
  • 网络typhoons;Eurofighter Typhoon
  1. 两家公司目前已在一些项目上展开亲密合作,如空客巨无霸a380大型机项目及欧洲战机台风战斗机。

    The two firms already work closely on projects like the Airbus A380 super-jumbo project and the Eurofighter Typhoon attack jet .

  2. 如果“台风”战斗机杀出重围,赢得订单,那么这将是至少自1960年美日安全同盟签订以来,日本第一次选择非美国公司出售的战斗机。

    Were the Typhoon to win , it would be the first time , at least sinceJapanandAmericasigned a security alliance in1960 , thatJapanhad awarded a jet fighter contract to a non-American firm .