
  • Wanda;Vanda;OANDA;Bandar
  1. 南极洲赖特谷万达盐湖中铬的垂直迁移

    Vertical migration of chromium in Vanda saline lake of Wright valley , Antarctica

  2. 南极洲万达盐湖水中方解石饱和指数的垂直变化及其控制因素

    Vertical variation and controlled mechanism of the saturation indices for calcite in Vanda Salt Lake water , Antarctica

  3. 他脑子里充满了各种可能的结局,结果跟不上万达的叙述。

    The possible consequences so filled his mind that he lost the thread of Wan Da 's narrative .

  4. 在深圳上市的子公司万达电影院线(WandaCinemaLine)也有同样快速的增长。

    Growth at Shenzhen-listed subsidiary Wanda Cinema Line was similarly racy .

  5. 万达集团(WandaGroup)赢了一个回合。

    Chalk up a win for Wanda Group .

  6. 今年1月,万达收购了传奇娱乐(LegendaryEntertainment),后者联合制作了《侏罗纪世界》(JurassicWorld)等影片。

    In January Wanda bought Legendary Entertainment , co-producer of film hits such as Jurassic World .

  7. 针对近期一位身穿白雪公主(SnowWhite)服饰的女性现身万达购物中心的情况,迪士尼表示将采取法律行动。

    Disney said it would take legal action after a woman in a Snow White costume was spotted in the Wanda mall recently .

  8. 万达只跟有追求的官员打交道,王健林上月接受《南方周末》(SouthernWeekend)采访时说。

    Wanda only deals with ambitious officials , Mr Wang said last month in an interview with the Southern Weekend newspaper .

  9. 昨日万达院线(WandaCinemaLine)股票复牌后,股价大涨十分之一。

    Yesterday , shares in Wanda Cinema Lines jumped one-tenth as it reopened from a trading suspension .

  10. 万达还控股美国影院运营商AMC娱乐(AMCEntertainment)。

    Wanda also controls US cinema operator AMC Entertainment .

  11. 万达官方网站显示,今年10月8日,王健林与狮门娱乐董事长马克•拉切斯基(MarkRachesky)在北京会晤。

    According to Wanda 's official website , Mr Wang met Mark Rachesky , chairman of Lions Gate , in Beijing on Oct 8 .

  12. 万达将在本周销售沃克斯豪尔项目的首期住宅,该项目名为OneNineElms。

    Wanda will put the first group of homes in the Vauxhall development , called One Nine Elms , up for sale this week .

  13. 去年,万达斥资26亿美元收购了美国影院连锁企业AMCEntertainmentHoldings。

    Wanda acquired AMC Entertainment Holdings , a U.S. cinema chain , last year for $ 2.6 billion .

  14. 万达表示,这是中国企业在医疗行业的最大一笔投资,英国国际医院集团(InternationalHospitalsGroup)将负责这几家医院的运营。

    Wanda said it would be the " largest of its kind in the healthcare sector for a Chinese company " and will be managed by International Hospitals Group , the UK hospitals group .

  15. 成功者包括万达集团和SOHO中国集团,将有巨大的收益。

    Winners included Wanda Group and SOHO China , which posted huge gains .

  16. 中国建筑业巨头万达集团(WandaGroup)也持有了西班牙马德里竞技俱乐部(AtléticoMadrid)20%的股份。

    Construction giant Wanda Group also owns 20 % of Spain 's Atl é tico Madrid .

  17. 王健林的万达集团(WandaGroup)在美国娱乐行业的收购对象包括电影院线AMC娱乐控股公司(AMCEntertainmentHoldings)和制片公司传奇娱乐(LegendaryEntertainment)。

    US entertainment purchases by Mr Wang 's Wanda Group include cinema chain AMC Entertainment Holdings and production company Legendary Entertainment .

  18. 近日,企业巨头万达集团正式成为中国首个FIFA顶级赞助商。

    Conglomerate Wanda Group has become the first Chinese top-tier partner of world football governing body Fifa .

  19. 2014年,万达影视(WandaMedia)是规模第二的发行商,仅拥有3%的国内票房。

    in 2014 , Wanda Media was the second-biggest distributor , with just 3 per cent of China 's local language box office .

  20. 万达还准备收购举办金球奖(GoldenGlobeAwards)和美国小姐选美比赛(MissAmerica)的迪克•克拉克制片公司(DickClarkProductions),已为此进入排他性谈判。

    Wanda has also entered into exclusive negotiation to acquire Dick Clark Productions , which stages the Golden Globe Awards and Miss America pageant .

  21. 大连万达集团于1月同意了以约35亿美元的价格收购传奇影业(LegendaryEntertainment),一家电影制作与金融公司。

    Dalian Wanda agreed in January to buy Legendary Entertainment , a film production and finance company , for about $ 3.5 billion .

  22. 万达成功并购AMC之后,将成为全球规模最大的电影院线运营商。

    Wanda 's merger with AMC will create the largest movie theater owner in the world .

  23. 上月底在中国南方城市南昌开业的休闲胜地万达城(WandaCity),寄望于自己有能力满足本土品味。

    Wanda City , a leisure resort that opened late last month in Nanchang , southern China , is banking on its ability to satisfy local tastes .

  24. 万达还在洽谈收购制作了《哥斯拉》(Godzilla)和《环太平洋》(PacificRim)等影片的好莱坞公司传奇娱乐(LegendaryEntertainment)。

    Wanda is also in talks to buy Legendary Entertainment , the Hollywood company behind such films as Godzilla and Pacific Rim .

  25. 万达商业地产(DalianWandaCommercialProperties)是王健林旗下的商业地产业务,去年12月在香港上市。他的院线业务今年1月在上海上市。

    Dalian Wanda Group , the commercial-property arm of Mr Wang 's company , listed in Hong Kong in December , while his cinema chain debuted in Shanghai in January .

  26. 万达影视拥有传奇娱乐(LegendaryEntertainment)——万达在今年1月斥资35亿美元收购的美国制片集团——以及其他一些与内容相关的业务。

    Wanda Pictures Media owns Legendary Entertainment , a US media group bought by Wanda in January for $ 3.5bn , as well as other content-related businesses .

  27. IBM公司一位女性发言人表示,该合营企业和万达网络科技集团将“负责IBM云平台在中国的分配、建设与运营工作”。

    The venture between IBM and Wanda Internet Technology Group will be " responsible for distributing , building and operating the IBM cloud platform in China , " an IBM spokeswoman said .

  28. Dealogic数据显示,这将是万达迄今最大的一笔交易。

    The deal will be Wanda 's largest to date , according to Dealogic .

  29. 白手起家的亿万富翁王健林是大连万达集团(DalianWandaGroup)的董事长,也是中国最大的对外投资者之一。王健林批评中国国有企业行动迟缓,缺乏长远的海外扩张战略。

    Self-made billionaire Wang Jianlin , chairman of Dalian Wanda Group and one of China 's biggest outward investors , criticised SoEs for being slow and lacking long-term overseas expansion strategies .

  30. 中国首富王健林控股的地产与传媒集团大连万达(DalianWanda)将以35亿美元收购传奇娱乐(LegendaryEntertainment)。

    Dalian Wanda , the property and media group controlled by Wang Jianlin , China 's richest man , will purchase Legendary Entertainment for $ 3.5bn .