
tài fēi táng
  • Toffee;taffy;taffee
太妃糖[tài fēi táng]
  1. 别光会流口水,快买些太妃糖吧。

    Don 't just salivate , come buy some taffy now .

  2. 不断地拉长反复地拉伸(例如,太妃糖)

    To stretch ( taffy , for example ) repeatedly .

  3. 这种混合物凝固后就成了太妃糖。

    The mixture will solidify into toffee .

  4. 帝亚吉欧(DiageoPLC)周二说,其已经与贝克汉姆联手推出HaigClub,这是一款“呈现出奶油糖果和太妃糖风味”的新品威士忌。此举是这家英国饮料巨头吸引新饮酒者尝试增长迅速的威士忌酒类的最新尝试。

    Diageo PLC said Tuesday it has teamed up with Mr. Beckham to launch Haig Club -- a newly created Scotch that ' showcases butterscotch and toffee . ' It is the British drinks giant 's latest attempt to attract new drinkers into the fast-growing whiskey category .

  5. 最后,将太妃糖放在密闭容器中,在冰箱里存储一周时间,就可以了。

    Store in an airtight container in refrigerator up to7 days .

  6. 但是我想选颗太妃糖口味的应该会安全些吧。

    But I think I could be safe with a nice toffee .

  7. 慢慢地,太妃糖,焦糖和尘土飞扬的皮革痕迹出现。

    Slowly , traces of toffee , caramel and dusty leather emerge .

  8. 第五颗薄荷太妃糖过后,我突然领悟

    By my fifth piece of peppermint taffy , I realized

  9. 太妃糖是一种奶糖,不错,挺好吃的。

    Is a kind of toffee candy , good , very good food .

  10. 然后将这根棒加热并像太妃糖一样被拉成一根纤维。

    The rod is then heated and pulled like taffy into a fiber .

  11. 我们还比赛过,看谁能捡到最多的太妃糖。

    We used to hold competitions for who would collect the most toffees .

  12. 欧洲人说饼干,太妃糖和巧克力是他们最担心的食品。

    The Europeans said cookies , toffees and chocolates were the major concerns .

  13. 李子,红色和黑色水果,太妃糖,巧克力,草药。

    Plum , red and black fruits , toffee , chocolate , herbs .

  14. 他鼓着脸颊嚼太妃糖。

    He chewed the toffee , his cheeks bulging .

  15. 我要去吃盐水太妃糖

    I 'm going to get some saltwater taffy .

  16. 太妃糖使他们口渴难当,又没有水喝。

    The toffees had made them extremely thirsty and they had nothing to drink .

  17. 他给我买了一袋太妃糖。

    He bought me a bag of toffees .

  18. 她把一块太妃糖塞进我的口中。

    She poked a toffee into my mouth .

  19. 太妃糖生产技术探讨

    Discussion on technique of toffee production

  20. 钙补充剂能制成可以嚼着吃的巧克力、太妃糖和小熊糖等品种,像糖果一样吸引人。

    Chewable chocolate , caramel and gummy-bear varieties have made calcium supplements as appealing as candy .

  21. 接下来对阵太妃糖和曼联,派上我们最强的11人是至关重要的。

    Against Manchester United and Everton it is vital that we put our strongest XI out .

  22. 后来,雨云一下子凝聚在大地的上空。这种混合物凝结之后就成了太妃糖。

    Then quite suddenly rain-clouds condensed over the whole globe . The mixture solidifies into toffee .

  23. 为了把钱省下来,我不肯把太妃糖和甜饼分给别人。

    I wouldn 't go halves in the toffee and gingerbread on purpose to save the money .

  24. 揉合浓郁的煤烟、清爽的柠檬和青柠、辛辣的胡椒和掺杂玉桂辛香的太妃糖气味。

    A beguiling mix of peat smoke , tangy lemon and lime , pepper and cinnamon-spiced toffee .

  25. 为什么你会描述一个特殊的红色为太妃糖苹果的红而不是其他的红?

    Why would you describe a particular red as candy apple red and not some other shade ?

  26. 原因:利物浦市埃弗顿区有一家制糖厂做的薄荷味太妃糖很受欢迎。

    Reason : Everton mints , produced in the Liverpool district of Everton , are a popular mint toffee .

  27. 而我发觉最大的幸福不在于吃太妃糖,而在于吃前凝视它的那一段时间。

    When I discovered that the greatestpitchhappiness was not in actually eating a toffee but in gazing at it beforehand .

  28. 我们跑到空地上,机上的人向我们丢下太妃糖及网球,我们都抢着去捡。

    We ran outside and they threw toffees and tennis balls down to us , which we rushed to catch .

  29. 第五颗薄荷太妃糖过后,我突然领悟……或许我不是想依赖我的朋友。

    By my fifth piece of peppermint taffy , I realized ... maybe I wasn 't banking on my friends .

  30. 我在欧联杯和欧冠上分别有对阵过枪手和太妃糖的经验。

    I have experience of playing against English teams in the UEFA Cup and Champions League , against Arsenal and Everton .