
  • 网络Taiwan Strait crisis
  1. 第一次台海危机后,中国和美国都希望进行对话解决双边问题。

    During the first Taiwan Strait crisis , China and the United States wanted to engage in dialogue to negotiate resolving bilateral issues .

  2. 第一次台海危机后,美国对于是否协防沿海岛屿再度进行了争论。

    After the first Taiwan Strait crisis , the United States again debated whether or not to assist in the defense of the coastal islands .

  3. 第一次台海危机与一个中国的原则

    The First " Taiwan Straits Crisis " and the One China Policy

  4. 危机决策模式的选择性应用&以1995-1996年台海危机期间克林顿政府的决策过程为例

    Selective Application of Models to Crisis - Resolving

  5. 台海危机与中美和战。

    The Taiwan Straits Crisis and the peace / war between China and America .

  6. 第二部分阐述两次台海危机中,美国多次对中国实施核讹诈,反而坚定了中国发展自己核力量的决心。

    Part Two expounds American exertion of nuclear deterrence to China during the Korean War .

  7. 台海危机和中国对金门、马祖政策的形成战后初期苏联对华外交策略原因浅析

    Brief Analysis on the Causes of Soviet Union 's Foreign Policy on China soon after World War II

  8. 与1954年的第一次台海危机和1958年的第二次台海危机相比,它们既有相似之处,也有不同之点。

    Compared with Taiwan Strait crises in 1994 and 1998 , some similarities and differences might be found with the two incidents .

  9. 第一次台海危机期间,英国担心因台湾问题而卷入战争,因此其对台政策十分谨慎。

    The first Taiwan strait crisis during the worry for the Taiwan question and involved in wars , so its policy on Taiwan very cautious .

  10. 处于现代化进程中的中国海军目前已经具备执行许多保护国家海上利益的任务,包括应对可能出现的台海危机。

    China 's modernizing navy is already capable of carrying out many missions in defense of maritime security interests , including those involved in Taiwan 's status .

  11. 本文试图运用信息传播的概念拓宽历史研究的视角,对两次台海危机期间中美在信息上的博弈作初步的探析。

    This article is to try analyzing the information game between China and the U.S.A. during the twice crisis in Taiwan Strait with the concept of information dissemination .

  12. 强化我国上市公司监事会制度的立法思考台海危机的案例分析则认为国会在危机解决过程中影响力非常有限,其影响主要在于事后的反应;

    Legislative Thoughts on Strengthening Supervisory Board System of Chinese Listed Companies The means of congressional influence include : legislative , investigative , supervisory and other informal means .

  13. 第一次台海危机是中美两国在朝鲜停战后围绕台湾问题的初次交锋。

    The first " Taiwan Straits Crisis " is the Preliminary confrontation between China and America around the question of Taiwan after the Korean armistice agreement was signed .

  14. 从伊拉克核查危机、科索沃战争、菲律宾人质危机、印巴冲突到台海危机、地区冲突和其他紧张局势连绵不断;

    From the Iraqi crisis of nuclear weapon inspection , war of kosovo , philippine 's hostage crisis , Indian-Pakistani conflict to the Taiwan Straits crisis , regional conflict and other tense situations incessantly ;

  15. 第二次台海危机是美苏两极结构下的世界重大事务。(二)台海危机与中美和战。

    The Second Taiwan Crisis is such an incident under the United States and the Soviet Union 's bipolarity structure . ( 2 ) the Taiwan Straits Crisis and the peace / war between China and America .

  16. 20世纪50年代发生的两次台海危机,表面上是海峡两岸的军事对抗,实质上亦是中美两国之间的严峻对峙。

    The twice crisis in Taiwan Strait took place during 1950s was formally the military confrontation between the P. R. China and Kuomintang regime , but it was also the grim conflict between China and the U.S.A. in essence .