间尺度上的结构特征与对应关系。

    Methods of wavelet decomposition , correlation analysis , analytic variance and phase contrast were used to discuss the structural features of and relationship between near-equatorial SST and the west Pacific subtropical high .