
cái pàn
  • referee;judge;judgment;umpire;adjudicate;act as referee;hand down court decision;pass sentences
裁判 [cái pàn]
  • (1) [hand down court decision;pass sentences][法]∶裁定或判决

  • (2) [judge;umpire;refree]∶体育界担任裁决评判工作的人

裁判[cái pàn]
  1. 足球竞赛规则及裁判法CAI的研制与应用

    Application and Development of CAI in Football Match Rule and Judgment

  2. 《全国武术套路竞赛规则与裁判法》多媒体CAI课件的研制

    Research on the Development of Multimedia CAI Course Software of " The National Wushu Routine Competition Rules and Judgment "

  3. 裁判无法把两位参赛者分出高下。

    The judges found it impossible to separate the two contestants .

  4. 裁判的裁决引起群众怒吼着要暴力相向。

    The referee 's decision left the crowd baying for blood .

  5. 裁判最后吹响了终场的哨声。

    The referee finally blew the whistle to stop the game .

  6. 你可以向独立裁判投诉。

    You may refer your complaint to an independent adjudicator .

  7. 他因为和裁判发生争执而被罚出场。

    He was sent off for arguing with the referee .

  8. 裁判吹响哨子,比赛才算结束。

    The game 's not over till the ref blows the whistle .

  9. 今年比赛谁当裁判?

    Who is adjudicating at this year 's contest ?

  10. 裁判吹响了比赛结束的哨音。

    The referee blew his whistle for full time .

  11. 裁判判定决赛双方得分相等。

    The judges awarded equal points to both finalists .

  12. 由于下大雪,裁判被迫终止了比赛。

    The referee was forced to stop the game because of heavy snow .

  13. 裁判的话引起了公愤。

    The judge 's remarks caused public outrage .

  14. 裁判警告他有危险动作。

    The referee warned him for dangerous play .

  15. 他赢得了公平裁判的荣誉。

    He won renown as a fair judge .

  16. 他把气撒在裁判身上。

    He vented his anger on the referee .

  17. 裁判遭到了恐吓和谩骂。

    The referee had been threatened and abused .

  18. 裁判判定决赛双方得分相等。

    The judges awarded both finalists equal points .

  19. 裁判吹响了终场的哨声。

    The referee blew the final whistle .

  20. 主队要求判点球,但裁判却要他们继续比赛。

    The home team claimed a penalty but the referee told them to play on .

  21. 裁判吹哨子示意有人犯规。

    The referee whistled for a foul .

  22. 裁判吹响了哨子。

    The referee blew his whistle .

  23. 裁判鸣哨示意犯规。

    The referee signalled a foul .

  24. 我们得找个人当裁判。

    We need someone to umpire .

  25. 那场决赛谁是裁判?

    Who refereed the final ?

  26. B级裁判只能协同有A级资质的裁判进行评判。

    A grade B judge could only be allowed to judge alongside a qualified grade A judge .

  27. 裁判必须从运动员的角度考虑问题。

    The referee has to think the way the players do .

  28. 这太荒唐了,不过恰恰证明了裁判的前后矛盾。

    It 's crazy and just shows the inconsistency of refereeing .

  29. 弗里克·伯格将担任阿根廷队对苏格兰队比赛的裁判。

    Frik Burger will officiate when the Pumas play Scotland .

  30. 裁判迈克尔·里德毫不犹豫地判了点球。

    Referee Michael Reed had no hesitation in awarding a penalty